



Millstreet Tidy Towns have over many years paid close attention to a Planting Scheme which supports Wildlife. High nectar plants include : Buddleia, Sedum, Michaelmas Daisy and Lavender.


Buddleia Michaelmas Daisy Lavender


Cotoneaster and Berberis supply nectar and pollen for other insects and berries for birds. Acer and sorbus species of trees, Hawthorn and Blackberry all supply food in the form of seed and fruit for birds, mice and foxes plus leaves for moth species larvae.


Blackberry Hawthorn


Shrub Flowers in Attractive to
Buddleia (Davidii) July to September Bees / Butterflies

Ceanothus (Autumn Blue)

Ceanothus (Impressus)

August + September

May to June

Bees / Butterflies

Bess / Butterflies

Hebe (Autumn Glory) June to November Bees / Butterflies

Lavendula (Spieca)

Erica Cinerea

July to September

June to September

Bees / Butterflies


Escallonia (Apple Blossom) June to September Bees