Townlands of Millstreet Poor Law Union

The Millstreet Poor Law Union had a wide catchment area, and included Millstreet, Ballydaly, Knocknagree, Cullen, Derinagree, Kilcorney, and back into Millstreet again. Wikipedia has a list of all the Townlands in Cork, and within that the Millstreet Townlands are listed. From the smallest townland of Glebe (in Kilcorney) (13 acres) to the largest townland of Caherbarnagh (3,626 acres) there are a total of 182 townlands covering an area of over 74,441 acres or nearly 117 square miles (10.8miles x 10.8 Miles).

Drishane Civil Parish (33,061 acres, 58 townlands, 1 town)
Cullen Civil Parish (13,619 acres, 55 townlands)


The full list of townlands covered by the Millstreet Poor Law Union is below:

Townland Acres Barony Civil Parish
Adrivale 460 West Muskerry Drishane
Ahane Beg 158 Duhallow Cullen
Ahane Lower 188 Duhallow Cullen
Ahane Upper 303 Duhallow Cullen
Anagloor 417 Duhallow Drishane
Ardnageeha 311 Duhallow Cullen
Ballinkeen 242 West Muskerry Drishane
Ballydaly 1,089 West Muskerry Drishane
Ballynatona 278 West Muskerry Drishane
Ballyvouskill 495 West Muskerry Drishane
Baunreagh 76 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Beenreagh 255 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Boolymore 1,031 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Brookpark 750 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Caherbarnagh 3,626 West Muskerry Drishane
Caherdowney 1,173 West Muskerry Drishane
Carragraigue 1,552 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Carrigacooleen 599 West Muskerry Drishane
Carrigaline 380 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Carrigduff 1,305 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Carrigleigh 97 West Muskerry Drishane
Church Hill 99 Duhallow Cullen
Claragh Beg 328 West Muskerry Drishane
Claragh More 462 Duhallow Drishane
Claraghatlea North 397 Duhallow Drishane
Claraghatlea South 185 Duhallow Drishane
Cleanrath 353 Duhallow Cullen
Cloghboola Beg 1,213 West Muskerry Drishane
Cloghboola More 524 West Muskerry Drishane
Cloonbannin East 476 Duhallow Cullen
Cloonbannin West 258 Duhallow Cullen
Coalpits 132 Duhallow Cullen
Coolanarney 398 West Muskerry Drishane
Coolcloher East 215 Duhallow Cullen
Coolcloher South 239 Duhallow Cullen
Coolcloher West 214 Duhallow Cullen
Coole 277 West Muskerry Drishane
Cooleenaree 183 West Muskerry Drishane
Coolnagillagh Lower 202 West Muskerry Drishane
Coolnagillagh Upper 335 West Muskerry Drishane
Coolykeerane 623 Duhallow Drishane
Coomacheo 2,157 West Muskerry Drishane
Coomlogane 615 West Muskerry Drishane
Crinnaloo North 535 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Crinnaloo South 1,203 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Curracahill 691 West Muskerry Drishane
Curragh 996 West Muskerry Drishane
Dernagree 147 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Derragh 317 Duhallow Cullen
Derreen 111 West Muskerry Drishane
Derryleagh 315 Duhallow Kilmeen
Derrynatubbrid 375 Duhallow Kilmeen
Donoure East 173 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Donoure Middle 111 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Donoure West 174 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Doonasleen East 196 Duhallow Kilmeen
Doonasleen North 526 Duhallow Kilmeen
Doonasleen South 600 Duhallow Kilmeen
Dooneens 594 West Muskerry Drishane
Drishane Beg 383 West Muskerry Drishane
Drishane More 278 West Muskerry Drishane
Drombeg 58 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Drominagh North 575 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Drominagh South 463 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Drominahilla 139 West Muskerry Drishane
Dromsicane 397 Duhallow Cullen
Duarrigle 147 Duhallow Cullen
Euglaune 137 Duhallow Cullen
Farrankeal 408 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Ferm 106 West Muskerry Drishane
Finnanfield 361 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Garrane North 175 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Garrane South 201 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Garrane West 194 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Garraneduff 335 West Muskerry Drishane
Geararoe 76 West Muskerry Drishane
Glantane Beg 222 Duhallow Cullen
Glantane More 311 Duhallow Cullen
Glebe 13 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Glenleigh 638 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Gneeves 467 West Muskerry Drishane
Gortageen 569 Duhallow Cullen
Gortavehy East 512 West Muskerry Drishane
Gortavehy West 536 West Muskerry Drishane
Gorteennafinnoge 446 Duhallow Cullen
Gortnaclogh 246 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Gortnacreha 225 Duhallow Cullen
Horsemount North 495 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Horsemount South 315 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Horsemountmountain 631 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Inches 400 West Muskerry Drishane
Inchileigh 262 West Muskerry Drishane
Islandbrack 370 Duhallow Kilmeen
Island-dahill 439 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Keale North 258 Duhallow Cullen
Keale South 210 Duhallow Cullen
Kealmanagh 265 Duhallow Cullen
Kilcorney 101 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Killeen 148 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Killetragh 468 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Killowen 221 West Muskerry Drishane
Kilmeedy East 316 West Muskerry Drishane
Kilmeedy West 461 West Muskerry Drishane
Kippagh 689 West Muskerry Drishane
Knockacarracoosh 221 Duhallow Cullen
Knockagallane 616 West Muskerry Drishane
Knockagarrane East 118 Duhallow Cullen
Knockagarrane West 105 Duhallow Cullen
Knockane 151 Duhallow Cullen
Knockanroe 191 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Knockastuckane 315 Duhallow Cullen
Knockcahill 291 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Knockduff Lower 124 Duhallow Cullen
Knockduff Upper 360 Duhallow Cullen
Knockeenadallane 275 Duhallow Cullen
Knockeennagearagh 256 Duhallow Cullen
Knockgorm 94 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Knocknageeha East 228 Duhallow Cullen
Knocknageeha North 238 Duhallow Cullen
Knocknageeha South 174 Duhallow Cullen
Knocknageeha West 168 Duhallow Cullen
Knocknagree 448 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Knocknakilla 1,140 West Muskerry Drishane
Knocknaloman 651 West Muskerry Drishane
Knocknashannagh 302 Duhallow Cullen
Knockyhena 595 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Lackabane 284 West Muskerry Drishane
Lackanastooka 431 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Lackdotia 411 West Muskerry Drishane
Laght 423 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Laghtsigh 442 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Laharan 187 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Liscahane 767 West Muskerry Drishane
Liscreagh 405 West Muskerry Drishane
Lisheenafeela 317 Duhallow Cullen
Lislehane 175 Duhallow Cullen
Lisnaboy Lower 247 Duhallow Cullen
Lisnaboy Upper 267 Duhallow Cullen
Lisnashearshane 296 Duhallow Cullen
Lissacapia 55 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Lissaniska 149 Duhallow Cullen
Loumanagh North 211 Duhallow Kilmeen
Loumanagh South 528 Duhallow Kilmeen
Lyravuckane 227 Duhallow Cullen
Lyredaowen 489 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Maulyclickeen 353 Duhallow Kilmeen
Meenagloghrane 365 Duhallow Cullen
Meenskeha East 222 Duhallow Cullen
Meenskeha West 250 Duhallow Cullen
Milleenylegane 122 Duhallow Cullen
Millstreet Town West Muskerry Drishane
Minehill 165 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Moher 427 Duhallow Cullen
Mountinfant 311 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Mountleader 254 West Muskerry Drishane
Mullaghroe North 166 Duhallow Cullen
Mullaghroe South 186 Duhallow Cullen
Mushera 452 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Mushera 649 West Muskerry Drishane
Nohaval Lower 414 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Nohaval Upper 477 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Nohavaldaly 964 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Park 233 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Prohus 312 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Rathcool 979 Duhallow Dromtarriff
Rathduane 788 West Muskerry Drishane
Rathroe 223 Duhallow Cullen
Scrahan 304 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Shanakill 255 West Muskerry Kilcorney
Shanaknock 348 Duhallow Drishane
Shanbally 428 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Skagh 296 Duhallow Cullen
Tober 109 West Muskerry Drishane
Toorboney 367 West Muskerry Drishane
Tooreenbane 594 West Muskerry Drishane
Tooreenreaghy 143 Duhallow Nohavaldaly
Tullig 1,730 West Muskerry Drishane
Two Gneeves 199 Duhallow Cullen
Ummeraboy East 371 Duhallow Kilmeen
Ummeraboy West 709 Duhallow Kilmeen
Urraghilmore East 417 Duhallow Kilmeen
Urraghilmore West 416 Duhallow Kilmeen

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