The Baptism of the Lord – 8thJanuary, 2012
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile087-7752948
MONDAY-TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY 10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS: Michael Dineen, Cullen Village
Gertie Kiely, Tuam
Rose McAuley, Derry
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 7thJanuary:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Denis & Nell Hickey, Mill Lane
Sunday 8thJanuary:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m.John & Bridget Murphy, Ballydaly
Cullen 10.15 a.m.Timmy O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy
Millstreet 11.30 a.m.Sonny & Ann Marie Murphy, Clarabeg
Anniversaries: Hannah & James Lucey, Station Road; John, Margaret & Eileen Duggan, West End; Con Corcoran, Murphy’s Terrace; Daniel O’Mahony, Main Street; Darby Kelleher, Minor Row; Con D. O’Connor, Coolikerane; Julia & Tim Kiely, Tubber; John & Catherine Dineen & James Fleming, Mologhroe; Kevin Gardiner, Duarigle; Ellen O’Riordan, Carriganima; Julia Vaughan, Newmarket; Hannah & Edward Fleming, Killarney.
Mass Intentions for next week-end:
Saturday 14thJanuary:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m.Bertie & Kate Kelleher, Murphy’s Terrace
Sunday 15thJanuary:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m.Lily Guerin, Ballydaly
Cullen 10.15 am.Teddy Condon, Coalpits
Millstreet 11.30 a.m.John & Joan O’Connor, Ballinkeane
Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €3,441.70.Thanks.
MillstreetChurch:Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00a.m., unless there is a funeral.
Mass on Friday 13thfor Sean O’Riordan, Church Street at 7.30p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacramentevery Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 10.30p.m. in theBlessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet.Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions– A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. Each Wednesday the box will be placed on the altar for Mass and then placed in the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them.
CONFESSIONS: Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30p.m.-1.00p.m.
Rotas for Next Weekend 14th/15thJanuary |
Millstreet |
6.30 p.m. | Mona Linehan | Group B |
11.30 a.m. | Patricia Kelly | ||
Ballydaly |
9.00 a.m. | Mary Murphy | Group E |
Cullen |
10.15 a.m. | Marie O’Sullivan | Group E: Con Goulding & Mary Twomey |
CULLENCHURCH: Collector for next weekend (15th):Pat Ryan
Mass on Thursday 12thfor John Joe, Neily & Peggy O’Sullivan, Hollymount at 7.30p.m
CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: Many thanks to those who have dropped in your Christmas offering Envelope. Your generosity is much appreciated.
PARISH ENVELOPES: The new boxes of envelopes for 2012 have now been delivered to households. If you have not received a box please contact the Parish Office (029) 70043. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
“DO THIS IN MEMORY”: The next night of the special parish based programme for parents and children preparing for First Holy Communion is taking place at theVigil Mass in Millstreet on next Saturday 14thand in Cullen on Sunday 15t..All children and parents are invited to attend.
TALK WITH FR. TIMOTHY RADCLIFFE: hosted by Diocese of Kerry on Wednesday 11thJanuary in the Conference Centre, The Malton Hotel, Killarney at 8.00p.m. All welcome.
Community Notices
MILLSTREET ACTIVE RETIRED GROUP: Annual General Meeting on Monday 16thJanuary at 7.00p.m. in the Canon O’Donovan Centre. Everybody welcome.
CULLEN & DISTRICT SPECIAL NEEDS ASSOCIATION: Annual sponsored weigh-in beginning on Monday January 16that 8.00p.m.
MILLSTREETCOMMUNITY SCHOOL: “Living Scenes” will recommence on Thursday 12thJanuary at 1.20p. in the school library.Good luck to the four teams of Transition Years taking part in the BT Young Scientist Exhibition in Dublin this week.
CAREERS4U– Help and guidance with CAO choices and career paths. Contact (086) 3970023 or (086) 1611104.
Interesting Statistics for our Parish for the past 3 years
Year: 2009 2010 2011
Funerals: 39 36 48
Baptisms: 62 54 61
Confirmations: 85 70
Marriages: 15 10 20
JUST A THOUGHT: Learn from the past; look to the future; live in the present