Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to News Report 1134 from Millstreet. Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wet Tuesday morning, the last one in September.
Our brilliant Active Retirement Group will be ten years in existence next month and they will celebrate the occasion in style on Tuesday October 16th with Mass in our Parish Church at 7.30pm followed by refreshments at the Wallis Arms Hotel and dancing to the ever popular Patrick O Sullivan. Admission €5.
The retirement group has enhanced the lives of many of our people since it’s inception ten years ago. Mature people have made their own of Line Dancing, and The Slosh, gone on countless outings and classes made new friends and in general enjoyed a much more fulfilling and enjoyable way of life. So keep October 16th free for this gala occasion.
Bertie Buckley is about to resume his Art & Painting Classes and he will host an enrollment night at the GAA Hall on Tuesday night of next week, October 2nd , from 7.30. All are welcome including new members and classes begin on October 9th.
The Men’s shed in Poundhill still opens every Tuesday from 10am to 1 and 7 to 9.30 pm. Plans are afoot to extend the activities at the Men’s shed including musical and cultural sessions etc. And new members are more than welcome.
And please take note that they will hold a Church Gate collection this weekend September 29/30th. Please support it well. The Men’s shed is to the men what the Active Retired group is to the ladies, There is no need for anyone to feel left out or marginalised. But the first step must come from yourself. The welcome is there please avail of it.
The Knitting Club is opened every Tueday night from 7 to 9, all crafts and all people are welcome.
45 Drive at the Canon O’Donovan centre every Tuesday night. Proceeds go to the Centre.
And a special notice here to say that there is a house to rent at the Canon O Donovan Centre. Contact them at 029 70926.
Our church choir practice is held every Wednesday night at the Pastoral Centre from 8 to 9.
And our Parish Choir which is a different thing is going from strength to strength, practice is held every Thursday night again at the Pastoral Centre.
Centre. From 7.30 to 8.30. with both men and women taking part . It is just the thing for all those who love a relaxed singing session. The Group leader is the popular Marie Twomey and all welcome.
Notes for the next issue of Clara News is due in to the Editor this Thursday September 27th.
Our Pipe band was very pleased by the number of young people who turned up to enroll last week and they would like to say many thanks to all those who supported their recent church gate collection.
Mary FitzGerald’s Coffee morning in aid of Mary Mount Hospice closed at the fine figure of €1,025.
A note here to say that a Coffee Morning for the same cause will be held at the home of Neil and Ciara McSweeney in Ballydaly on Saturday September 29th from 10.30 to 2pm.again your support would be appreciated.
Dancing has resumed in Ballydaly every Wednesday night and from next Sunday night the weekly cards games will also start up there again.
Dancing in Aubane on Monday nights and Cards on Thursday nights.
There is a wide range of other activities going on in our town for the younger generation. Contact Nicola McMahon and she will fill you in.
A fond Bon Voyage to all those who are off to Medjugorje this week. We hope they will remember us all in their prayers.
Look up our website, it is updated every day by our team of dedicated people. And it is enjoyed by our people all over the world. Fransie Duggan’s wonderful poems are truly awe-inspiring and his free flowing talent for verse brings so much joy to all.
It is wonderful to meet so many people who are here from foreign parts on holiday and to know that they enjoy our input on the media. A million thanks to them for making themselves known to us and letting us know, it makes our efforts all the more rewarding. Mile Baoichas.
Every good wish to Cullen’s William FitzGerald who will launch his Cork Music Station at the Hazel Tree, in Mallow on Monday October 8th. Tickets available from Committee members.
The HSE are looking for volunteers for their new initiative entitled “The Connect Conversation Partner”. Contact them for details 066 71 99 730.
Eucharistic Adoration in Our Church every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10.30 am to 10.30 pm. In Cullen on Thursdays at the same times and in Ballydaly on Fridays from 5 to 9 pm.
Please give a little of your time to the Lord. Confessions here every Saturday from 12.30 to 1pm
If you are a man or woman affected by Domestic Violence, contact IRD Duhallow for help. 029 60633.
Here are the results of this week’s parish lotto draw which was held at McCarthy’s Bar on Sunday night, numbers drawn were 9, 17, 27, 32 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Breda & P J c/o Tarrant’s Bar, the Seller was Tarrant’s Bar and they got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Joan & Pat J Creedon, Cloghoula, €20 each to Siobhan Buckley, Carriganima, Dan, Denny and Seamus Twomey, Station Rd. Tom Kelleher, Moulnahorna, The Ahern Family, Boherbue, Kevin O Connor, Rathrue, Man with no Name c/o the Mal Passo Bar. Joan Wall Station Rd. and the Randall family, Minor Row, Jackpot for next week €3,400 the draw at the Clara Inn on Sunday night.
Agus sinn a bfuil a cairde, Slan is beannacht De libh go leir.