Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Sincere Congratulations to Christina on a Very Happy Retirement
Pictured with members of her Family – Christina O’Connell has just retired from Derrinagree Post Office and her wonderfully welcoming Shop following most magnificent and dedicated service to the public since 1951! Many presentations have taken place in recent days including the celebration of Mass and School Reception in Derrinagree on Friday, 8th May 2015. LTV2 Millstreet recorded a special feature on the final day of totally dedicated service. Sincere congratulations to Christina on a long, healthy and very happy retirement. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Time brings with it changes is how it seems to be
The Post Office run for sixty four years by Christina O Connell has closed in Derrinagree
Another chapter in Duhallow’s history has come to a close
That time is the instigator of change one would have to suppose
On the Bernard Crowley interviewing of Donie Lucey on the Post Office closure on Millstreet L T V
They talked of another chapter closure in Duhallow’s history
In the twenty first century of places that have escaped change not any i could name
That the changes keep on happening has always been the same
Yes the changes keep on happening and one might say quite fast
And only the memories remain of the past
Another chapter has closed on Derrinagree’s history’s page
But then we are in the prime of the technological age
The Post Office Christina O Connell has worked in since her physical prime
She has turned the key on the lock for the very last time
To sixty four years of service to the Derrinagree community she did remain true
She was loyal to her calling in life for to give her what is only her due
The Derrinagree Post Office is now history
One more small business in Duhallow confined to memory
And Donie Lucey has his memories of the what used to be
Of when he was younger in old Derrinagree.
Christina, have a wonderful retirement, many thanks for your help and kindness in 2009 whilst I was over for my uncle Tadgh’s funeral. I shall pop in and see you next year when I visit Clonbanin
With Love Paul Justice
Hope you enjoy your retirement as much as I’m enjoying mine for the last 13 years. Best wishes, Christina!
Wishing you a healthy and happy retirement! You and the family look great!!!
Happy retirement!!
Time brings with it changes is how it seems to be
The Post Office run for sixty four years by Christina O Connell has closed in Derrinagree
Another chapter in Duhallow’s history has come to a close
That time is the instigator of change one would have to suppose
On the Bernard Crowley interviewing of Donie Lucey on the Post Office closure on Millstreet L T V
They talked of another chapter closure in Duhallow’s history
In the twenty first century of places that have escaped change not any i could name
That the changes keep on happening has always been the same
Yes the changes keep on happening and one might say quite fast
And only the memories remain of the past
Another chapter has closed on Derrinagree’s history’s page
But then we are in the prime of the technological age
The Post Office Christina O Connell has worked in since her physical prime
She has turned the key on the lock for the very last time
To sixty four years of service to the Derrinagree community she did remain true
She was loyal to her calling in life for to give her what is only her due
The Derrinagree Post Office is now history
One more small business in Duhallow confined to memory
And Donie Lucey has his memories of the what used to be
Of when he was younger in old Derrinagree.
“On the Derrinagree Post Office Closure” is by Francis Duggan
(added by mdc)
Christina, have a wonderful retirement, many thanks for your help and kindness in 2009 whilst I was over for my uncle Tadgh’s funeral. I shall pop in and see you next year when I visit Clonbanin
With Love Paul Justice