O’Flynn Medical are delighted and honoured to have won the Cork Chamber SME Company of the Year 2019.
A huge thank you to all our valued customers, suppliers, friends and neighbours, not to mention the support and good wishes extended from near and far.
I would particularly like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to my loyal staff. Their diligence, motivation and dedication has made O’Flynn Medical what it is today and without them this would not have been possible.
Warm Wishes, Tadhg O’Flynn
Zenith wins Cork Company of Year (Irish Examiner)
Congrats @CorkChamber 200 celebrations & Cork Company of the Year award winners @SeanWisetek @Wisetek Brendan O’Regan Zenith Technologies, Frank Fleming Verifish & Tadgh O’Flynn O’Flynn Medical great pic Darrah Kane pic.twitter.com/8GlOpAOgzg
— Cllr. Tony Fitzgerald (@Tfitzgeraldcork) February 2, 2019
#Corkchamber200 Cork SME Company of the Year 2019 won by O’Flynn Medical, who offer the sale, rental, service and decontamination of a wide range of medical equipment. #iestaff via @PodgeExaminer
— Irish Examiner (@irishexaminer) February 1, 2019
Sincere congratulations to O’Flynn Medical on such a richly deserved outstanding achievement in the highly prestigious Award Ceremony. Continued success in future years.
Anne, Tadgh family and staff, many congratulations on a wonderful achievement. Enjoy life in the fast lane!