“Where the Road Takes Me” on C103 at 7pm This Sunday

We thank Presenter, John Greene for advance information regarding his very interesting radio feature which will be broadcast at 7pm on Sunday, 11th Nov. 2018.  (S.R.)

Parkinson’s Disease and bee-keeping does seem like a strange combination for a radio programme.

On ‘Where the road takes me’ this Sunday evening, John Greene brings you the story of Tony and Kate Wilkinson who now live in Bandon.

Tony with a military career in the UK, met West Cork girl Kate Harrington in London.

Soon after they were married, Tony, while undergoing a routine operation, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. To escape the physical obstacles that a busy city like London would create, the couple moved to Bandon. 

On the programme, they both speak about how Parkinson’s has changed their lives, and how they have confronted its challenges.

Although 967 people in Cork alone have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, the HSE does not provide a support nurse service, as is the case in the UK.

Tony is campaigning strenuously for the service, which he has calculated will save the HSE 300,000 euro per nurse, per annum.

And the strange things about bees – we learn how these amazing little creatures have helped Tony reduce frustration, anger and depression. 

Parkinson’s and Bees – Tony and Kate’s story on Where the road takes me – this Sunday evening at 7 – on C103.

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