Pictured yesterday at Kippagh is a Large Flowered Butterworth, currently in bloom in the hills around Millstreet. It is a native of the upland acid bogs of Cork and Kerry. While it has beautiful flowers, the leaves below are carnivorous!! Insects walk or fly onto the leaves, which roll at their edges to prevent escape – an unlikely occurrence – since butterworts possess the strongest natural glues known. These leaves exude enzymes which digest certain parts of the insect’s body, the plant absorbing essential nourishment. After digestion the dry insect husk blows away. Butterworts overwinter as rootless resting buds. (You can see the insects on the leaves above 💀) [1]
See also:
Carnivorous Plants – Killers in the Bog
Information on Large-flowered Butterwort
Also found around Rockchapel area fascinating plant