We invite you to submit your Requests for our weekly Music Request Show “Lunchtime Favourites” (Sunday, 2nd August 2020) on Cork Music Station which is broadcast directly after our transmission of the celebration of 11:30 am Mass from 12:10pm until 13:30pm. Just email your requests anytime to corkmusicstation @gmail.com or text/WhatsApp to 086 825 0074. Our focus this Sunday will include the wonderfully uplifting songs and tunes hugely popular in the era of Carnivals in Millstreet in the 1950s and 1960s. Sure to evoke some great memories! Further gems in song we also share. We hear about Saturday’s First Wedding in Millstreet since February. We discover the story behind the splendid new seat at the Cross on Clara Mountain. This and much more! Happy Listening! Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)