Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
12th September 2021
Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.
Telephone Nos.: Landline: 029 70043 & Mobile: 087 775 2948
Email: millstreet
Parish Office Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
10.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following:
RECENT DEATHS: Finbarr Gurhy, England.
ANNIVERSARIES: Joanne & Peter O’Connor, Minor Row; Dick Barrett, The Square; Paddy Healy, Pound Hill; Peter Desmond, Pound Hill; Christy Kelleher, Kilmeedy; Nora & Daniel O’Mahony, Cloghoulabeg; Kathleen O’Donoghue, Aubane; Mary Twomey, Rathduane; Donal Lynch, Kippagh & Killarney; Margaret O’Connor, Rathcoole & Dublin; Joan O’Rahilly, New Jersey & Ballyvouskil.
Mass Intentions for THIS weekend:
Saturday 11th September:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m. Tadhg & Timmy Moynihan, Ballydaly; John Cronin, Lackabawn.
Sunday 12th September:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m.
Cullen 10.15a.m. Annie, Mary & the deceased members of the Murphy Family, Mologhroe
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Kathleen Murphy, Drishane Road; Sheila Cronin, Main Street
Mass Intentions for NEXT weekend:
Saturday 18th September:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m. Alan & Tommy O’Connor, Minor Row
Sunday 12th September:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Joan & Denis Cronin, Coolinarne & Jerh Cronin, Coolinarne
Cullen 10.15a.m. Sheila & Denis Murphy, Lyreaoune
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Den Joe Kelleher, Station Road
We welcome the limited increase of people to our churches but to ensure the safety of everyone we will be retaining our booking system for Thursday night Mass in Cullen and all weekend Masses so please continue to contact our Parish Office.
Just a gentle reminder to please wear a face covering in our Churches and please santise when entering & leaving our Churches. We thank you for your co-operation.
Rotas for Next Weekend 18th/19th September | |||
Millstreet | 6.30 p.m. | Catriona Kelleher | Kathleen O’Leary;
Myra Sheehan. |
11.30 a.m. | Bernie Cronin | Mary Buckley;
Martina Sheehan |
Ballydaly | 9.00 a.m. | Maeve O’Sullivan | |
Cullen | 10.15 a.m. | Marie Morley |
Millstreet Church –
Monday (13th September): Mass at 7.30p.m. for: Donal Lynch, Kippagh & Killarney
Tuesday (14th September): Mass at 10.00a.m. for: Christopher Dennehy, Church Street
Wednesday (15th September): Mass at 10.00a.m. for: People of the Parish
Thursday (16th September): Mass at 10.00am for: Private Intention
Friday (17th September): Mass at 10.00a.m. for: Billy, Liz & Billy O’Sullivan, Coalpits; Denis & Nora O’Sullivan, Inches
Mass on Thursday 16th September at 7.30p.m. for Eugene & Peggy Cronin, Cullen
SEASON OF CREATION WEBINAR: On Thursday 16th of Sept, the Diocese of Kerry Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee invite you to ‘Restoring Our Common Home… Webinar, Caring for God’s Creatures’ as part of Season of Creation 2021.
To register for this free hour-long webinar please log onto
We congratulate the children of our Parish who received their First Holy Communion over the past 2 weekends. We thank their teachers, parents and families for the support they have given to their children in preparation for this special day.
We pray today that they all always feel the warmth of God’s love, the strength of his guidance and the reassurance of his protection.
A big welcome back to our organist Edel and to our Church choir. It was so lovely to be there at Mass this morning to hear you singing and playing so beautifully! Thank you! ☺