Eily’s Report – 30th May

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.

They say that if play with fire you’ll burn your fingers. Well I wasn’t playing with fire, but I was cutting some nettles with the secateurs why I didn’t use something with a longer handle I’ll never know, well anyway I got stung, and my fingers are throbbing.   But maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Long ago people suffering from ‘the pains’ often patted the affected area with these unwelcome plants. We had an elderly neighbour one time who suffered from backache and she’d gladly lie on a bad of nettles to drive her ache away. How much success she had I’ll never know. So who knows my experience today may ease my arthritic paws. If not I still have the hope that the ones now soaking in water will nourish my plants in the weeks ahead.

As I cut I couldn’t but notice the swarms of white-fly out there and if they are on the nettles, they could also be ready to devour our beloved potted plants. So please check them out.

Aahh the lovely fine day. It fills the mind with things to do but very soon the body says it’s time to rest. And sitting out there with an open mind it really is amazing the number of things that catch your attention. Always to the forefront are the birds of course. Taking a breather sitting on an old chair in the open shed today, I was taken aback at the number of little feathered friends that have made their homes there. There was a tiny hole in a cavity block ,no more than an inch  wide by two inches high and to my  disbelief on came a little house Martin and slid in there with a beak full of food for it’s young. Others were busy feeding theirs in the same nests as last year in the rafters, But the little one in the the  cavity block ,filled me with inspiration, and all of a sudden my minds eye revealed a mighty apartment block of bird homes just at our fingertips. Most of our walls are built with these cavity blocks and I wonder if we went to the trouble of making little  holes here and there on them it could be the answer to all small bird’s problems. The size is the most important thing of course, and I’ll certainly give it a try.

It’s that time of year again when bus tours abound. Schools and adult places of learning are closing for the summer and there is no better way to mark the occasion than go on a carefree Bus tour. Such events are brought to a fine art these days .In some cases the tour is free and in places where there is a charge, everything is paid in advance down to the last detail, which means that the outing is trouble free all the way. A fifty three seater coach was needed to take the students from Marie Twomey’s Adult Learning School on a wonderful trip to Clonakilty last week. Among other things they were guests at the renowned Clonakilty Black Pudding Factory, where they enjoyed sizzling helpings of the lovely products and a very interesting tour of the history factory. One thing that I didn’t know was that black puddings are made of beef and white puddings are made with pork.

There was time to visit the local church the Michael Collins Centre and the beautiful model railway plus a trip to the beach before heading to the Dunmanway Hotel for a beautiful dinner.

The Jack Roche Mystery tour was held last week also. Their bus full went to the Buffolo farm before heading off to many other places of interest and arrived back to Millstreet at about 9.

Next week our Active Retired Group will be heading West for a four /five day tour of Mayo. On Paudie Kenneally’s 52 seater coach. Staying at the Westport Woods Hotel & Leisure Centre. Again all costs are paid up front which makes the outing all the more enjoyable. Departing at 10 am  on Monday June 5th  and returning on Friday June 9th.

Please be reminded that busses are now equipped with a free phone charging facility over very seat. But it is important that you bring your own connection.

The month of June and the Cork Summer Show go together like peaches and cream. Well they do in my world anyway. As a young couple starting off on the land how Dan and I  looked forward to going there every year. Back then the Cork Summer Show was held in Ballintemple. We’d milk the cows early,  take the milk to the creamery, put the children to school and head off. There was always something new to see, lessons to be learned and meet people like ourselves and share common interests. One of the things that stand out in my memory was that with the coming of the Show, came the new spuds  our own at home not just there yet so we relished them when we eat out at the show before returning home to milk the cows, laden with leaflets and handouts telling us of all the ways that will make life more modern and easier. It can’t be easy for the folks of today to understand how we longed for the new crops every year, because  everything is available all year round now. The New Potatoes, the early cabbage. For vegetables we had to rely on the last season’s potatoes and turnips to see us through until they came, there was no way to preserve soft foods back then. And nothing could compare to the taste of them when they came along in the month of June.   Gifts from God.

I was asked to mention that we have a very happy toddler group in the town. They meet  every Monday morning at the GAA Hall from 10 to 12  and  parents and their little ones are welcome. No need to ring or book ,just come along and be with this happy little group for two hours on a Monday morning.

The historic Feis Laitiarain will be held in Cullen on June 11. Please support it well. All Welcome.

The customary end of May Mass was celebrated and Tubrid Well on Friday night. For Many years this ceremony was said by our own Fr. Paddy O’Byrne, but in his absence we had no less than three priests, Canon John, Fr. John O’Shea and Fr. Sean Tucker.  Edel Fraser on the organ and  Our Parish Choir and our Community Singers provided the Hymns, our Pipe Band was also there. A very large crowd attended.  The setting was beautiful, the weather calm and sunny as people used up the many seats around the well .while others remained standing. I was asked to give a mention to Jerry Collins who uses some of his time in  retirement to make this Holy Place the essence of cleanliness , and order  and a joy for all who come to worship there. Canon John remarked on the wonderful gift that Tubrid is to us both as a supplier of water and a place of prayer and peace. He prayed for people from all walks of life giving special mention to the students who will be doing their exams.

He then  reminded the people that Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cemetery this Friday evening June 2nd. at 7.30.

There is an important notice from our Tidy Towns  Committee to say that there is a clean up every Tuesday evening at 7.30. This week it starts at the Carnegie Hall. Please come out and help this hard working group. Also keep our approach Roads litter free. There is a large fine for offenders who are caught.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were, 6,16,17,27 and the Jackpot was not won.€100 went Fionn and Colm Corkery, The seller was Mary O’Connor and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went Christy Tarrant. c/o Corkery’s. €20 each to Ciara O’Connor, c/o Mary O’Connor, Susan Murphy c/o Joan Casey, Tom & Robert Carroll, c/o Tom Carroll, Linda & Mary Coleman. c/o Colemans. Mrs. T c/o Michelle Whelan, Aden Buicke, c/o Capabu. Olaf and Edel Tobin, c/o Colemans, Marie & Emma Coleman c/o Colemans.

Next Draw Bank Holiday Monday  June 5th. Jackpot €9.000.

Eucharistic Adoration in our Church every Tuesday from 10.30am to 7.30pm.  There is no Mass this Thursday morning. Confessions every Saturday from 12.30 to 1.

Legion of Mary every Tuesday night at the Parish Centre at 7.30.

Tune in to Sean Radley tonight on Cork Music Station from 9.30.

45Drive at the Canon O’Donovan centre tonight at 8.30.

In closing let me wish you all a very happy and safe Bank Holiday weekend . For those going on holidays etc a safe and enjoyable break.

Agus sinn abfuil a cairde Slán is Beannacht Dé libh go léir.


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