Eily’s Report – 15th August

Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a cáirde and welcome to my Report.

It’s a good job that there is always something to keep the spirits up and this past week was no exception, Buíochas le Dia. All heads were raised in  Cloghoula when a big white passenger Bus turned in the Ballinatona road at hi noon one of the days and came to a halt at the homestead of the Sheahan Family. It turned out to be a group of Farmers all the way from Canada in the United States  who were curious to learn more about  Conor Sheahan’s unusual breed of cattle which they saw on-line back home. I must thank the same Conor for filling me in  on the details of the exciting venture. The animals  are a Japanese breed of stock called Wagyu and the visitors were delighted to see them here in Ireland where they thriving and doing well.   During their four hour stay the guests were free to roam the fields and farmyard buildings  and ask questions etc. before sitting down to a scrumptious meal of said meat on the menu all expertly cooked and served by our own Craft Butcher in town, Tony. Conor told me it is the most expensive meat of all and is delivered by courier to the best Hotels in Dublin.  This weekend the Rotterdam Team is coming to Ireland and they will be treated to Wagyu meat for their gala dinner at the Mansion House. Plans are afoot to stock some butcher shops down south  in the near future. We wish the Sheahan family continued success with the latest extension to their business. But different breeds are nothing new to Ballinatona. Next door the O’Riordan family have stocked up with  a herd of Dexter Cattle and doing very well. It’s great to see young farmers diversifying and reaching out to new ideas and  markets. God Bless their work.

It’s a far cry from our day when people especially young farmers were frowned upon for even  thinking of making any improvement on an age old system and where the lad for the farm didn’t get the reins until the old fellow was in the grave and even at that he was never sure if he was going to get the place until the will was read. Hence the many broken down deserted places around the country where a lad was too old to get a wife and have a family by the time he owned the place. It is a joy and an encouragement to us all to see the welcome changes of today.

Our media redeemed itself a lot over the past week. For the first time in a long time they put on some wonderful shows. We sat back and enjoyed hour after hour of The Fleadh for three nights.  It’s amazing to see how the Irish Music continues to widen it’s horizons with people of every race ,creed ,and colour enjoying it. This year there were lots of local young people taking part and winning. I wouldn’t know the young people on the screen  but in company I had others naming several . There were moments that made the blood race in your veins with the crowds adding to the momentum at the joy that is derived from our traditions  that were kept alive  down through the years ,in hard times. The Best.

 And the Dublin Horse Show kept us on the edge of our seats for a few more days.  The sun shone down on the massive crowds and the competitions were nail biting stuff as rider and horse negotiated the challenging rounds. The audience was in unison with them as they held their breath, the deafening roar at a great win and the swell of disappointment when a pole came down. With Dublin over can Millstreet be far behind. August 16 to 20 to be precise. Soon the huge horse carriers will be rolling into town. Don’t miss this spectacular event. Admission is always free and seating and parking and food outlets will be second to none as usual. All on our doorstep. Don’t miss it.

All other sporting events were well included in our week’s TV and for once I think the Stations should take a bow.

Our Town is being further enhanced at the moment thanks to the addition of a lovely new mural of a gable end in Minor Row. Depicting the Fair for which the place was so well known in the past. Some say that the images of people on it can be recognised. See if you know them next time you pass. At the other end of town we have a fine image of a local scene on the gable end of our Centra Store, But alas it is badly hidden by the overhead leaf on the adjacent business place .  Further to that our great Bank of Ireland building is getting a well earned facelift as well as other places. These features add great light and life to a town. Well done to all involved. Our Tidy Towns people can be seen at all hours making every effort to make our town a better place. Please come out and help them in any way you can.

Water , you never miss the water till the well goes dry and that is just what hit us here at the weekend when our taps went dry. Hairdressers, cafes, etc were badly hit. In time it was announced that a tank of water was made available at our Super Valu car Park. Mind you our people from near and far were not too  pleased to see the town that they love so well being described as a Village. It was a great relief when all was put right again next day.

The Gladiolas are in full bloom at the moment. I don’t know why but they always remind me of Kanturk Show. Each year in the past when we went on our bikes to the said Show, we would see the first ones of the season in full array there and the memory lingers on. In spite of wind and weather our fruit trees are bearing some fine crops. Plums and Damsons were never so good .the humble blackberries are weighing down the briers.  Apples and pears not far behind. It wouldn’t surprise me if this balmy weather brought up a few wild mushrooms. Be on the look out for them, it’s sheer magic to find some.

Here are the results of this week’s lotto draw which was held on Sunday Night. Numbers drawn were, 2,12,24,31, and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Darren Kiely, Liscahane, The seller was Paula Healy and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Darragh and Ryan O’Sullivan, c/o Mary O’Connor, €20 each Sheila Nagle, c/o Joan Casey, Noreen O’Connor, c/o Mary O’Connor, Phillip & John C, c/o Colemans, Trevor O’Connor c/o Mary O’Connor, Mary Desmond c/o Mary O’Connor, Pat Barrett c/o Lehane, Tadg McSweeney c/o Colemans, Jerry, Cathy and Libby O’Connor, West End  c/o Corkery’s.

 Next Draw August 20. Jackpot €11,200.

Today August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady and Holy Day of Obligation.  Mass at 11.30.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday from 10.30 am to 7.30pm.

Confessions every Saturday From 12.30 to 1.

Legion of Mary Meeting at the Parish Centre every Tuesday night at 7.30 all welcome.

There is a note on our Mass leaflet this week which says Please note Diary for Masses in 2014 for Millstreet Parish will open on Monday August 21st.

There are a few seats left on the Bus going to Knock on Sunday August 26th   Contact the Parish Office 029 70043.

Millstreet Gramophone Circle presentation by Anne McCarthy, Boherbue, on Friday August 18,at the Canon O’Donovan Centre Millstreet  at 8.15, all welcome.

Cullen Special Needs,  Annual Vintage Afternoon Sunday August 27th.

Agus sinn abfuil a cairde Slán is Beannacht Dé libh go léir.

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