Eily’s Report – 25th June

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

The wheel of Millstreet rolls on and work on preparing the old cinema at the West End has started in earnest. Even this fine structure needs a lot of work to bring it up to today’s standards for a modern day Gym and leisure complex. Already work has started on the sound-proofing, and the fireproofing. There is a fine residential section to the front which will be upgraded to meet the requirements of any family home of today. Great plans indeed, needless to say funding will be a major factor and the Community Council is hoping for good support in their efforts to provide a first class amenity for our town, which will see them far into the future.

Please keep up the good work in support of our Tidy Towns. The weather is rather dry and plants are in need of constant watering and attention. Come out on Tuesday evening at 7 for the weekly Clean Up and we ask all road users to refrain from littering our roads. The countryside is aglow with flowering shrubs and trees. The white Elder tree is weighted down with blossoms and many people like to harvest some at this time of year to make their own lovely elderflower cordial.

A spoon of brown sugar, a spoon of bread /baking soda, about an eggcup of white vinegar, add  a pint of water , give it a stir and let it stand for a few hours or overnight. That is the mix that I thank for bringing my beloved lemon tree back to life. The poor thing looked  like it was not going to make it. Leaves all withered and falling off and limbs turning brown and wan. Thanks to Facebook I discovered this magic formula and in a  week or ten days it showed signs of recovery. Lovely fresh twigs springing up all over the plant. By now it’s full of buds and promise of a good crop of bright yellow lemons later on, not the eating sort of course but a joy to look at just the same. It’s amazing the simple things that we can add to make the water for our plants more nourishing. Steep onion skins in water, preferably rain water, drain them off before you spray it on your rose trees or potted plants to make them shine. Don’t throw your eggshells away, crush them up and steep them in water and feed them to your plants. The list goes on, of things that are binned every day but could add lustre to your bloomers instead.  Banana skins, tomatoes, orange peel, potato skins can all be steeped and the water used to feed your plants. The little drop of white vinegar goes with most of the mixes, perhaps to ward off any fungus that may occur.

Still with plants, the open day on Wednesday which was held at the Adult Learning Centre off our Main Street was wonderful. The weather was great, and there was a lot to see. Members were at the ready to escort us around the plot, so that we missed nothing. The raised beds which were leased by some local people were a sight to see. No two were the same as they gave a fine display of spuds, cabbages, lettuces, onions, garlic, radishes and lots more. In the tunnel there was an equal display of good things to eat. The display of art was wide ranging and the wicker work chair and growing wicker fence were, most impressive.  There was tea and fresh refreshments for all and lots of interaction between the locals and people from many parts of the world who attend there on a regular basis to learn languages and computer skills etc.  Well done to Marie Twomey who keeps it all ticking over like clock-work for the 150 people who benefit from this centre of learning.

The young birds are a joy to watch at the moment. On a fine evening there is nothing more exhilarating than to sit and watch them as they swing in the air looping the loop and riding the wind in gay abandon.  Soaring and diving  at neck break speed as they barely miss one another twittering all the time. Not even slowing down to get back to the nest, at full speed they can slip through the crack in the door  without losing a feather. It only goes to prove that youth must have its fling. Unfortunately they have little regard for newly painted walls as they empty their innards from on high. But one much older bird got flung too far. The cheeky magpie met his waterloo when he banged into my window and fell dead on the lawn outside. Out of curiosity I left it there overnight to see what the morning would bring and sure enough it was gone when I got up and the law of the jungle continued.

Strange, funny, unusual, a week or two ago a fox was seen roaming the fields at Kilmeedy, minus his tail, a few days later I saw with my own eyes a lovely black cat in the same area, also minus it’s tail.????.

This week I was delighted when I went to our Recycling Unit to find that all the bins were newly refurbished and newly signed. There was no trouble in seeing the ones I needed. Green Glass, Clear Glass,. Food cans, Drinks Cans etc could all be seen at a distance. Some months ago I mentioned this problem to the man at the gate and he gave me a number to ring which I did. The man  I  rang  thanked me for pointing out the problem. In his own words he said that they always aim to please but that they depend on the people to let them know where the problems are. So on behalf of us all I want to thank those who listened ,and solved our problem.

The people of Aubane were blessed with fine weather on Monday evening for their historic, annual Mass in honour of St. John. Always an inspiring event as only the community of Aubane can do it and the slopes of Mushera Mountain were awash with Music and Dancing to follow. Nearer My God to Thee. In my youth we’d have collected all the rubbish we could  find and have it ready for a big fire on St. John’s night. There were ten children in the neighbours family and seven of us so there was a fine crowd to have fun and games that went on long after sundown. There was fun for all but  we still have  a few scars to show for it. I have an old mark on my shin to this day ,and even though I got it many moons ago, I can still recall the piece of tin that cut me and the very place it happened. Needless to say there was no treatment, everything healed itself back then.

Still with Music. Our own Darren Kiely is on his way home as we speak and he will be the First Act on this Friday night at Musgrave Park ahead on the well known Cian Ducrot.

Keep an eye out for his further concerts.

In view of the big increase in accidents both on our roads and on farms etc. we are all warned to be on the alert at all times and to take every precaution to avoid disaster in our daily lives. A little aspiration when setting off wouldn’t go amiss. ‘Oh Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God’s Love commits me here, every this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule a guide, Amen’.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday in Millstreet Church, from 10.30 am to  7.30 pm. Confessions every Saturday from 12.30. Please check our website every day for details of all that goes on.

Many Congratulations to Fr. Paddy O’Byrne who celebrated the 64th anniversary of his Ordination with his friends Fr. Billy Radley and Fr. Sean Tucker with a special Mass at Tubrid Well last week. We wish them all the very best for the years ahead.   I can’t believe its 14 years since I attended his 50th in Lincoln  Cathedral, Nebraska and this week some of the friends from there are coming to stay for a few days ,which keeps a far-away friendship fresh and close.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 2,13, 18,20 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Noah Tarrant, Dooneen. The Seller was his Mom Noreen & she got €50 sellers prize, €50 went  to The Cow Shagga, c/o The Mal Paso. €20 each went to John FitzGerald, c/o the Mal Paso. Joan Creedon c/o PJ Creedon,       E. Cronin, c/o The Juvenile GAA. Mary Buckley c/o Capabu, Ann Coady c/o Colemans. T. Corkery c/o Corkery’s Bar, Donagh and Alannah  c/o Guys ‘n Dolls. Christy and Very Twomey c/o M. Twomey. Next Draw June 30th Jackpot €2.200.

Sinn a bfuil a cáirde, Slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir.


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