Wreath Placing Ceremony at the Site of the O’Connell and Clancy Monument at Derrygallon This Sunday at 11.30am

The Clonbanin Ambush Centenary Commemoration Committee is staging a wreath placing ceremony at the site of the O’Connell and Clancy Monument at Derrygallon  
                   Sunday 18th August 2024  at   11.30am                                                                                           to mark the 104th  Anniversary of the deaths of Brave Volunteers John O’Connell and  Paddy Clancy on the 16th August 1920
 Afterwards we will be placing a wreath on the final resting place of John O’ Connell in Dromtariffe Cemetery.                                                                                                                                        We will be meeting at the O’Connell and Clancy monument at 11.30am followed by the wreath placing at 11.45am by Cllr. Gearóid Murphy and attended by a group of people representing the Clancy Family and the Kilfinnan Historical Society.
We thank Charlie Drake for this important Notice.

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