Eily’s Report – 1st October

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful .’Twas the good Lord made them all.  He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell how great is God almighty, who has made all things well.

The sound of the beautiful voices of the children’s singing at Mass on Sunday morning is still ringing in my ears. There is something special about children singing, especially in church. The power of the organ and the tender efforts of children so full of sincerity and meaning are moments to savour.  It was a very special occasion with our Bishop Ray Browne the chief celebrant.  During the ceremony he welcomed five men who have come forward to serve as lectors and will serve in the churches of the Dioceses from now on. These men have been studying for the past five years in preparation for this big step in our church. It’s a relatively new  and welcome development at a time when our priests need all the help that they can get. They will not have the power to celebrate Mass nor hear confessions but other than that they will be able to lighten the load of our already overworked padres.   Their Christian names are, Shane, Brian, Chris, Linus and Michael. We must surely thank them for taking this massive step on behalf of us all and we wish the every success and God’s blessing in their new ministry. At the end of Mass His Lordship made his way down through the Church greeting and blessing the people as he went.

Our Tidy Towns Association held their end of year function at the Clara Inn during the week. It was a wonderful night of back slapping and praises for the town in general but especially for those who proved themselves better than best. It was especially nice for me to see my school pal Kay Ryan. (nee Lucey) among the winners. Proving that in spite of advanced years we can still make a difference. Derry Sheehan read last year’s report, which was a very fair account and gave reason for us to continue on the same road of improvements and aspirations for the future. The elusive top marks only a short distance away and still within our grasp. In other words – Keep up the good work. There could only be one winner and as it has been happening for the past number of years it fell to Paddy & Helen Sheahan, Murphys Tce. To prove the high standard the judges found no less than eight runners up, all of equal standard and the prizes went to Teresa & Brendan Kelleher, Liscahane, Mary Cahill, Altamount, Joe & Eileen Roche, Coomlogane, Dan & Teresa Collins, The Tanyard, Brendan & Mgt,Bourke, Murphy’s Tce.  John McSweeney & Charlotte Barrett, 41 Sycamore Drive, Tanyard Wood, Mgt. Smith, Murphy’s Tce, Carrie McCaffrey Priests Cross. The Best Town House,  Mary & John Coleman, Minor Row, Runners Up, Mrs. Kay Ryan. Killarney Rd. & Fiona Cronin & Alex Twomey, The Bridge. Best Frontage, Catherine Buicke, Capabu. The broad based list of winners only goes to show that our best beauty spots are evenly spread in around our town and it’s environs and with a little further effort all round, who knows we may be able to claim those few elusive points next time round. Our  Tidy Towns Association is up and running here for the past 38 years starting from humble beginnings. But with the changes in times and the change in members, it still continues in it’s efforts to make Millstreet a better place.   Please give them your full support.

It’s lovely to see the canopy back in the square. It gives the town an air of importance as you drive in.  Renovations to a nearby house delayed it’s return, but now that it’s back many people are putting it to good use to enjoy a coffee and chat with friends.

Bunny rabbits never fail to bring the oooh’s and aaah’s to people when they see them and want to give one a cuddle. But as they say too much of anything is good for nothing and now I’m told that the furry creatures and making a vast return and can be quite invasive not just in your flowery patch but also on newly seeded pastures etc. The rabbit always played a part in our lives. Sometimes good sometimes not so good. When we had mixed farming and planting turnips and cabbage etc. it was a constant battle to keep the rabbits at bay from gobbling up the sweet young plants.  But it never became crucial. Most farmers had a gun and in the heel of the evening it was a regular task to patrol the tilled fields and pick off a few offenders every time. Next day we had them for dinner. Roasted in the oven and covered with a few slices of hard cured fat salty bacon, it was the food of kings. Rabbit has a flavour all of it’s own, a little like chicken, but nicer. Fed on the best of herbs and grass in the wild  they were full of nourishment and goodness. Makes me hungry just thinking about it. How I’d like to see the appetite for rabbit meat making a return. They are becoming a mini plague at a time when meat is a high price and to see these freebees going to waste is  such a pity. Oh Shut Up Eily.

I love the long list of old places in Millstreet which are on our Website at the moment. So many wonderful memories .But  the one item that struck me was Altamount House, the way it is spelt. All my life we spelt it as such and why was it changed. The notice board into the estate today spells Altamont. It irks me when I see this kind of thing happen. It’s like keeping our Irish language, why not stick to what was always ours.   The sign at Kilmeedy Bridge  is spelt Carriganimmy and not Carriganima, the one we always used.  These places got named for a reason and it’s a shame to let them  be lost ,just because somebody in an office didn’t bother to get it right. Carriganima , the Rock or Stone of the Butter. Right away it conjures up a picture in your mind of poor people  trying to eek out a living ,milking their few cows and turning the handle of the butter churn and sending it along the Butter Road to make  the butter good enough to grace the rich tables of Europe. Altamount. Speaks for itself. Alta is Latin for high, tall, lofty and mount is a rise of ground , take a look and you can see why it got it name. There is a big difference between Mont & Mount. In my opinion, it would be nice if the old ones were kept they were made by those who came before us for a reason and who are we to change them.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night.  Numbers drawn were 2,12,28,31 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Nigel & Tommy . Tom Carroll was the seller and he got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Liam Healy, c/o Paula Healy. €20 each to Jerry & Geraldine O’Sullivan, c/o Colemans, The Higgins Family, c/o Pat Murphy, Ger. Mahony, c/o The Bridge Bar, Jim Dunne, c/o The Bush Bar, Mike Sheehan, c/o Mary O’Connor, Mgt. Smith c/o Mgt. Bourke, Kate Dennehy, c/o Joan Sheehan , Don Og Kelleher. c/o B.Cronin. Next draw October 6, Jackpot €5,000.

Slan abhaile agus beannacht libh go leir.

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