Eily’s Report – 15th October

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

The great 80,000 year old Halley’s Comet made very little news following the deadline which I thought was last Saturday night.  I expected to see pictures of it on every paper and screen. But no. The Comet holds a very special place in my mind because my mother-in law ,who was born in 1900, never stopped talking about Halley’s Comet which was visible to the eye when she was a young girl. She loved to tell how herself and her brothers and sisters  climbed up the   steep incline above their house at Ballinatona  after nightfall to see the great wonder in the sky. She said it was like a big bright star with a long tail moving across the dome of the world and that it would not be seen again for  80 years.  She told that story over and over and it instilled in us a sense of wonder and awe and it stirs me now again to hear of Halley’s Comet.

Our town is all the poorer this week at the unexpected passing of Humphrey Hickey. In his early fifties. Humphrey was many things to many people for many different reasons.  Devoted to his family, he helped at home when needed and he made regular trips to visit his brother Paul and his sisters Margaret and Kathleen in America. He was very proud of the great lives they made for themselves over there including  the popular Diner that they set up and continue to run in the Bronx. As a Community man he was like no other. Always held down a full time job,  but he made time to volunteer  whenever help was needed around the town. Be it the St.Patrick’s Day Parade or putting up the Christmas Lights or the Willie Neenan annual Race etc. he answered the call. He loved his regular runs around the Glebe and was welcome at houses all along the way to drop in for a slug of water as he went along. Even his very Christian name stood out. Humphrey. There could be ten Tom, Jack or Harrys, but only one Humphrey. And when him  mentioned you knew there was a willing man for a job. He will be sorely missed in our Community.

I will miss Humphrey in my own way, being closely related, I loved to meet him perhaps a casual meeting in a café, where we would push our chairs together and share our family lorem his bright eyes full of things to do or say, or I’d get a friendly wave from across the street any old time. I’m going to miss that. If only the humble Humphrey could see the crowds that came to see him off.

In true Hickey fashion, his siblings took his remains to the family home in Dromsicane, where the multitudes flocked, in beautiful weather, to pay their respects to their friend. Even the new bridge over the Blackwater, at Dooneen played a big part. As people in the locality chose to walk across while others drove there by car, parked and were collected at the other side by motorists who volunteered to help.   Following his requiem in the crowded church there were guards of honour outside and as the hearse and cars went by the people in the came out and stood in line all along the way, in a final show by the Town of Millstreet,  it’s  respect and sorrow at the death of the lovely Humphrey Hickey.

I lost two close relations in as many weeks. Thomas Corkery of Clara who was in his 90s passed away earlier in the week . The weather was bad, very bad with heavy rains pouring down as his remains were leaving the Church, but the kindly quick-thinking Fr. Jack, decided to say the graveside prayers in the church before the coffin was taken out. A move that was appreciated by everyone who was there. It was the first time we’ve ever seen it happen and an expert decision in the circumstances.

Our Schools are full of things to do as usual. The open day at the Community school came in for very high praise from all who went and the website is full of the achievements and plans of our young people at many levels Some off to Paris for gymnastics, others doing well in the field of sport it’s like a whirlwind of activity to my feeble brain to see the wide variety of things that go on in our parish.  The help and dedication of all the teachers and parents who keep it all going  has to be lauded.

Our library is fast becoming a place of great activity also, both for the young and the elderly. Speaking for my own age group, it is amazing the number of events that are held there every week. In the past Libraries were places of strict silence and calm, but now thanks the Gillian our library has been opened up to a brand new concept to include many classes and crafts and laid back events to brighten the day for anybody who may be in need of a little lift. The creations made at the Knit & Natter class on Wednesdays have to be seen to be believed. Where people share crafts and hobbies with one another over tea and bikkies. Other events engage in creative writing etc. and things for children too. All in all our library has been turned into a place of  interest good company  and interaction which is so important in the world that we have today.

Vintage runs are getting more popular all the time.They provide so much joy for those involved and raise remarkable funds for needy causes.   Don’t forget the fundraiser at our A.I.B .bank  this Fri. from 10am to 12 noon. Its in aid of the all important Carriginma  Transport Bus C.A.R.T. and our Millstreet Community Website. Please support it well.

Vintage run in Carriganima on Sunday October 20. Also in aid of C.A.R.T. Please look it up I don’t have the details.

Monster  Fundraising Vintage Classic Car Run in Dromtarriffe on October 20 in aid of  Dromagh School Parents Association. Sign in at Dromtarriffe GAA Complex. P51.yy26. from 10am for 12noon take off, Reg by donation as its for Charity.   Heading for Millstreet, Macroom, Dripsy and ending at the farm in Grenagh for light refreshments and an option to visit the farm. Everybody is welcome to come along, an ideal family day out. Please support it well.

It’s lovely to see little children playing a bigger part in the church, some in the choir, others going up to look at the alter and even got the chance to blow out the candles. These are the things that were taboo when we were young.  For us the Alter always seemed a place apart but not any more TG.

We see new things all the time. This week I got a jar of what I thought as home-made marmalade, but was told that it was Tomato Jam  and it tasted lovely . Another way to preserve the glut that always seems to go with tomatoes.

During the past week my gas ring wouldn’t light, so I rang Noreen for help. She said try pouring hot water on the tank outside. Couldn’t believe it worked. It never dawned on me that we had frost. But a look at my Dhalias soon told me that we had. Even the Hydrangea looks poorly .

Euchaistic Adoration every Tuesday from 10.30am to 7.30pm. Legion of Mary Meeting every Tuesday night from 7.30 at the Parish centre.

Here are the results of this week’s lotto draw which was held on Sunday night . Numbers drawn by Noel Buckley were 2,9,19,26 and the Jackpot was not won.     €100 went to the Twomey Family, Station Rd. The Seller was Denis and he got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Timmie O’Callaghan  c/o Cronin’s Centra, €20 each to T,M,E,R c/o Tom Carroll,  Mary T Corcoran c/o Paula Healy. Closing Time c/o Lehane, Pitch ‘n Putt Club, c/o Joan Casey . Linda & Donal c/o Colemans, Cormac Dineen, c/o Cronins Centra. Mary Jo  Buck, c/o Tom Carroll.   Next draw October20.   Jackpot €5,400.

Its that time of year again when our Community Council is about to prepare the Calendar for 2025. They are asking people to send them any photos that they would like to be considered for inclusion. The panel of judges will have the final say ,and the proceeds always goes to some good cause.

Community Council Meeting to-night at the Adult Learning Centre at 8.30.

The new  milk cartons  with the tops  tied on leave a lot to be desired. For me and my likes we find it very difficult  to open because to ring and cap are the same colour and its impossible to find where they part. If they were different colours the dividing line would be easy to see .Any help?

Please look up the Church items on the Mass leaflet on the Web.

Thought for the week, Prayer is the mortar that holds our house together. (Mother Theresa.


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