The twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary time 20th September, 2009
Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. Gerard O’Leary C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Cullen 029-79028 / Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m
This weeks Readings can be found at
Our prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
Denis (Dee) Dineen, Rathduane
Kit Hickey, Knockduff
Gerard Cronin, Knockdurath, Headford.
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday, September 19th
Millstreet Vigil 7.30 p.m. Chrissie O’Riordan, Dromsciane
Cullen Vigil 7.30 p.m. James O’Mahony, Clonakilty
Sunday, September 20th
Millstreet 8.30 a.m.
Ballydaly 9.30 a.m.
Cullen 10.30 a.m. Funeral Mass for Kit Hickey, Knockduff
Millstreet 11.00 a.m. Funeral Mass for Denis (Dee) Dineen, Rathduane
Eddie O’Mahony, Murphy’s Terrace
Michael Murphy, Pound Hill
McNulty Family, Lackabawn & Killowen
Alan O’Connor, Minor Row
Joan Daly, Main Street
Tadhg O’Driscoll, The Square
Fr. Jack Roche, Carriganima
Eugene Cronin, Dromnahilla
John Cronin, Murphy’s Terrace
John & Jane O’Riordan, Two Gneeves
Daniel, Mary & Michael O’Sullivan, Knocknageeha
Saturday, September 26th:
Millstreet 7.30 p.m. Mary Dineen, Knocknagpogue
Cullen 7.30 p.m. Johnny & Ciss O’Mahony, Glountane
Sunday, September 27th:
Millstreet 8.30 a.m.
Ballydaly 9.30 a.m.
Cullen 10.30 am. Josie Crisp (recently deceased)
Millstreet 11.00 a.m. Denis O’Riordan, Dromsciane
Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €3,140.18 Thanks.
Millstreet Church: Usual Mass at 10.00 each morning, unless there is a funeral
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday (25th September) at 7.00p.m. followed by Mass at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Saturday 26th at 10.00a.m. for Colette Dunne (nee Duggan), Atlanta & Millstreet
Rotas for Next Weekend September 26th/27th
7.30 p.m. / Deirdre Meade / Group E
8.30 a.m. / Mary Ita Cronin/
11.00 a.m. / Louise Lyons /
9.30 a.m. / Deirdre McAuliife / Team E
7.30 p.m. / Catriona Ring / Group C
10.30 a.m. / Annabelle O’Sullivan /
MILLSTREET CHURCH ALTAR SOCIETY for Sept 27th & Oct 4th is Group C
CULLEN CHURCH: Mass on Wednesday night (23rd Sept) at 7.00p.m. for John & Jane O’Riordan, Two Gneeves
HOLY HOUR IN CULLEN CHURCH on Friday night (25th Sept) at 6.30p.m. followed by Mass at 7.30p.m. for Daniel, Mary & Michael O’Sullivan, Knocknageeha
STATIONS for the coming week:
Tooreenbawn & Aubane East in the home of Michael & Margaret Casey on Friday 25th September at 8.30p.m.
Cloughoulamore & Knocknakilla in the home of Jane Thomas on Saturday 26th September at 11.00a.m.
Ballydaly Upper & Kippagh in the home of Joan Casey on Saturday 26th September at 11.30a.m.
“THANK YOU EILEEN & NOEL” Millstreet Church Restoration Committee wish to thank Eileen & Noel Collins for the Coffee Morning which they hosted in their garden recently. It raised €1,400.00. Well done everybody!
Community Notices
Ballydaly social group: Set dancing commencing in Ballydaly Hall on Wednesday 23rd September (8.30-10.00). Beginners at 8.00p.m. Enquiries to (087) 2846906
Music Classes: Henry Cronin will recommence classes on Friday 25th in GAA Hall. Beginner’s enrolment (3.00-4.00). Existing pupils from 4.00p.m.
cullen pipe band: would like to thank all those that supported their recent Church Gate Collection.
COPE coffee morning Thanks to all who supported this coffee morning & to all those who helped during the day.
Set dancing: recommences in Aubane on Monday (21st Sept) at 9.15p.m.
FAS VACANCY: Kitchen operative required must be on Community Enterprise Scheme. Contact (029) 70926 for further details.
Qualified person required: to run Millstreet Community Gym. For further details contact (087) 7797422.
Rosary in tubrid well: every Thursday night at 8.00p.m. For the sick.
The Living Scenes PROJECT will begin its 5th year in Millstreet Community School on Thursday 24th at 1.20 in the school library. All older, retired adults welcome.
New Childrens book club at Millstret LIBRARY: first meeting on Saturday 3rd Oct at 12 noon. for between 10 – 12 year olds. Storytelling every Saturday 11-12 (for 3-7 year olds).
MILLSTREET CHURCH GRAVEYARD: During the past week the graveyard adjacent to the Church has been cleaned at the expense of the Parish. This graveyard is a focal point in our town and is the sacred ground where our parents and family members are laid to rest. We now request family members to continue with the upkeep and maintenance of their own family plots as a matter of respect to our deceased.