At the 16th annual Waterford Crystal-sponsored Iarnród Éireann Best Station Awards (2008) [1], held in Croke Park recently, Millstreet Train Station has been awarded second place in the Intercity Halts Category.
It is a credit to those that work there that it is so well kept.
Mallow won the Best Major Station, Kent Station (Cork) received a conservation award, and Fota won the most improved unmanned station, while the best overall station went to Greystones (Wicklow).
In the past Millstreet Train Station had won several awards at the Iarnród Éireann Best Station Awards:
2001 – 3rd Prize – InterCity Halts Category
2000 – 3rd Prize – InterCity Halts Category
1998 – 5th Prize – InterCity Halts Category
1997 – 2nd Prize – InterCity Halts Category
1996 – 1st Prize – InterCity Halts Category
1995 – 2nd Prize – InterCity Halts Category
1995 – Judges Special Award
Station Name: Millstreet
Routes serviced:
Dublin Heuston – Tralee;
Cork – Tralee
Station address:
Iarnród Éireann,
Co. Cork
1 mile from town centre and
Phone Number: 029-70096
Staffed: Yes
Staff Hours: 07.45-17.00 Mon-Sat; 14.15-19.30 Sun
Booking Office: Yes
Booking Office Hours: At train times
Toilets: No
Buses From Station: No
Platform Access: Level
Accessible Toilet: No
Wheelchair Available: No
Ramp for Train Access: Yes
Picture above (c) Finbarr O’Neill – can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/4630084578/ as well as lots of other photos from the Rail Tour that day
[1] 2011-05-01: This article was originally published on April 27th 2011 on millstreet.ie using information published on irishrail.ie at the time. Unfortunately, it was later found that the awards were from 2008. Apologies to any inconvenience caused to anyone.
Well Done to Michael and his Staff
Well Done to everybody