In Carriglea or in Millstreet Town never more to be seen
But memories of him will remain evergreen
With his family and the many friends in life he made
Good memories live on when all else seem to fade
Jerry Singleton was well liked and well known far from his home countryside
As a breeder, owner and trainer of greyhounds he was known far and wide
His greyhounds with the Carriglea prefix renowned for early pace
At the big Munster tracks won many a feature race
One of life’s quiet achievers of him one could say
He never did brag it was not his way
Even with a few drinks in he never spoke loud
Though of his many achievements he must have felt proud
One can only hope that his parting from life was a painless release
And by Cashman’s Hill may he now rest in peace
A man amongst men of him one can say
And Millstreet worse off for his passing today.
Sending my sincere condolences to the Singleton family on the loss of your father,may he rest in peace!