Garda John Crowley from the Millstreet Station was on Patricia Messenger’s radio show on C103FM this morning, warning of an increase in crime in the general area of west/north west Cork county. Most notable were:
- Distraction crime: where a group of people enter a shop and distract the owner, while one of the group steal something either in the shop or enter the office / store and take money / goods from there. Money, cigarettes and alcohol are their favourite targets. He advised to lock all back rooms when not in use.
- As oil prices rise again, some are reverting to stealing home heating oil from homes and diesel from farms. Sometimes it’s just a jerry can, other times it’s the full delivery. Advise is to lock them and make the job as difficult as possible for anyone thinking of stealing your fuel.
- Finally, outhouses are becoming a target too, so lock away anything worth stealing and be careful that anyone visiting the house / yard doesn’t get a good look around to see what would be worth stealing during the day or in the dead of the night. And if you are suspicious, of someone in the yard, write down the car/van registration for later use, so that your “visitors” can be tracked down at a later date.
So be careful and keep your things safely locked away.