Pics: Concert for Baby Jacob


The Concert Finale, where everyone sang 'Silent Night' in their own languages, and then all together in English

What a truly magical evening at Drishane on Friday, 4th December 2009 when a capacity audience were totally enchanted by not only the very highest quality music including the exquisite singing and harp playing of the renowned Marina Cassidy of Killarney but by the wonderful variety of music from traditional Irish to Polish, from beautiful church choir singing to African Gospel songs, from a most memorable “Sweet Sixteen” sung by Over 60’s Winner – Mary Conway….and so many more harmonious presentations. All in aid, of course, of the Baby Jacob Trust…..and this historic “A Night at the Castle” happening continues with a repeat performance on this Sunday, 6th December at 4.00 p.m..   Do join us now as we attempt to share with you in our selection of pictures the remarkable ambience of the Drishane of a Bygone Age when the hugely dedicated organisers of this unique event arranged the lord and lady of the manor to arrive by horse and carriage, scores of people were dressed in such authentic period dress and the approach avenue was adorned with lighted torches while the church and hall (for the banquet) were spectacularly decorated with candles, greenery and flowers.   Jacob’s parents,Wiola and Mariusz,  expressed sincere thanks for such an outstanding event and were also presented with a substantial cheque (by Michael & Ewa) collected by a National School in Douglas, Cork in aid of the very praiseworthy trust.   The amazing success of the unforgettable event in such a superb setting will certainly stimulate thoughts of many other such events in beautiful Drishane.    To all, including the Duggan Family,  who made this occasion possible – heartfelt thanks from all who were privileged to have been present …. and the good news is that it had been recorded for posterity …. and also for LTV2 Millstreet….to be shared with thousands of viewers possibly during the Christmas viewing schedule on local television. (Seán Radley for ) … (See below for all the photos)

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