Welcome to Kilcorney calling which will take a look at the life and times of Kilcorney and it’s people. We hope that over time the news and stories on this page will give people from Kilcorney at home or around the world the chance to read and see the many and varied activities that take place in our Community. A word of thanks to all at for giving us space on their website. If you have any ideas or views on this page why not give a call on
As we go into the new year lets take a few minutes to look back at the year that was in Kilcorney. The year began with the children of 5th Class of our National School preparing for their trip to Spain. The trip in conjunction with the Schola Project took place at Easter and was a wonderful experience for all concerned.
Minister of State Bat O Keeffe came to Kilcorney to turn the first sod on a new Sheltered Housing Development. The builders then moved in and the development is now in an advanced stage. This project will cost over 1 million euro with further plans for the forthcoming year. Cork County Council undertook a major upgrade of all local roads and later in the year a major upgrade of the village itself. The village got a new lighting system, new footpaths, and the carpark was tarred and lined. The overall cost of this was well in advance of half a million Euro.
Kilcorney has now been approved under the Clar Project for a set of solar power flashing lights for the village. These will cost over 10,000 Euro.
Work has also been completed on the driveway to the Church and around the church itself bringing it in line with the village itself. This work was undertaken by the Parish.
The last Sunday in May saw the annual fundraiser for the local river developments. This group over the past number of years have sat down river walks and leisure amenities and as the year came to an end news came through of a further allocation of 25,000 Euro from IRD Duhallow so we can expect to see even more improvements in the year ahead.
June saw the Annual Kilcorney Feis which is now almost 100 years old. The Feis is now being run by the Kilcorney Community Council with the help of the local National School.
June also saw the pupils of our National School get their holidays and by the time they came back in September and by the time they came back in September there were 2 new teachers on board. We wish best of luck to Christine O Shea and Noreen Nagle and we warmly welcome to our community Con Meade and Mairead Roche.
In August another major fundraiser took place at Moll Carthys Bridge this time to raise money for Rathcoole Lady Emma Harte who was fundraising for the Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Later in the month on a fine Friday Night mass was celebrated in our local graveyard a time to remember and to pray for all those people who have worked so hard down through the years to make Kilcorney what it is today.
In September the Community Council embarked on a major redevelopment of our Local Community Gym. This gym has been one of the great success stories over the past few years and with the financial backing of IRD Duhalllow has now been updated with new equipment and new shower rooms.
Later in the year the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the Local Pioneer Association was marked with a Mass and a reception afterwards in the Community Centre. This was a very special occasion for a group of people who received Gold Pins marking 50 years unbroken membership of the Pioneer Association and also those people who received their Silver Pins marking their 25 years of unbroken membership.
Recipients of Gold Pins were Margaret Twomey, Michael O Callaghan, Joan Twomey, Ita Sexton, Michael Twomey, Paddy Leader, Christine Kelleher, Shiela Cremin, Timothy A Lane, Andrew Cremin, Bridie Cremin, Mary Linehan, Joan Tarrant, Catherine Buckley, Hannah Sheehan, John O Sullivan and Peggy Horgan.
Recipients of Silver Pins were Mary Curtin, Eileen Buckley, Hannah Mary O Riordan, John Buckley, Tim Buckley, Denis C O Sullivan, Marion Buckley, Delores Burke, Pat Golden, Martina Golden, Ned Tarrant, Majella O Donovan, Elizabeth O Connell and Sheila O Sullivan.
The Community Council AGM also saw major changes with long time servants Mary Cotter and Peg Dennehy stepping aside but however their vast experience will not be lost to the community as they have taken up positions with the Sheltered Housing Association.
As you can see from above it has been the year of “the spend in Kilcorney”. Our thanks go to all the state, semi-state, and local bodies for all the work and money that they have put into Kilcorney over the past year.
The end of the year is also a time of sadness for many families who have lost loved ones over the past year and our prayer is that those families will find comfort and peace in 2006.
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