A June Morning In Ballydaly

The river from the lake in Kippagh through Ballydaly winds it’s way
And above the field crowded with rushes the lark carols at break of day
The young birds they chirp on the hedgerows at sun rise the sun looking red
It looks like good hay making weather a warm Summer’s day is ahead.

The gray crow it caws on a beech tree in it’s cloak of jet black and gray
And in her nest cloaked by the

rank grass the hen pheasant on her eggs lay
It is such a beautiful morning with the scent of hay in the breeze
And the cattle graze in the lush pasture in grass almost touching their knees.

Near where the river by the hedgerow goes babbling along
the chaffinch in the grove sings his familiar song
And the Countryside looking so lush and so green
And at her most beautiful Nature is seen.

A June morning in Ballydaly and in the blue sky
The sky lark is carolling as upwards he fly
And the cock pheasant is cucking where the rank grass grow tall
A memory for years to cherish and for to recall.

“A June Morning In Ballydaly” is by Francis Duggan

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