This local documentary by LTV & The Michael Collins Centre traces the life of Michael Collins, from his birth near Clonakilty in 1890, through his school days at Lisavaird and Clonakilty national schools. It follows his time working in London, his role in the 1916 rebellion and Collins coming to the fore as one of the most important Irish leader of The War of Independence. Events in Dublin and West Cork during that war are highlighted as is the division over the treaty. The Civil War and “The Big Fella’s” death in Beal na Blath in 1922 are explored. The film uses dramatic sketches and interviews with relatives of the people involved to tell the story of this extraordinary period of Irish history. We have a look at the Michael Collins monuments around the country, including the unveiling of the statue in Clonakilty by Liam Neeson in 2002. Some of the graves of the famous people of the troubled times in Dublin and Cork are visited and the annual commemoration at Beal na Blath is also featured.
Cinema: “Mick”
At the Castle Hotel Macroom
22nd August at 8:30pm
T: 026 41917 | E: <email>
Main Street, Macroom, Co Cork.