Millstreet Community Council are holding a public meeting this Thursday evening the 1st December at 9.30pm in the Wallis Arms, re: proposals by the HSE to downgrade the ambulance service here in Millstreet. Please support.
Author: guest
Best Dressed Christmas – Business & Private House Competition 2011
Millstreet Development Group are going to give €100 each to the Business and Private House who makes the most effort to decorate this Christmas. So dig out the decorations!!!!
Apple Day at The Secret Garden Centre 23rd October
Our annual Apple Day takes place this Sunday from 1 – 5pm. We will once again be joined by John McNamara of McNamara Nurseries, who has been growing trees since he was a sapling. He’ll be on hand to give advice on choosing and growing apples, and he’ll be bringing along some apples from his nursery for you to taste. We’ll also be joined by Ballyhoura Apple Farm who will be selling their delicious award-winning juices. If that’s not enough there’ll also be poultry for sale on the day(hens are the perfect partner for an orchard!) and apple specials in the Tea Room.
The Secret Garden Centre, Newmarket.
Lost Puppy
If this is your dog contact Breeda O Keeffe @ 087-6775797
U21 ‘A’ County Championship Quarter Final
Millstreet vs Midleton
Venue: Castletownroche
Monday July 4th 2011 @ 7:30pm*
Please give your full support!
[*please note that the time was originally posted as 8pm which was incorrect]
Poultry Day at The Secret Garden Centre 12th June
Our third Poultry Day this year and it is a great opportunity to buy your hens, ducks etc as well as gain advice on all things poultry. This is a great event as there is no fee to attend and you can have a cuppa and a slice of cake in the tea room.
We also hope to have the owner of Newmarkets Champion Chick Selling her birds see the link for full details:
12th June 2011 2-5pm The Secret Garden Centre Newmarket
For more details phone 029 60084 or
Birds & Worms at The Secret Garden
Composting Information Afternoon
Saturday 14th May 1-4pm
In association with Cork County Council
Demonstrations & advice on all aspects of home composting, including wormeries.
No entry fee plus free prize draw to win one of three compost bins.
Poultry Day
Sunday 15th May 2-5pm
Advice on all aspects of poultry keeping.
Poultry, feeders and feeds for sale.
No entry fee [read more …] “Birds & Worms at The Secret Garden”
An open invitation from Macroom Toastmasters.
A new member of Macroom Toastmasters from Millstreet suggested we make use of the great resource that is to get the word out there on what we can offer the public. There is a widespread perception that Toastmaster’s is at best all about windbags droning on for hours, and at worst, it involves all sorts of outdated rituals. Neither are true.
Toastmasters is all about helping people to overcome their fear of public speaking, and to help people with their communication skills generally. Examples of where Macroom Toastmasters have helped out some members in the past include:
- Preparation and performance in job interviews.
- Work presentations.
- Wedding speeches.
- Contribution to groups, such as local meetings. [read more …] “An open invitation from Macroom Toastmasters.”
Beautiful Ginger/Marmalade kitten found 30th April
Beautiful young friendly kitten found in Tanyard on Saturday 30th April. Ginger/Marmalade colour with white paws.
Owner can contact 086-1066772. If owner not found, kitten free to good home.
Stray Pup
Stray (sheep dog) pup found today c.1 mile from town on the Clara Road. Contact 087-6764957 for further enquiries
Geneology research “Murphy”
We are coming from the USA to Millstreet Ireland March 31-April 6. 2011. We are looking for information on the Denis(father)and Jeremiah(son) Murphy family that left Dromtarriffe area in 1851. Jeremiah’s baptismal records are on file at Dromtarriffe Catholic Church. We would like to find out where this family actually lived prior to leaving Ireland and if there may be any relatives in Ireland. Denis married Mary Foley, and Jeremiah’s was 9 years old when they left. Jeremiah married Briget O’Neill, and the family settled in Dubuque, Iowa, USA. We will be spending a week at the Buckley’s self catering cottage near Millstreet starting March 31. Any information or contacts would be appreciated. Dan and Joyce Murphy Ocean Shores WA, USA. [read more …] “Geneology research “Murphy””
Mitchells in Millstreet
Hello, I am looking for any info on the Mitchells of Millstreet circa 1830-60s. I know that there were 2 brothers Michael Patrick and Dennis. I believe Dennis was born around 1838 and Michael around 1842. I was wandering if someone could possibly tell me how many Catholic parishes there were in the area at that time? I would like to see if they have any records of the Mitchells.
Thank you for your help, John Burgess email:<email>
Cork North West Candidate: People Before Profit Alliance
Ann Foley, a single mother of one and a postgraduate student in International Relations at UCC, from Newmarket, will be officially announced this week as a People Before Profit candidate for the Cork North West constituency.
The newly formed United Left Alliance (ULA) will hold a meeting in Cork this week to launch its pre-election policies, in the Metropole Hotel, McCurtain Street, Wednesday 12th at 7.30pm. The Alliance is set to contest more than 20 constituencies in the upcoming general election. (The United Left Alliance is an amalgamation of the Socialist Party, People Before Profit Alliance, and Workers and Unemployed Action Group)
Ms Foley said the alternative being offered by Fine Gael, and Labour is the same as what Fianna Fail have been pursuing, and she believes [read more …] “Cork North West Candidate: People Before Profit Alliance”
Boggeragh Wind Farm Construction
Joe Lawler has put a great series of photos on on how one wind turbine was being put together yesterday October 15th. [the full series of photos is below]:
Millstreet Pipe Band – Church Gate Collection
Millstreet Pipe Band would like to sincerely thank all those who supported their recent Church Gate Collection at Millstreet and Ballydaly. The proceeds of the collection go towards the ongoing running costs of the Pipe Band and are very much appreciated.
Boggeragh Wind Farm: turbines on the move

Lots of more photos below. With thanks to Joe Lawler for the photos