Parish Newsletter 27th December 2009


the feast of the holy family

27th December, 2009

Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. David Gunn C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile  087-7752948

Email:  <email>



10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter 27th December 2009”

Millstreet Golf Society Time Sheet 28/12/2009

Killarney GC Texas Scramble

10:00 Eamon Tarrant Don O’ Riordan Noel O’ Connor
10:08 Denis Hickey Pat Buckley John Murphy
10:16 Connie Cotter Dan Daly Matthew Dennehy
10:24 Brendan Hickey Pat Dineen Jerry Pat O’ Leary
10:32 John Twomey Tom Flahive Paddy Roche
10:40 Frankie Reen Pat O’ Flynn Owen Hegarty
10:48 Kevin O’ Leary Michael Cotter Liam Burke
10:56 Michael Dineen John O’ Sullivan Colin O’ Mahony

Presentation of prizes will take place in Kanturk Golf Club.

Please Ring Killarney GC  at 064 6631034 to check to see if the course is open.

Day Sponsor’s

Dennehy’s Centra

Eamonn Tarrant Garage

Regional Report 993 22nd December 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to news report 993 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this very seasonal Tuesday morning with treatcherous and snow all around.

Well it won’t be long now. Just a few more days and by all accounts its going to be a white one. I’ll be killed for saying it, but I love snow. And a white Christmas would be such a bonus.

No matter what the weather,the shopping goes on with perhaps some people forced to shop at home because of the weather. The Marquee will be in the Square till Christmas Eve and vouchers at the Credit Union will solve your gift problem at any price, And by what I hear, they are proving very very popular. Some worth €20 each, were offered as prizes on LTV2s program last week and the lucky winners were, Breda O Leary, West End, Sean and Delia Kelleher, Macroom, Kathleen McAulliffe, Millstreet, and John F. Tarrant Rathcoole.Congrats all round.

[read more …] “Regional Report 993 22nd December 2009”

Extra Parish Newsletter



There will be Mass on the following mornings this week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only.

Wednesday (23rd Dec): Month’s Mind Mass for Ted Lyons, Station Road & Rathcoole

There will be no evening Mass on Christmas Day or on Saturday morning

(St. Stephens Day)


Monday (21st Dec): Deceased members of the Falvey Family, Scrahanaville at 7.30pm

Tuesday (22nd Dec): William O’Brien, Novohalday at 7.30pm

Wednesday (23rd Dec): Mass at 10.00a.m.

There will be no Holy Hour on Christmas Day

[read more …] “Extra Parish Newsletter”

Parish Newsletter Sunday 20th December 2009

The fourth Sunday of Advent

Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. David Gunn C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Cullen 029-79028 / Mobile 087-7752948

Email: <email>



10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Andy Walsh, Knocknageeha

Mass Intentions this Week-end:

Saturday, December 19th

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Noel Hartnett, Clara Road

Cullen Vigil 8.00 p.m. Tom Kelleher, Mologhroe (Month’s mind)

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter Sunday 20th December 2009”

Major Local Lotto Win was marked at the Wallis Arms on Sunday night


Major Local Lotto Win was marked at the Wallis Arms on Sunday night, 13th Dec. 2009 when the wonderful cheque of sixteen thousand euro was presented to the two lucky winners – Margaret Cooper and her daughter Máire of Knocknashinagh, Cullen.   From left (front row):  Margaret Bourke (who sold the winning ticket),  Máire, Margaret and Michael Cooper.   Back row (from left) – Members of the Local Lotto Committee: Marian O’Sullivan, Maura Twomey, Michael O’Sullivan, Denis Twomey and Tom Carroll.

(Pic.:  Seán Radley)


The O’Connell family of Lisaniska, Cullen, on behalf of our son and brother Diarmuid wish to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to our neighbours, friends, relations, team members, club officers and the wider community for the overwhelming support shown to us during the difficult days after Diarmuid’s life threatening event in Castlemagner on February 21st 2009.

A very special “Thank You” to the three boys, Gerard O’Leary, D.J. Collins and Andrew O’Sullivan for their act of courage, bravery and composure on giving Diarmuid back the gift of life on the field. We thank all the people present who had to endure our pain and who assisted in every way; to the Castlemagner Club for being equipped to deal with such an emergency and to their club officers for visiting Diarmuid in hospital. For their efficient service, thanks to Dr Marian Smyth, Mallow Ambulance crew and Kanturk Gardai, who made the journey to Cork in record-breaking time.

In recognition of all heroic efforts made on February 21st, it would be impossible to thank everyone individually. Please accept this as a token of our ongoing daily appreciation on having Diarmuid with us today.

Regional Report 992 15th December 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 992 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this very cold but seasonal,Tuesday morning.

A very interesting meeting of the Community Council was held at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Tuesday night. Topics for discussion included the upgrading of our Youth Centre and the fitting of Astro-Turf surface on our tennis courts. It was also decided to host a community Council Awards Social this year at a date yet to be decided. Eileen Murphy reported on our Youth Club, and said that there are 64 members now with parents coming to help on Friday nights when they meet from 8 to 10  Theres room for more, but more parents must come on board with the increase in numbers.

The after school service will resume after Christmas. The Defibulators have now been placed at the Youth Centre and at the Garda Station. The full list of trained personnel will be announced in the near future. Joseph Lawlor was co-opted on the Council, on that night.and before the meeting ended a special Presentation was made to Fr. Gerard O Leary on behalf of our Community.

[read more …] “Regional Report 992 15th December 2009”

Christmas Events in Millstreet 2009

From this Thursday coming the 17th to the following Thursday the 24th we will have a Christmas Market in the square from 12.00 – 5.00pm, which will be held in a marquee and will include:

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Baking

  • Christmas present ideas and lots more

** There will be free hot chocolate, mulled wine and coffee available **

Santa will be in the Youth Centre next Saturday and Sunday the 19th and 20th from: 12.00 – 4.00pm.


Carol Singing will be held in the square by the local primary schools next Friday evening and Saturday afternoon the 18th & 19th.




The third sunday of advent

13th DECEMBER, 2009

Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. David Gunn C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  <email>



10.00a.m-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m-5.00p.m

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Pat O’Connell, Tullig

John Cahill, Coolikerane

[read more …] “PARISH NEWSLETTER 13th DECEMBER, 2009”

Courthouses face extinction despite millions being spent

KANTURK courthouse, built in 1825, is certainly in need of a complete overhaul, and the boom days of the Celtic Tiger did not whip its tail at the cold and drab hewn stone building.

But one has to wonder just how long the people of Duhallow will hear the familiar ‘All stand in court’ considering so many changes have taken place in district courts over the past year in North Cork. After 100 years service Millstreet District Court came to an end this year, with the cases from that catchment area now heard in Macroom.

This is set to change again as from December 1, 2010 Millstreet court sittings will be heard in Kanturk. But for how long?

For the full story click on the Corkman Newspaper link below

Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas


Cork’s Maureen O Sullivan Community Christmas Appeal

Running now for approx 32 years

Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas

Essential foods – for example

Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Cereal, Spaghetti, Biscuits

Tinned – soups, Stews, Cornbeef, etc.

Toiletries – Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo, and Shower gel,

Always needed – Socks, scarf’s or gloves or good quality warm jumpers

[read more …] “Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas”

Regional Report 991. 8th December 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to news report 991 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wet ‘n wintery Tuesday morning. December 8th ,the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception.  A Holy Day of Obligation.

Here are the results of this weeks parish Lotto draw which was held at Corkery’s Bar on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 13, 15, 23 , 27 . AND THE LUCKY WINNER OF €16,000 was Margaret Cooper, Cullen and her daughter Maura. The seller was ,first cousin, Margaret Burke and she got €1,600 sellers prize. Because the Jackpot was won there was no €50 prize, and €20 each went to the following ten people. John O Callaghan, Kilcorney,  Margaret Hayes , Gneeveguilla,  Mary Dinneen, Clonbanin  Con O Connor, Rathrue,  Mattie O Riordan, Shanaknuck,, Ann Kelleher, Tullig,  Christina O Donaghue, Lackabawn, Jerry O Leary, Rathcoole, Len Leader, Kilcorney , and LTV2 ,Millstreet. Jackpot for next week €2,000 the draw a the MalPasso Bar on Sunday night.

[read more …] “Regional Report 991. 8th December 2009”

Regional Report 990 1st December 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire Diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to news report 990 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this cold, wet and windy Tuesday morning, 1st of December.

A cookery demonstration entitled “Tastes of Christmas” will be held at our Community School tomorrow, Wednesday night. December2nd, with Master Chef Frank Moynihan doing the cooking. Admission €10. Proceeds to Baby Jacob.The Irish Heart Foundation and Cystic Fibrosis. Starts at 8, all welcome.

Cairde Muintir Mhuire will host “Prayer Through Song” with the renowned Gospel singer David Parkes at St. Colemans Church in Macroom, to-night December1st.  Starts at 8, Doors opened at 7.15, admission €10. Proceeds to the Cairde Muintir Mhuire Fund.

[read more …] “Regional Report 990 1st December 2009”

Millstreet choir preparing for choral concert

Millstreet choir preparing for the choral concert (pic. John Tarrant)
Millstreet choir preparing for the choral concert (pic. John Tarrant)

The Big Concert this week will be in our parish Church on Sunday November 29th in aid of the Church restoration Fund.entitled “Sounds of Advent.” Our own Parish choir will open the two hour show, and they will be followed by the  Kerry Choral Society.

Millstreet Christmas Market

Organised by the Millstreet Development Group

There will be a Christmas market running in a

marquee in the Square, Millstreet from

17th – 24th December from 12 – 5pm daily

(except on 24th when marquee may close


Santa will be visiting The Youth Centre on the 19th and 20th from 12 – 4pm. parents will be encouraged to visit the marquee.

[read more …] “Millstreet Christmas Market”

Regional Report 989 24th November 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde  welcome to news report 989 form Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wild ,wet, and windy, Tuesday morning.

The Big Concert this week will be in our parish Church on Sunday November 29th in aid of the Church restoration Fund.entitled “Sounds of Advent.” Our own Parish choir will open the two hour show, and they will be followed by the  Kerry Choral Society.

Tickets @ €20 each can be bought over a wide area or from the parish office ,or at the door on the night. Please support it well. Starts at 7.30 ,bring a cushion as the Church seats are hard.

[read more …] “Regional Report 989 24th November 2009”

Millstreet Development Group – What are they About?

In an economic downturn it is especially important to promote business, industry and shopping in any town or area. Millstreet Development Group has been established with this in mind. Millstreet has always been a traditional market town offering a wide range of goods and services. This is still very much the case. The Group has been established by a number of businesses from the Millstreet area to promote the town.

With Christmas fast approaching, the group has taken out double page advertising features in local papers to remind people just what the town has to offer. It has also set up a scheme which will allow people to buy gift vouchers at the Credit Union that can then be redeemed in any one of over twenty five shops and businesses. They have organised a number of exciting initiatives for Christmas Week which include Carol Singing, Christmas music and lights, and a Marquee in the Square to sell a range of food and crafts. All this is designed to help keep money in the town.

Once Christmas is out of the way, the group hopes to focus on a number of broader issues affecting the town. A major issue at present is the lack of an industrial zone in the area to allow new light industrial businesses to open or allow existing businesses to expand. Also, the group feels that tourism should be promoted and encouraged. The area is one of outstanding natural beauty with a great facility in The Millstreet Country Park. Any increase in tourism would surely benefit everyone in the town.

Millstreet Development Group has plenty of work to do, but with the enthusiasm and hard work of its members and support from the wider community it should prove to be a big benefit for the town.

Millstreet Development Group meet every Tuesday night in the Wallis Arms at 9pm, and all are welcome to come, listen and contribute. The above message was submitted by the MDG Secretary.

[read more …] “Millstreet Development Group – What are they About?”

Regional Report 988 17th November 2009

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to news report 988 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this rather wintery Tuesday morning.

This is FRIENDSHIP WEEK, so get out there a give everybody a smile or a hug or whatever it is that you do best, to brighten up their day.

A great crowd of friends, family and supporters, attended the celebration party which was held at our Nibbles Café on Saturday night. Eleanor proudly displayed her All Ireland Award as she welcomed her guests. Canon Declan came to bless the place and he was accompanied by Fr Paddy O Byrne.The food was both plentiful and tasty and her winning dish of pear and almond tart was in great demand. And on behalf of everyone I want to wish Eleanor and her wonderful staff every success for the future. Look up the Website for all the pictures .

[read more …] “Regional Report 988 17th November 2009”

Regional Report 987 – 10th November 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 987 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very  best on this sunny Tuesday sunny morning following a wet night.

And we’re all  invited to a party on this Saturday night November 14th.Its on at our Nibbles Café at the west End. Elenor who won an all Ireland , gold medal for her outstanding cuisine recently ,wants us all to share in her joy, to have a piece of the cake as it were. It starts at 8.30 on Saturday night,  so do drop in , it’s for everybody.

[read more …] “Regional Report 987 – 10th November 2009”