Official Opening of Water Feature at Millstreet Country Park

Tom Goggin, Kilcorney who was singing with the Duhallow Choir at the opening of the water feature at Millstreet Country Park
Tom Goggin, Kilcorney who was singing with the Duhallow Choral Society at the opening of the water feature at Millstreet Country Park

As reported last week, Millstreet Country Park have officially opened their new water feature, in the presence of the Belgian ambassador to Ireland Mr Robert Devriese, former President of the European Parliment Pat Cox, current Minister of Education Batt O’Keeffe, staff and visitors to the Park.

From early in the day there was music with the local Comhaltas Group playing, and followed after by the Duhallow Choral Society. Everyone gathered for the official opening at 5:30 with some words from the speakers and then Mr Devriese pressed the button and after a short time, the water flowed from the top of the fountain. It was a wonderful sight to behold. Afterwards, there were refreshments for everyone.

The Corkman has a report on the opening as did Eily Buckley in her Regional Report 977 this week. Also reported on by the Cork Independent.

[read more …] “Official Opening of Water Feature at Millstreet Country Park”

1911 Census for Millstreet

An example of a local Census Return Form from 1911
The 1911 Census Return for the O’Riordan family who lived at the corner of Mill Lane and Main Street, Millstreet

Recently I became aware that the 1911 Census has been published online at So if you would like to find who was in your house the night of that census, or if you would like to trace your ancestors then this is an interesting place to look. Personally, I have found my own four grandparents and my 7 great grandparents that were still alive then, and some more interesting facts too.

In this census, Millstreet Town is not a district, but is split into two separate DEDs (District Electoral Divisions): Coomlogane and Drishane from the days of the great houses in town. The full list of local DED’s are:

Caherbarnagh, Coomlogane, Drishane, Kilcorney, CrinalooRathcool,
Keale, Cullen, Skagh (Derinagree), Knocknagree, Rosnalee, Doonasleen

note: the Derragh DED which was in the 1901 census is now gone and is part of the Cullen DED in 1911.

The census was taken on April 2nd 1911.

[read more …] “1911 Census for Millstreet”

Belgian ambassador to unveil water feature

New water feature at the Millstreet Country Park

“A spectacular new water feature will be uneveiled at Millstreet Country Park on Sunday with Belgian Ambassador to Ireland Mr Robert Devriese performing the official duties.

The showpiece is a replica of the original Mont des Arts, built in the central square of Brussels in the early years of the 20th century.

The showcase square was created for the Universal Exposition held in the city in 1910. It featured a Park and a monumental staircase with cascading waterfalls descending the gentle slope from the Place Royal down to Emperor Boulevard”

Read the full article as well as other Millstreet news here: (print edition 27th August 2009)
Millstreet Matters by John Tarrant appears in the Corkman Newspaper every week.

Tour of Ireland Passing through Aubane

The video shows Dennis van Winden in first position followed by Mark Cassidy and finally the main group. with thanks to Bernard Crowley

As we approached the category two climb at Musheramore at 133km, the dynamic of the race began to change irrevocably. Astana hit the front of the peloton and began to peg back the leading duo. The gap was reduced to 6 minutes 57 seconds.

Here van Winden made a dash for it, dropping Cassidy on the ascent. On the way down the other side of the hill, van Winden had a two minute lead. An Post Sean Kelly Team Niko Eeckhout abandoned here; the climb just too much for the veteran Belgian.

Cassidy did hold on to second going over the summit at Musheramore, with Matt Wilson, last year’s King of the Mountains taking third place, adding crucial points in his hunt to retain his jersey this year.

Jay Thomson was fourth adding more points to his impressive ride in the Tour overall.

Van Winden took maximum points at the sprint at Millstreet followed by Cassidy, Andrey Grivko of ISD – Neri and Jason McCartney of Team Saxo Bank.


More Pictures and videos of the Tour of Ireland in the next few days.

Country Park Stone Circle. Photos and Amazement

Stone Circle at Millstreet Country Park
Stone Circle at Millstreet Country Park

There’s some very beautiful photography of the stone circle in the Millstreet Country Park by Ken Williams at this site , where he has this to say:

Every once in a while you come across a place that puts your head in a spin and in all the confusion you just want to laugh. This is a very odd place. Very, very odd. After seeing a handful of pics in a picture library of a stone circle with some unusual looking arrangements around it, there was nothing else to be done only track this strange place down and see it for myself …

You can read the rest of his article here:

Farmers Cup Final: Los Zarcos 1-0 Aubane

Not having been contested for 4 years, the pre-season competition between local sides was revived this year. Emphasis being on enjoying ones self while still being competitive. The final, played yesterday (Saturday August 15th 2009) was contested between Los Zarcos (from Millstreet Town) who play in the Cork AUL and Aubane who assembled a team from a small pick especially for this competition.

[read more …] “Farmers Cup Final: Los Zarcos 1-0 Aubane”

Aubane Notes March 2009

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Mrs O’Mahony Clondrohid, Tom Dineen Clondrohid, Teresa Mc Carthy Kilmeedy & Mairead O’Rahilly Kilcorney.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Caroline & Kevin Creedon Carrigaline on the birth of their baby boy.

Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Aubane Social Club will be held in the Aubane Community Centre on the 18th March commencing at 9.00 p.m Sharp. New Members welcome to attend.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm

Annual Christmas Morning Climb Supports St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund

The Aubane Social Club took time to time acknowledge a fundraising venture from one of it familiar hostings. All the participants in the club’s annual sponsored Mountain Climb which took place on Christmas Day morning were applauded for venturing out in great numbers to support the traditional staging and helping the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund.

Aubane Social Club’s Gerard Mc Sweeney commended the close on 150 participants who made it the most successful undertaking by the club. The brilliant weather added to the occasion in a venture growing in success supported by record numbers. This mountain climb on Christmas Morning has been ongoing now for over thirty years with a different charity benefiting each year. Last Year Marymount Hospice benefited from the proceeds of the climb but this year our beautiful historic St Patrick’s Church in Millstreet benefited. A cheque for €3,500 was presented by club member Sonya O’Riordan to Denis Lane Chairman of the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund Denis Lane said that he was no stranger to the Aubane area as it was where he was born and reared and his late mother Hannie Lane was a member of the Aubane Social Club for many years. Mr Lane expressed gratitude for the generous contribution which will go towards enchancing and restoring the Church. Cannn Declan O’Connor also thanked the Aubane Social Club and the participants of the climb. The photographs of the climb can be viewed on A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy & Mary Annakettel who filmed the climb from Dermot Healy’s Helicopter which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night which was an excellent programme. A special word of thanks to you all who climbed and those of you who subscribed to this worthy fund.

Presentation of €15,400 to Jonathon Irwin CEO of the Jack & Jill Foundation:

In October Billy & Ellen Sheehan proprietors of the Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet joined forces with the Aubane Social Club and a number of local businesses to raise the money for the Jack & Jill Foundation. A representative from the Millstreet Youth Club also presented a cheque from the proceeds of their Halloween Party. The staff from Supervalu in Millstreet also raised money for this fund by hosting an instore event where the staff dressed up in costumes for the day. On Friday 21st January the cheque for €15,400 was presented to Jonathon Irwin the founder of the Jack & Jill Foundation in the Wallis Arms. As part of his visit for the presentation of the cheque, Jonathon Irwin CEO of the Jack & Jill Foundation asked families in Cork & Kerry to donate their old mobile phones to buy more home nursing care for terminally ill children and children with severe neurological delay aged 0-4 years old being cared at home. There are 50 Jack & Jill babies in the Cork & Kerry Border today and up to 300 nationwide. Mr Irwin reminded people that 250 old mobile phones can buy home nursing care for a sick child a month. Mobile phones can be handed into the Wallis Arms. Billy Sheehan said that Eilin Ni Mhurcu is the Jack & Jill Liason nurse who covers both counties. Mr Irwin thanked everyone who helped raise this huge amount money for the Jack & Jill Foundation. The Aubane Social Club & Billy & Ellen Sheahan of the Wallis also expressed a special word thanks to everyone who made this event an outstanding success. . For further information on the Jack & Jill Foundation log on to

John F. Kelleher

March 2009

Aubane Notes January 2009

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Nonie Lane late of Aubane & Doneraile, Kitt Buckley Glenleigh Kilcorney, Tom Dowling Killarney, Millstreet & Charleville, Sean Buckley Kilcorney, Nora Leader Kilcorney, Noreen Dennehy Millstreet, Denny Cashman Tullig, Joan Courtney Islandahill, Mary Kelleher (Nee Kelleher) Clondrohid & late of Aubane, Sr Tecla Kelleher Cork, Michael Keating Killarney, Bridie Kelleher Ballyclough, and Treasa Moynihan Ballymakeera.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Noreen Lane Newmarket & Shane O’Donoghue who were married on the 6th December

Annual Christmas Party
The Annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place on Thursday 18th December in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrants at the Mass were Canon Declan O’Connor PP and Fr James Mc Sweeney helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. Following the mass, the party was held and patrons were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played music and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own songs. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make sure it was a thoroughly enjoyable night especially The Millstreet Choir, Ceolthois Ceoltoiri Eireann and to all the Aubane Social members who helped out on the night.

Christmas Morning Climb
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain took place again on Christmas Day Morning. This year the Sponsorship Proceeds of the climb were in aid of St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund. At 10:30am the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by at the Millstreet Country Park. It was a beautiful fresh crisp morning, but I believe they could see what lay ahead of them, the dense fog on top of the mountain From a distance was the sound of a helicopter which really surprised the climbers as the fog was very dense and some people thought he didn’t realize he was so near the mountain. When the helicopter landed on board was the Pilot Dermot Healy from Killarney & the LTV2 film crew Sean Murphy & Mary Anketell who interviewed the participants of the Climb. It’s the first time ever a helicopter landed on Mushera Mountain on Christmas Morning. So after about an hour of moving uphill at peoples own pace, they got to the top at about 11:30. There were already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before them. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there were over One Hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photos’ and a good long chat, they headed back for base. A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy & Mary Annakettel who filmed the climb which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night which was an excellent programme.

Thanks to each and every one of you who climbed the Mountain on the day. For pictures of the day log on to taken by Fr James Mc Sweeney.

Santa Claus Visited Aubane:
On Sunday 14th December Santa Claus visited all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre. Santa arrived in great syle in a BMW after his sleigh broke down just outside Aubane. He received a warm reception from the crowd. He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a early gift from santa,and were asked to be good, and were delighted with themselves.
There was also a bouncy castle, teas & biscuits for everyone. Thanks to all the people that helped and to our Club Members Don O’Riordan and his wife Sonya who put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours. Thanks to everyone who attended despite the bad weather conditions. Also special word of Thanks to those who gave us sponsorship, Bernard Crowley from LTV2 who filmed the event and to John O’Sullivan for supplying the Bouncing Castle.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm.

Around The Fireside

On December 30th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre around a nice homely warm fireside. A large crowd almost over eighty people gathered from far and wide to participate in both song and storytelling. Music was provided by local musicians and was enjoyed by all. In May another night will be held so watch this spot for the date. Thanks to all the singers and musicians who participated in this great annual get together.

American Tea Party

On Saturday 29nd November the Aubane Social Club hosted an American Tea Party at the Millstreet GAA Hall in Aid of the Aubane Community Centre Refurbishment Fund. Natural Gas entertained the crowd on the night. A huge crowd attended on the night. A special word of Thanks to who hosted tables and those who came on the night to support this event. Also Thanks to our sponsors, to the GAA Hall Committee who provided us with the venue and to Billy & Ellen Sheehan the Wallis Arms who provided us with tables & chairs.

Dancing Classes:
Dancing Classes have now commenced in the Aubane Community Centre since Tuesday 13th January and will continue every Tuesday night from 8.30 to 9.30 pm. If anyone is interested please contact Eileen O’Riordan or Gerdie Buckley for further details-.

As Secretary of the Aubane Social Club I would to thank you all who supported us by attending our different events which we held during 2008 or those who helped us in anyway. It is very much appreciated and we hope to see you all again in 2009.

Happy New Year to you All!!

Aubane Notes December 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Catherine Kelleher Carriginimma, Chris Forde late of Millstreet & Knocknagree, John Mc Sweeney Meenskeey & John O’Riordan Glounthane.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

New Arrivals

Congratulations to the following parents of New Arrivals

Margaret & Eugene Barrett Aubane on the birth of their baby boy.

Juliette & John O’Keeffe Gurrane on the birth of their baby boy.

Sonya & Don O’Riordan Tullig on the birth of their baby boy.

Kate & Jerry Kelleher Aubane on the birth of their baby boy.

Irene & Tim O’Mahony Flintfield on the birth of their baby boy.


Congratulations to the following couples Padraig Creedon Aubane & Kathleen O’Sullivan Cloughlamore and also to Mairead Kelleher Aubane Cross & Paul Quinn from Co. Down who announced their engagements recently.


Congratulations to those locally who participated in the Dublin City Marathon during the October Bank Holiday.

Around the Fireside:

On Tuesday 30th December a night of stories and song around the fireside will take place in the Aubane Community Centre commencing at 8.30 pm sharp. Everybody is welcome.

Santa Claus is visiting Aubane:

On Sunday December Santa Claus will pay a visit to the boys and girls in the Aubane Community Centre on Sunday 14th December commencing at 2.00 pm till 4.00. All are welcome.

Annual Christmas Party for Aubane & the Surrounding Areas:

The Annual Mass and Christmas Party for the Aubane community and surrouding area takes place in the Aubane Community Centre on Thursday 18th December at 7.30 p.m. A great night of food and entertainment is guaranteed.

Annual Christmas Morning Climb:

The Annual Christmas Morning Climb takes place on Thursday 25th December at 10.30 am and the meeting place is the St John’s Well Car park not the Millstreet Country Park Entrance as we this year would like to get everyone starting from the same venue. The sponsorship cards will be available from myself or from any Social Club member. This year the proceeds of the climb will be in aid of St Patrick’s Church Millstreet Restoration Fund.

Annual Fancy Dress in Aid of the Jack & Jill Foundation :

The Annual fancy dress took place on Friday (31th October) in the Wallis Arms Hotel. The annual event raises money for charity each year. Last year the money raised went to the Cullen & District Special Needs Association & The Aubane Social Club. There was a fantastic turnout again this year with a very impressive display of costumes. The variety, the colour and the great effort that everybody went to in dressing up makes this night, one of the best in Millstreet. Ghosts and Witches met up with the Teletubbies, Batman the Tyrone football team and many more at the popular charity fancy dress Halloween disco. The organisers Aubane Social Club & the Wallis Arms Hotel were thrilled by the response. The proceeds of €14,000 from the function went to the Jack & Jill Foundation. The staging of the Fancy Dress continues to grow in stature and is now a permanent event on the social calendar in Millstreet. This year’s event was the biggest ever attracting people from all over the Duhallow Area and from Cork City and beyond. The foundation provides early intervention home respite to families of young children with severe neuro developmental delay and palliative conditions requiring extensive medical and nursing care at home. The Wallis Arms teamed up with the Aubane Social Club to host the event where dance goers took the floor to the sound of the popular Eddie O’Gorman Pacific Blue which was followed by a party and disco in the Nite Club. An Auction of Jerseys from the Tyrone, Cork GAA and the rugby team provided great interest as did the individual fancy dress winners. Helen O’Flynn took the prize for best female costume and Con Dennehy collected the Male equivalent. As member of the organising committee a special thanks to all the sponsors, and those dressed up and came on the night to support the event. Also those on the organising committee both from the Aubane Social Club and the Wallis Arms Well Done.

Set Dancing:

The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The set dancing has now gone from strength to strength with the dance floor full evey Monday Night and it is a credit due to the organisers so take a bow. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm sharp. On the 22 th December it is the Set Dancing Christmas Party Night

On Holidays:

It was great to see many people visiting the area since the last edition of the Clara News. My good friends Brigette & Pascal Friossart from Reims in France gave a trip home.

A Warm Welcome:
On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would to entend a warm welcome to those who have taken up residence in the Aubane Area recently. Happy Christmas to ye all in your new homes as it is your first Christmas in the area. Ye are more than welcome to come and join in the activities we host in our Community Centre.

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher. The Aubane Social Club email addresses are <email> or aubane@eircom

Calendar in Aid of the Mercy Hospital Cork Pastoral Care

An ideal Christmas present this year is Fr James Mc Sweeney’s Calendar for 2009

This year all proceeds from the Calendar are going to a number of charities. With

the current recession and government cutbacks many charities are working harder

at ground level and also at the same time trying to raise money to keep going. Cork

Sick Poor Society is one of the oldest charitable societies in Cork. It was founded

back in 1853 to look after the needs of the less well off and it still works to provide

financial and other supports to those in need across the city. Stuart Mangan Fund:

Stuart is from Fermoy whose life changed forever last April when a simple tackle in

rugby left him with a devastating spinal injury. He is completely paralysed from the

neck down and unable to breathe without a ventilator. In coming to terms with his

horrific injury, Stuart has managed to show incredible courage and friends say he is

determined to deal positively with his drastically altered circumstances. The Stuart

Mangan Fund has been set up for his care. Vincent De Paul: The current downturn

has meant a great pull on its resources. They are working harder than ever to meet

increasing demands from those less well off. Their work is carried out quietly and

efficiently by a wide team of volunteers. Shine Autism Charity (IPAA) is based here

in Cork and help families with the diagnosis of autism. They also have a preschool in

Carrigaline and have a fantastic intervention team. They run an after school club and

help many families in the city and county. The Edith Wilkins Foundation: Edith

Wilkins is an amazing Cork woman who has spent the past 23 years caring for street

children in Calcutta and Darjeeling in West Bengal, India. She is a true Irish

missionary. Supported by family and friends she works 16 hours a day to make a

better life for those she cares for.

This is the 6th calendar that we have put together with the Evening Echo. Our target

is €25,000 and we are delighted to be able to bring you another quality calendar. This

calendar should retail for €12 but thanks to the generosity of our sponsors we can

keep the costs down to €7. Thanks to so many shops who sell this calendar without

commission. Your generosity makes such a difference to the charities involved

Pat and Nora Casey, Ballinagree beautiful alpaca made fo a most interesting

front cover!

P.S. The calendar can also be posted to anywhere in the world for €10 (includes post

and packaging) Send on a cheque for €10 made payable to 2009 Charity Calendar

and send it on to Fr.James McSweeney, Chaplain,

Coláiste Choilm, Ballincollig, Co.Cork .

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody at home and abroad a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2009! As I embark on my holiday to Thialand and Australia till Christmas Eve.

John F. Kelleher

December 2008

Aubane Notes October 2008


We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Johanna Lehane Aubane, James O’Connell Dripsey & Ballingarry, Queenie Piggott Gurrane.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis

Dancing Classes:
Dancing Classes have now commenced in the Aubane Community Centre since Tuesday 7th October and will continue every Tuesday night from 8.00 to 9.00 pm. These classes are for eight weeks till the end of November. If anyone is interested please contact myself John Kelleher Secretary on 086 1942161 or Eileen O’Riordan or Gerdie Buckley for further information..

A Warm Welcome:
On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would to entend a warm welcome to those who have taken up residence in the Aubane Area recently. Ye are more than welcome to come and join in the activities we host in our Community Centre.

[read more …] “Aubane Notes October 2008”

Aubane Notes September 2008

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Ann Kelleher Finanefield, Gavin Tarrant Kilcorney, Joan Guerin Ballydaly, Chris Moynihan Boherbue, Mick Kelleher Kilowen, Arthur Anders Kilmeedy, John Buckley late of Mushera & Millstreet, David O’Connell late of Toorenbawn & Lombardstown, Bridie Murphy Shanaknuck, Catherine Lane Ballinatona, John O’Shea, Killowen Sean Sheehan Laugh, John Kelleher Lackabawn.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Carol Sheehan Rathmore and Denis Kelleher Aubane who announced their engagement recently while holidaying in Australia .

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre recommences on Monday night 29th September until May 2009. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm.

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

Happy Birthday :

Happy Birthday to Peter Moynihan Lackdota, who celebrated a very special birthday recently.

On Holidays:

It was great to see many people visiting the area since the last edition of the Clara News. My good friends Brigette & Pascal Friossart from Reims in France gave a trip home during the summer.





Co. Cork

29 August 2008

Dear Sir,


I agree totally with Jerry Sheehan’s critique of official tourist bodies and their lack of support and appreciation for the tourist potential of areas outside the ‘honey pots’ such as Blarney and Killarney (Corkman, 28/8/08).

What makes Jerry’s case even stronger is that the unique Country Park he has created lies exactly halfway between both these tourist spots and all are directly connected by the first tourist project ever created in Ireland – the Cork-Killarney Turnpike road opened on 1st May 1748. His Park could, quite literally, be the centre of a new tourist product.

This road was built by John Murphy of Castleisleand who first saw the tourist potential of Killarney’s lakes and Blarney castle and created a road that joined them – which it still does – for those who know it. That road later thrived as the historic Butter Road for well over a century;

This road connects historic and cultural centres such as Shandon, Blarney, Tower, Mathey, Rylane, Mushera and Sliabh Luachra. There is a myriad historic and archaeological site along its route as well as new attractions such as the new International Golf Course at Tower, the Millstreet Country Park itself and the Green Glens in Millstreet.

The road and environs is also ideal for environmental friendly tourism and activities such as road, hill and mountain walking as well as appreciating the wildlife or simply enjoying the sheer scenic beauty.

It is a perfect introduction, and is complementary, to Killarney and the Ring of Kerry. Its development and promotion could add a new dimension to tourism in the South West and add to the variety available.

Fáilte Ireland and others have indicated the potential of adding the Butter Road and what it has to offer to the tourist products available to visitors but it has yet to even appear on any tourist map or brochure. Why? Surely that would not be too difficult or expensive to arrange? The Butter Museum in Shandon is rightly promoted – so why not the Butter Road?

Yours sincerely,

Jack Lane

Ministerial Visit to Aubane Commuity Centre to Launch 2 Publications

Aubane 1975 – 2008

On Tuesday 26th August 2008 the Aubane Social Club & Aubane Historical Society was very privileged to have Batt O’Keeffe Minister for Education visit Aubane Community Centre for a very historical event. The Minister was welcomed by Jack Lane Aubane Historical Society and John F. Kelleher Secretary of the Aubane Social Club. He was then introduced personally to each of Aubane Social Club Committee Members. It is the Ministers third visit to Aubane as his first visit was in April 2005, then he came for Jack Lane’s last Launch in May 2007 and now his present visit. The proceedings got under way by the President of the Aubane Historical Society Jack Lane who welcomed everyone as there was huge attendance. IRD Duhallow was represented by its Vice Chairperson Jack Roche. Apologies were sent by Michael Creed TD, Eily Buckley, Fr Gerard O’Leary, Canon Declan O’Connor, Maura Walsh IRD Duhallow, John Sheehan, , Michael Moynihan TD and Don Crowley V Chairman of IRD whom were unable to attend the function. Two publications

Books were launched on the night. The first book is written by Mr. Dan Cronin from Shrone entitled Around the Cork Kerry Border, recalling the Rambling House. In this book Dan presents in collection of stories and historical Sketches from his native shrone and surrounding areas. It is a tribute to the people of his area, their knowledge, culture and resilience in face of many difficulties. They are stories and experiences that impressed and entertained him, and many others and they give a real glimpse into bygone age by someone who lived in it and became one of its narrators. Unfortunately Mr Dan Cronin was unable to attend the launch but his wife Margaret Cronin deputized on his behalf. The second book was written by Ballydaly native Fr Sean Tucker entitled the origins development of the Parish of Millstreet. In this publication Fr Sean Tucker traces the history of Millstreet Parish across nearly a thousand years. It is the first such record of the parish. It is based on detailed analyses of church records using primary resources and is the result of years of original research by Fr Sean Tucker – truly a labour of love. On the platform was Batt O’Keeffe Minister for Education, President of the Aubane Historical Society Jack Lane and Fr Sean Tucker.

Jack Lane in his opening speech said that it was very symbolic to have a launch in Aubane this week as it is National Heritage Week and these two books are a great contribution.

He also said that the Millstreet Area is steeped in local history and urged that the present generation should read and learn about all about the happenings of long ago. He said this history should be thought to second level students at school. Fr Tucker then spoke, he first said that we have a lot of wonderful local heritage even in the Millstreet area. Fr Tucker in his address said he went for a drive the other day around the circuit of Clara which is about 15km. On this route there are many historical sites such as the Old Workhouse at Millstreet Hospital, the old Georgian house at Mountleader and Kilmeedy Castle. Fr Tucker went to college in Waterford and the first Minister he met was Sean Moylan who was the Minister for Education at that era. He paid tributes to Sean Radley Curator of Millstreet Museum on his publication Picture Millstreet, Fr James Mc Sweeney on his recent publication A year in Reflections and Canon Michael Mannings writings on the history of the Stain glass windows of St Patrick’s Church Millstreet. Fr Tucker was truly delighted to have Cullen native and a Minister to launch his publication.

Minister Batt O’Keeffe then made his speech. Batt said it was a hounour and a great pleasure to come to Aubane to celebrate the publications of two great authors who enjoy writing. He praised the Aubane Social Club as it is a club which thrives in a small community by the hard work the club members put in. The Minister then said it was great to see Fr James as he is now the new chaplain in Colaiste Cholim Ballincollig which is just down the road from where the Minister resides, Tom Meaney who was previously a Minister of State and whom he always looked up to. From the Ministers reading of the books he found the two books were written in a picturesque language, interesting and very educational. He said that his 26 year old daughter asked him to give her the two books also to read as after a few pages she too found them interesting to read. He also thanked the two authors for an outstanding contribution to local history and also praised the Aubane Historical Society highly. From his reading of Dan Cronins Book he said it brought back many old memories to him such as the Stations in the local area, the whitewashing of the house, threshing days, the pig and the making of the puddings. He said Dan portrayed these happenings of long ago very well.

In Fr Sean Tuckers book he found that the spirit of hope was very evident. He then declared the two publications officially launched. Jack Lane in his final speech said he could n’t have asked for better launch and praised the Minister. Jack Lane thanked all those who helped in the organising of the launch. Jack Lane then presented the Minister with a hand painted slate which was specially commissioned by Artist Kate O’Keeffe from Ballydesmond.

Tea and Refreshments were served afterwards. Entertainment was then provided by local singers, among them was the very popular Annmarie O’Riordan. Local Musican James Buckley played the Concertina. MC was myself John Kelleher

Article written by

John Kelleher


Aubane Social Club

27th August 2008

Sherkin Island Trip

On Saturday 12th of August, Aubane Social Club headed off on tour to Sherkin Island, located just off the south west coast of Ireland. A bus load of people headed off early on Saturday morning in great anticipation of a wonderful day out. We were blessed with wonderful weather, where the sun was splitting the rocks all day on Sherkin Island. On the return journey we sampled the wonderful views of Glengarriff and surrounding areas. See attached photos for a sample of the views and scenery we experienced on and around the island. Everyone enjoyed the day greatly. A special word of thanks to our coach driver Seamus Buckley, who drove us around all day till late at night. His patience and enthusiasm was greatly appreciated by all.

Aubane Notes May 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of the following Christy Maddigan who died recently

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Lynette O’Donoghue Aubane & Ted Linehan Aubane who got married on the 9th May at Fossa Church in Killarney.

Confirmation & Communion:

Congratulations to all those in the Aubane area who received their communion or confirmation recently.

Aubane Social Club Summer Day Trip :

The Aubane Social Club will hold their Summer Day Trip on the 23rd August. The destination is not yet decided. Anyone who interested in coming along on the day can contact myself at 029 – 70719 for more information.

The Aubane Website Link:

The Aubane Community Website was set up over four years ago consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The photographs of the Ice Cream Sunday are on the Website this month. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

HB Ice Cream Sunday:

Aubane hosted its third HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 25th May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with a considerable amount €2,000 rose on the day for Down Sydrome Ireland. The main organisers of this event were Kathleen & Jerry Kelleher Chairman of the Aubane Social Clutb. The afternoon commenced at 2pm and finished at 4pm at the Aubane Community Centre. It was great to see such a large attendance on a beautiful summers day. A special word of thanks to John O’Sullivan Tullig of Duhallow Bouncing Castle who provided a bouncing castle inside free of charge. Of course there was more than enough ice cream to go around too. Thanks to all for supporting this worthy cause. Well Done to Kathleen & Jerry.

St John’s Well Mass

The Annual Mass will be celebrated at St John’s Well on Tueday 24th June at 8.30 pm. This year it is the 50th year since the first mass was celebrated at the well. All are welcome.

Cork City Marathon

Congratulations to all the local people who participated in this year’s Cork City Marathon on Monday 2nd June. Well Done.

Stops Sign and Road Markings:

I would like inform the public and the people living in the Aubane Community that Stops Signs and Road Markings have been put in place at Cross Roads at the Kerryman’s Table. These signs were put in place due to the poor vision from the Millstreet Side and failure of people to STOP at the both junctions when either coming from Kilcorney or Ballinagree. As signs are now erected at the Junction a life will be saved as numerous bad accidents have occurred in the past few years. I now ask road users to obey the Road Markings and stop signs as they are put in place for a reason. I would like to thank Councilor Noel Buckley and Michael Moynihan TD for their assistance in helping me as Secretary of the Aubane Social Club to put them in place. Thank you also to the staff at the Cork County Council Office in Millstreet for their quick response action in putting these Signs and Road Markings in place.

Set Dancing:

The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre concluded on the 12th May which was the last night. On the night there were nine sets on the floor dancing to the great music of the popular Abbey Ceili Band. The dancing will recommence again on Monday the 29th September. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm. A special thanks to you all who came to the dancing during the season and I hope ye enjoyed yourselves. We hope to see you all again on the 29th September.

Fr James Mc Sweeney is the New Chaplain of Cholaiste Choilm

Congratulations and best wishes for the Future to Fr James Mc Swenney in his new parish Ballincollig where he is the new Full Time Chaplain of Colasite Choilm Secondary School. This is a great school, which has over One Thousand students attending. When I recently spoke with Fr James the day after he received the good news, he said it’s a challenge that im well ready for and as well it is a new beginning with many possibilities to look forward to. The real bonus Fr James though is that Ballincollig is so near to his homeland Toorenbawn as it is only over the hill. Best of Luck in your new Parish Fr James where I’m sure you will made very welcome by the students and staff of Colaiste Choilm and by the people living in Ballincollig.

Enjoy the summer until the Autumn its Goodbye from John F. Kelleher

Aubane Notes May 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Sean Murphy Cloghoulabeg, Steven O’Leary Lissarda, Michael O’Herlihy Berrings, Kathleen Lane Kiseam, Julia Lucey Derrinagree, Margaret Kelleher Cloghoulabeg, May O’Connor Church St Millstreet, Michael O’Leary Clara Road.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Una O’Mahoney Clonakilty and Tony Twomey Kilcorney who announced their engagement recently.

Set Dancing:

The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night until Monday 12th May, which is the last night. The dancing will recommence again on Monday the 29th September. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm.


Congratulations to Celine O’Riordan Millstreet & Tim Lehane who were married at St Patrick’s Church on Saturday 5th April.

Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Aubane Social Club was held in the Aubane Community Centre on the 27th March. Gerard Mc Sweeney Chairman thanked the members for the their commitment to the Club during the past year. I John Kelleher (PRO) gave a summary of the different events and happenings that took place during the year and I now look forward to yet another busy year ahead. The Aubane Homepage has also been an tremendous success since it was set up four years ago as the different events that are staged at the Community Centre can be viewed by people Worldwide. This summary will be on the Aubane Homepage shortly for the publics viewing. The present Treasurer spoke very highly about the different events that were organised by the club during the past year. The Social Club now its 33nd year in existence and over the years has celebrated many events such as the Tops of the Town, Butter Road Commeration in May 1998 and their 30th Anniversary Social in November 2005 .

The Aubane Social Club consists of the following officers elected for the year 2008 – 2009

Chairperson – Mr Jerry Kelleher

Vice Chairperson – Mr Declan Kelleher.

Secretary / Public Relations Officer – Mr John F Kelleher

Assistant PRO – Sonya O’Riordan

Treasurer – Mr John Dineen.

Aubane Social Club members include: Kathleen Kelleher, Gerdie Buckley, Ned Lawlor, John W. Kelleher, Don O’ Riordan, John Sheehan, Michael O’Riordon, John Twomey, Michael Cashman, Denny Lane, Shane O’Donoghue & Con Murphy

Mr Gerard Mc Sweeney ended the Annual General Meeting by expressing a word of thanks to everyone for their continuous help and support they gave us during the year 2007-2008. Gerard wished Jerry Kelleher the very best of luck in the year ahead as the new chairman of Aubane Social Club. New Members are always very welcome.

Easter Table Quiz:

The biggest crowd ever of 27 Tables participated this year in our Good Friday Night Table Quiz with the dancing room full to the brim. The questions were set by quiz-masters Don and Michael O’Riordan. There were questions for everyone from children’s cartoons to old films, from history to local news, music and picture rounds and of course general knowledge. Many thanks to our sponsors on the night: Colemans of Millstreet, Dennehy’s Centra, The Country Park, Pomeroy’s Clara Inn, William Kelleher Kitchens, Jerry Kelleher Aubane, Michael O’ Sullivan Electrical, Carrig Mill Carriginimma, Alan Burton Drawing & Planning Services, The Wallis Arms Hotel, Super Valu and JK Cutters who sponsored the 1st Prize of 150 euros. A special Thanks to Sean A. O’Sullivan for the use of his sound equipment, to Millstreet GAA for the use of the tables and to anyone else who helped us in anyway.

HB Ice Cream Sunday In Aid of Down Syndrome Ireland:

Aubane will host its third HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 25th May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success last year with a considerable amount raised on the day that was donated to Down Syndrome Irealand. The main organisers of this event are Kathleen & Jerry Kelleher. The afternoon will commence at 2pm and finish at 4pm at the Aubane Community Centre. An excellent afternoon of entertainment is promised for young and old. Please give it your best support.

Winning Streak:

Congratulations to Noreen Cashman Youghal and originally from Tullig who appeared on the National Lottery Winning Streak game show on Saturday the 2nd March. It was great to see a local woman win a tremendous amount of money. Well Done Noreen!!

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher (Secretary /PRO).or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

Diamond Sisters Launches New CD:

Congratulations to the Diamond Sisters Breeda & Marie Moynihan Lackdota on the recent launch of their second fifteen track CD which was held at Darby O’Gill’s on Friday 28th March. Singing on this excellent CD also is their brother Donal and father Peter Moynihan. The CD entitled Love Can Build a Bridge is now for sale from the Diamond Sisters Management and from the usual outlets at €15. I believe the launch was excellent success and on behalf of Aubane Social Club I would wish the Diamond Sisters the very Best of Luck for the future.

Fr James Person of the Month Award:

Congratulations to Fr James Mc Sweeney who was awarded The Cork Person of the Month in March. Fr. James McSweeney was based in St.Oliver’s Church, Ballyvolane and had been working in the Ballyvolane/Dublin Hill area since 2001. Prior to that Fr. James was in Ballinlough parish for six years. Fr. James has brought a youthful approach to all we believe in. James has a simple down to earth faith that is rooted in his love of nature and the countryside. He has always believed in nurturing, sharing and promoting good news. This is the heart of the gospel message and is at the heart of his work as a priest. He believes strongly in teamwork and nurturing peoples many different talents particularly young people. James works quietly away but with great energy and determination. Such energy and enthusiasm can only come from a man who is close to God and someone who believes in the great goodness, love and potential of each person in his community. He is a man who never leaves the camera out of sight and always has it to hand to capture that perfect moment. His charity work and his devotion to the parishioners has seen him organize numerous of themed masses and raise thousands of euro for worthy causes through his yearly Calendar and live animal crib at Christmas time. This year Fr James launched his first book entitled A year in Reflections which was an outstanding success and is now a collectors item. Recently Fr James´ work saw the Mercy University Hospital Foundation receive more than €40,000 through his photographic calendar and live animal crib. On Easter Sunday at St Oliver’s Church it was packed to capacity as parishioners said farewell to their popular Parish Priest. Fr James said “The past seven years have been truly special, it has been an absolute honour and privelage working as a priest in this area”. During the mass the teachers and students of Scoil Olibhear preformed a specially commissioned piece “The Mushera Reel” by Richard Daly. I would like to wish Fr James on behalf of the Aubane Social Club the very best of Luck for the Future in his new parish in June. Don’t forget to log on Fr James’s Thought for the day on the net by logging to www.todayismygifttoyou or

Millstreet Country Park:

It was a delight to read the Examiner on Saturday 5th April and see our own Millstreet Country Park being praised highly by the well know Journalist Mary Leland. Mary is truly right is saying that Millstreet Country Park has Natures bounty in all its glory. In this article it was great to see words the Aubane River, Mushera Mor and the Butter Road being used as it shows that Aubane area has tourism potential by having such a beautiful Country Park near by. So this summer why not pay a visit to this beautiful local hidden gem that is Millstreet Country Park.

Paris City Marathon:

Congratulations to Seanie Barrett Aubane & Brian O’Connor Cloghoula who participated in the Paris City Marathon recently.

Aubane Notes May 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of the following Christy Maddigan who died recently

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Lynette O’Donoghue Aubane & Ted Linehan Dublin who got married on the 9th May at Fossa Church in Killarney.

Confirmation & Communion:

Congratulations to all those in the Aubane area who received their communion or confirmation recently.

Aubane Social Club Summer Day Trip :

The Aubane Social Club will hold their Summer Day Trip on the 23rd August. The destination is not yet decided. Anyone who interested in coming along on the day can contact myself at 029 – 70719 for more information.

The Aubane Website Link:

The Aubane Community Website was set up over four years ago consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The photographs of the Ice Cream Sunday are on the Website this month. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

HB Ice Cream Sunday:

Aubane hosted its third HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 25th May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with a considerable amount €2,000 rose on the day for Down Sydrome Ireland. The main organisers of this event were Kathleen & Jerry Kelleher Chairman of the Aubane Social Clutb. The afternoon commenced at 2pm and finished at 4pm at the Aubane Community Centre. It was great to see such a large attendance on a beautiful summers day. A special word of thanks to John O’Sullivan Tullig of Duhallow Bouncing Castle who provided a bouncing castle inside free of charge. Of course there was more than enough ice cream to go around too. Thanks to all for supporting this worthy cause. Well Done to Kathleen & Jerry.

St John’s Well Mass

The Annual Mass will be celebrated at St John’s Well on Tueday 24th June at 8.30 pm. This year it is the 50th year since the first mass was celebrated at the well. All are welcome.

Cork City Marathon

Congratulations to all the local people who participated in this year’s Cork City Marathon on Monday 2nd June. Well Done.

Stops Sign and Road Markings:

I would like inform the public and the people living in the Aubane Community that Stops Signs and Road Markings have been put in place at Cross Roads at the Kerryman’s Table. These signs were put in place due to the poor vision from the Millstreet Side and failure of people to STOP at the both junctions when either coming from Kilcorney or Ballinagree. As signs are now erected at the Junction a life will be saved as numerous bad accidents have occurred in the past few years. I now ask road users to obey the Road Markings and stop signs as they are put in place for a reason. I would like to thank Councilor Noel Buckley and Michael Moynihan TD for their assistance in helping me as Secretary of the Aubane Social Club to put them in place. Thank you also to the staff at the Cork County Council Office in Millstreet for their quick response action in putting these Signs and Road Markings in place.

Set Dancing:

The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre concluded on the 12th May which was the last night. On the night there were nine sets on the floor dancing to the great music of the popular Abbey Ceili Band. The dancing will recommence again on Monday the 29th September. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm. A special thanks to you all who came to the dancing during the season and I hope ye enjoyed yourselves. We hope to see you all again on the 29th September.

Fr James Mc Sweeney is the New Chaplain of Cholaiste Choilm

Congratulations and best wishes for the Future to Fr James Mc Swenney in his new parish Ballincollig where he is the new Full Time Chaplain of Colasite Choilm Secondary School. This is a great school, which has over One Thousand students attending. When I recently spoke with Fr James the day after he received the good news, he said it’s a challenge that im well ready for and as well it is a new beginning with many possibilities to look forward to. The real bonus Fr James though is that Ballincollig is so near to his homeland Toorenbawn as it is only over the hill. Best of Luck in your new Parish Fr James where I’m sure you will made very welcome by the students and staff of Colaiste Choilm and by the people living in Ballincollig.

Enjoy the summer until the Autumn its Goodbye from John F. Kelleher

Aubane Notes March 2008

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Aubane Social Club AGM – Thursday 27th March 2008

Events Report

The Social Club once again another busy year

The Set Dancing continues every month night and during 2007 the Social Club held Dancing Classes which finished in Late March of 2007.

March 2007

Car Treasure Hunt:

The Aubane Social hosted a Car Treasure Hunt on Sunday 25th March which was a very enjoyable event.

April 2007

Easter Table Quiz:

Another big crowd participated last year in our Good Friday Night Table Quiz with the dancing room full to the brim. The questions were set by quiz-masters Don and Michael O’Riordan. There were questions for everyone from children’s cartoons to old films, from history to local news, music and picture rounds and of course general knowledge

May 2007

HB Ice Cream Sunday:

Aubane hosted its second HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 27th May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with a considerable amount €1050.00 rose on the day for Down Sydrome Ireland. The main organisers of this event were Kathleen & Jerry Kelleher. The afternoon commenced at 2pm and finished at 4pm at the Aubane Community Centre. It was great to see such a large attendance on a beautiful summers day.

Fr James Sweeney receives the Lord Mayor’s Civic Award

The Mc Sweeney Family Toorenbawn received a very prestigious Award from Bothar.

Batt O’Keeffe TD in Aubane for Presention

The Aubane Historical Society (AHS) organised a local launch of its latest publication and presented a copy to Minister of State, Batt O’Keeffe TD on Saturday 12th May 2007. It is called “Fianna Fail and the decline of the Free State” by Brendan Clifford and is dedicated to Jack Roche


The Lane family Aubane donated a beautiful pine seat to the Aubane Social Club & St John’s Well Committee at St John’s Well in memory of their late parents Hannie & Jackie Lane Aubane. The Aubane Social Club in June hsted a very special mass for the late Hannie Lane who passed away in May 2007 and she also left the Aubane Social Club a generous sum of money in our will. May she rest in Peace. Hannie was a member of the Social Club for many years
Annual Mass at St John’s Well:

The Annual St John’s Well mass was celebrated on the 25 June 2007 as this year it was the 25th Anniversary of the erecting of the Stations of the Cross. . It was celebrated by Bishop Bill Murphy Bishop of Kerry, and assisted by Fr Declan O’Connor CC St Mary’s Cathedral Killarney. A large crowd attended the mass this year despite it being a rather cold overcast evening. During the mass Fr Declan O’Connor recited the well-known poem St John’s that was written by one of the founder members of the St John’s Well Committee

After the mass a reception was held in the Aubane Community Centre where people were treated to refreshments and entertainment. The Aubane Social Club and St John’s Well Committee also made two presentations to the Fr Bill Murphy Bishop Kerry for celebrating the mass. John W. Kelleher presented him with an engrave Slate Clock and Brendan Kelleher presented a framed photograph of St John’s Well. Fr Bill Murphy said that it was his first time to Aubane and was very impressed by its scenic beauty; he also said that the next time he would be travelling to Cork he would take the Butter Road Route. The celebrations went on till the early hours of the morning.

25th August 2007

Aubane Social Club amongst other local people enjoyed a day trip around the Beara Peninsula and stopped off for an enjoyable night of entertainment the Lansdowne Arms in Kenmare.

October 2007

Annual Fancy Dress:

The Annual fancy dress took place on Friday (26th October) in the Wallis Arms Hotel. The annual event raises money for charity each year. This year the money raised went to the Cullen & District Special Needs Association & The Aubane Social Club. There was a fantastic turnout again this year with a very impressive display of costumes.. During the past 7 years Jerry Kelleher and Tony Twomey have raised an incredible amount of over €25,000 for different charities. On Friday 9th November Jerry and Tony presented the two cheques to representatives of both the Aubane Social Club and the Cullen & District Special Needs Association. On the night also a beautiful hand painted slate clock was presented to Tony Twomey for the great the work he did in organising the event for the past 7 years. Jerry Kelleher and Tony Twomey both said on the night that they would not be organising the event anymore and that it was there last, but the good news is that the members of the Aubane Social Club will now continue role in organising the Annual Fancy Dress for next year and the years to come. Like every other year the money will be donated to different charities. On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would like to wish Tony and Jerry every success for the future and thank you both for such a generous contribution, which will be put towards the Aubane Community Centre Roof Fund.

November 2007

On Friday the 7th December Fr Sean Tucker gave an interesting lecture on History of Drishane Estate. The lecture was officially opened by the President of Aubane Historical Society Jack Lane. The lecture was very well attended.

In November a number of people from the Aubane Area and from the Social Club participated in Defibrillator and Occupational First Aid Training which took place over three Saturday’s. This was very intensive training.

The Annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place on Thursday 13th December in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrants at the Mass were Monsignor Michael Manning and Fr James Mc Sweeney helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. Following the mass, the party was held and patrons were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played music and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own songs.

Santa Claus Visited Aubane:
On Sunday 9th December Santa Claus visited all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre.

The Social Club enjoyed their Christmas Party at Killarney Heights.

Fr James Relaunches New Book in his homeland:

Aubane’s own Fr James Mc Sweeney launched his new book titled “A year in Reflections in Aubane Community Centre in the presence of a large attendance on Tuesday 18 December. “ A year in Reflections features a thought for each day of the year with a focus written by Fr James. Accompanying the text is a photograph for each day of the year. Mr Sean Radley launched the book and described publication as very special and a treasure. The book is dedicated to his parents Con & Nora Mc Sweeney. Supporting the publication were The Evening Echo newspaper and present at the launch were Dan Linehan CEO, and Diarmuid O’Donovan Circulation Manager. The book has now gone nationwide and remains on sale at bookshops and usual outlets.

Around The Fireside
On December 28th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre around a nice homely warm fireside. A large crowd almost seventy people gathered from far and wide to participate in both song and storytelling.

Christmas Morning Climb
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain took place again on Christmas Day Morning. This year the Sponsorship Proceeds of the climb were in aid of St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice in Cork City. So after about an hour of moving uphill at our own pace, we got to the top at about 11:30. There was already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before us. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there was over One Hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photos’ and a good long chat, we we headed back for base, and the warmth of Christmas Dinner.

January 2008

Aubane Climb supports St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice

The Aubane Social Club took time to acknowledge a fundraising venture from one of its familiar hostings. All the participants in the club’s annual sponsored Mountain Climb which took place on Christmas Day morning were applauded for venturing out in great numbers to support the traditional staging and helping the Marymount Hospice Fund.

Aubane Social Club Chairman Gerard Mc Sweeney commended the close on 150 participants who made it the most successful undertaking by the club. The brilliant weather added to the occasion in a venture growing in success supported by record numbers. This mountain climb on Christmas Morning has been ongoing now for over thirty years with a different charity benefiting each year. Marymount Hospice offers an invaluable service and it is vital cog to people in County Cork A €6,500 cheque was presented by club member John Kelleher Snr to Noreen Cahill Marymount Hospice. Ms Cahill said that she was no stranger to the Aubane Area as her relatives come from Ivale and was delighted to be back in Aubane again. Mary Cahill expressed gratitude for the generous contribution toward enchancing the working of Marymount Hospice and their plans for a new building which will be built on the Old Greyhound Track.

March 2008

The biggest crowd participated this year in our Good Friday Night Table Quiz with the dancing room full to the brim with over 25 Tables. The questions were set by quiz-masters Don and Michael O’Riordan. There were questions for everyone from children’s cartoons to old films, from history to local news, music and picture rounds and of course general knowledge. Congratulations to all involved.

Fr James Mc Sweeney is awarded Person of the Month.

John Kelleher

27th March 2008

Aubane Notes February 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Mary O’Sullivan and Teddy Lucey Carrigimma.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Ann & Billy Kelleher on the birth of their baby boy.

Easter Table Quiz:

A Table Quiz will be held in the Aubane Community Centre on Good Friday 21th March commencing at 8.30 p.m sharp. All are welcome to attend

Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Aubane Social Club will be held in the Aubane Community Centre on the 27th March commencing at 8.45 p.m Sharp. New Members welcome to attend.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm

All – Ireland Champions

Congratulations to the Millstreet Set Dancers whom were recently crowned All Ireland Champions in the All Ireland Scór na nOg Finals hosted in Athlone on Saturday 16th February The Set Dancers fulfilled their promise to collect a Munster title for the first time in January which allowed Millstreet and a Cork team enter new ground on representing the province in an All Ireland final at set dancing. But then on Saturday the 16th February their dream came through when their presentation of the Cavan Reel swept the boards much to the satisfaction of all concerned. The Set Dancing team involved were Allanah Barry, Leanne Daly, Kayleigh Sheahan, Aideen Buckley, Emer Twomey, Muireann Murphy, Orla Kiely and Regina Lane. The Aubane Social Club would also like to Congratulate their Team Coach Breeda Cremin, the lady who has been the person promoting and teaching set dancing in Millstreet over the years. Well Done to you all.

Congratulations to the Boherbue Instrumental Music Group who also won the All – Ireland Title in their Catergory in Athlone on the 16th February. Well Done to their mentors Mgt Kiely Nee Collins originally from Rathchoole and Alan Finn Buttevant who put a lot of work and time into tutoring the group on the run up to the finals.

Monument Unveiled honour World Champion Ploughman

On Saturday 16th February at Banteer Road, Kanturk a beautiful monument was unveiled to honour Tadhy Kelleher, the World Champion Ploughman. Denis Kelleher brother of Thady unveiled the monument and I have have told by many people that when the covers were taken off that the first thing that struck everyone was the true likeness of Tadhy down to the way he wore his cap. I would like to congratulate the Kelleher Family on unveiling such a beautiful sculpture in the memory of their brother Tadhy.

Aubane Climb supports St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice

The Aubane Social Club took time to acknowledge a fundraising venture from one of its familiar hostings. All the participants in the club’s annual sponsored Mountain Climb which took place on Christmas Day morning were applauded for venturing out in great numbers to support the traditional staging and helping the Marymount Hospice Fund.

Aubane Social Club Chairman Gerard Mc Sweeney commended the close on 150 participants who made it the most successful undertaking by the club. The brilliant weather added to the occasion in a venture growing in success supported by record numbers. This mountain climb on Christmas Morning has been ongoing now for over thirty years with a different charity benefiting each year. Marymount Hospice offers an invaluable service and it is vital cog to people in County Cork A €6,500 cheque was presented by club member John Kelleher Snr to Noreen Cahill Marymount Hospice. Ms Cahill said that she was no stranger to the Aubane Area as her relatives come from Ivale and was delighted to be back in Aubane again. Mary Cahill expressed gratitude for the generous contribution toward enchancing the working of Marymount Hospice and their plans for a new building which will be built on the Old Greyhound Track. A special thank you to all who climbed on the day and to those who donated their money so generously to the fund.

Aubane Notes January 2008


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Eileen O’Connor Fermoy, John Murphy West End, Oliver O’Connell Rathcoole, Paul Fitzgearld Clara Road, Paddy Healy Murphy’s Tce Millstreet and Eileen Murphy Killowen.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Noreen Lane Newmarket and Shane O’Donoghue Aubane who announced their engagement recently.


Congratulations to Ann & John O’Sullivan on the birth of their baby girl.

Annual Christmas Party
The Annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place on Thursday 13th December in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrants at the Mass were Monsignor Michael Manning and Fr James Mc Sweeney helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. Following the mass, the party was held and patrons were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played music and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own songs. To end the night Santa made a guest appearance. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make sure it was a thoroughly enjoyable night especially The Millstreet Choir, John A. O’Sullivan, Ceolthois Ceoltoiri Eireann and to all the Aubane Social members who helped out on the night.

Christmas Morning Climb
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain took place again on Christmas Day Morning. This year the Sponsorship Proceeds of the climb were in aid of St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice in Cork City. At 10:30am the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by the Millstreet Country Park. It was a beautiful fresh morning, but we could see what lay ahead of us, the dense fog on top of the mountain. A small flock of sheep seemed the only other things moving. So after about an hour of moving uphill at our own pace, we got to the top at about 11:30. There was already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before us. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there was over One Hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photos’ and a good long chat, we we headed back for base, and the warmth of Christmas Dinner. A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy who filmed the climb which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night and also

Thanks to each and everyone of you who climbed the Mountain on the day.

Christmas Crib
Well done to Fr. James McSweeney on the beautiful crib, which he erected near his home in Ballyvolane, Cork over the Christmas period. People admired it from near and far. This year the proceeds of the crib are going directly to the Mercy Hospital Fund. I also invite you to check out The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. A new photo is updated each day with a short thought for the day.
The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. On behalf of Aubane Social club, we would like to thank him for attending the various functions in Aubane over the Christmas period.

Santa Claus Visited Aubane:
On Sunday 9th December Santa Claus visited all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre. Santa arrived in great syle in a chauffeur driven Ford Cortina after his sleigh broke down just outside Aubane. He received a warm reception from the crowd. He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a early gift from santa,and were asked to be good, and were delighted with themselves.
There was also an bouncy castle and biscuits and teas for everyone. Thanks to all the people that helped and to our Club Member Jerry Kelleher and his wife Kathleen who put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours. Also Thanks to the local Businesses who sponsored the day – William Kelleher Kitchens, Sean Kelleher Electrical, Sean Barrett Electrical, John O’Sullivan Bouncing Castles, C&D Plastering Contractors and Tim Lehane Roofing Contractor.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm. On the 23rd January the music will be provided the popular Ger Murphy, and on the 4h February 08 James Kelleher will provided the music

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over a year consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. During the Christmas Season a number of pictures were added so don’t forget to log on. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email> Also a special word of Thanks to Hannalee O’Connor and Michael Cashman for their help with the Aubane Homepage during the past year.

Around The Fireside
On December 28th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre around a nice homely warm fireside. A large crowd almost seventy people gathered from far and wide to participate in both song and storytelling. Music was provided by local musicians and was enjoyed by all.

Fr James Relaunches New Book in his homeland:

Aubane’s own Fr James Mc Sweeney launched his new book titled “A year in Reflections in Aubane Community Centre in the presence of a large attendance on Tuesday 18 December. “ A year in Reflections features a thought for each day of the year with a focus written by Fr James. Accompanying the text is a photograph for each day of the year. Mr Sean Radley launched the book and described publication as very special and a treasure. The book is dedicated to his parents Con & Nora Mc Sweeney. Supporting the publication were The Evening Echo newspaper and present at the launch were Dan Linehan CEO, and Diarmuid O’Donovan Circulation Manager. The book has now gone nationwide and remains on sale at bookshops and usual outlets.

Senior Student of the Year Award:

Congratulations to Cait Buckley daughter of Seamus & Maureen Buckley who was designated Senior Student of the Year by the County Cork School of Music and was award the Pilib O’Laoighre Perpetual Trophy.

Happy New Year to you All!!

Aubane Notes December 2007


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently David Murphy Curraraigue, Magaret Murphy Watergrashill and Ted Corkery Shinnagh, Rathmore.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Dermot Golden Tullig & Mairead Byrne Wicklow who were married recently.


Congratulations to Con Twomey who participated in the Dublin City Marathon during the October Bank Holiday.

Around the Fireside:

On Friday 28th December a night of stories and songs around the fireside will take place in the Aubane Community Centre commencing at 8.30 pm sharp. Everybody is welcome.

Santa Claus is visiting Aubane:

On Sunday December Santa Claus will pay a visit to the boys and girls in the Aubane Community Centre on Sunday 9th December commencing at 2.00 pm. All are welcome.

Annual Christmas Party for Aubane & the Surrounding Areas:

The Annual Mass and Christmas Party for the Aubane community and surrouding area takes place in the Aubane Community Centre on Thursday 13th December at 7.30 p.m. A great night of food and entertainment is guaranteed.

Annual Christmas Morning Climb:

The Annual Christmas Morning Climb takes place on Tueday 25th December at 10.30 am and the meeting place is the St John’s Well Car park not the Millstreet Country Park Entrance as we this year would like to get everyone starting from the same venue. The sponsorship cards will be available from myself by contacting me at 086 1942161 or from any Social Club member. This year the proceeds of the climb will be in aid of St Patrick’s Hospital Marymount Hospice in Cork City.

Annual Fancy Dress:

The Annual fancy dress took place on Friday (26th October) in the Wallis Arms Hotel. The annual event raises money for charity each year. This year the money raised went to the Cullen & District Special Needs Association & The Aubane Social Club. There was a fantastic turnout again this year with a very impressive display of costumes. The variety, the colour and the great effort that everybody went to in dressing up makes this night, one of the best in Millstreet. The winners for the best dressed this year went to Anita Sherlock and James Healy who both received fantastic prizes. During the past 7 years Jerry Kelleher and Tony Twomey have raised an incredible amount of over €25,000 for different charities. On Friday 9th November Jerry and Tony presented the two cheques to representatives of both the Aubane Social Club and the Cullen & District Special Needs Association. On the night also a beautiful hand painted slate clock was presented to Tony Twomey for the great the work he did in organising the event for the past 7 years. Jerry Kelleher and Tony Twomey both said on the night that they would not be organising the event anymore and that it was there last, but the good news is that the members of the Aubane Social Club will now continue role in organising the Annual Fancy Dress for next year and the years to come. Like every other year the money will be donated to different charities. On behalf of the Aubane Social Club I would like to wish Tony and Jerry every success for the future and thank you both for such a generous contribution, which will be put towards the Aubane Community Centre Roof Fund.

On Holidays:

It was great to see many people visiting the area since the last edition of the Clara News. My good friends Brigette & Pascal Friossart from Reims in France gave a trip home as also did Cisily Cashman from California to see her family in Tullig. The Long Family Aubane, Mamie Martin and Her Husband Ray from Chicago, Judy and Ann who reside now reside in London were also holidaying the area. I know Mamie is a regular reader of the Aubane Notes.

Accountancy Awards:

Congratulations to Noreen Lane Aubane on being the recipient of two awards from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants for her excellent achievement in Accountancy. Noreen came 1st in Ireland in Professional Auditing 1 & 2nd in Ireland in Professional 1 Strategic Management Accounting. She was also presented with another award from the Cork Institute of Technology in recognition of her great achievement at Oriel House Hotel in Ballincollig recently.

Set Dancing:

The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The set dancing has now gone from strength to strength with the dance floor full evey Monday Night and it is a credit due to the organisers so take a bow. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm sharp. On the 17 th December Set Dancing Christmas Party Night the music will be provided the popular Ger Murphy, and on the 7th January 08 Kevin Lynch & Marie Twomey will provided the music.

The Aubane Website Link:
The Aubane Community Website was set up over three years consisting of the History of Aubane, Aubane School, St John’s Well, Places of Interest around the Aubane Area, Aubane Community News and Photographs of the various events that were held during the year. The Link can be seen by logging on to the Millstreet Website under the Aubane Community News. During the month of December many events will take and so photographs will be taken and then put on the Aubane Webpage showing all the happenings. If anyone has any pictures or articles relating to the above that they would like to contribute please forward them to myself John F. Kelleher.or Michael Cashman. The Aubane Social Club email address is <email>

Calendar in Aid of the Mercy Hospital Cork Pastoral Care

An ideal Christmas present this year is Fr James Mc Sweeney’s Calendar for 2008. Last year’s Calendar was an outstanding success raising over €30,000 for St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund. This year Fr James hopes to do as good with all the money going to the Mercy Hospital Cork Pastoral Care to mark the 150th Anniversary of its Foundation. The Calendar is €5 and you will be glad to know that your contribution will be going directly to the Mercy Hospital. Pastoral Care Fund. You can also get the calendar posted to anywhere in the world for €7.00 (Includes Postage and Packaging) or send a cheque to Fr. James Mc Sweeney, 1 Kilmorna Heights, Ballyvolane, Cork. Fr James’s Christmas Crib at 1 Kilmorna Heights in Ballyvolane, Cork City. will be open to the public on the 8th December. I also invite to check out The website is checked out by thousands across the world each day. A new photo is updated everyday with a short reflection for the day.

Fr James Launch New Book:

Congratulations to Fr James Mc Sweeney on the recent launch of his new book titled “A year of Reflections”. Which has 365 reflections one for every day of the year accompanied by a different picture. This is available at all Bookstores in Cork City.


Congratulations to Declan Kelleher Aubane, who recently received his Apprenticeship Award in Bricklaying & Stone Masoning and to John Lehane Aubane who received his Apprentice Award in Carpentry & Joinery.

Aubane Historical Society:

On Friday the 9th December Fr Sean Tucker gave an interesting lecture on History of Drishane Estate. The lecture was officially opened by the President of Aubane Historical Society Jack Lane. The lecture was very well attented. It was also nice to hear Jack Lane speak on Joe Duffy’s RTE Radio 1 programme about the 1916 Rising recently.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody at home and abroad a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2008!

John F. Kelleher

December 2007

Santa Visits Aubane 2007

by John F. Kelleher

Santy was back in Aubane last Sunday the 8th December. A big crowd filled with anticipation and trepidation gathered to greet Santa who arrived a little later.
He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a early gift from santa,and were asked to be good, and were delighted with themselves.
Thanks to all the people that helped to put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours.

Aubane December Notes

Marriage:Congratulations to Dermot Golden Tullig & Mairead Byrne Wicklow who were married recently.


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently David Murphy Curraraigue, Magaret Murphy Watergrashill and Ted Corkery Shinnagh, Rathmore.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis [read more …] “Aubane December Notes”

Aubane Notes September 2007

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends Michael O’Shea Ballinagree, Jim Coleman Millstreet, Tim Twomey Cloughlamore, Nora Twomey Lackabawn, Neily O’Leary West End Millstreet, Michael Joe O’Herlihy Knocknagree.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis.


Congratulations to Gillian & Raymond Gilbourne on birth of their baby boy Patrick Xavier.

[read more …] “Aubane Notes September 2007”

Presentation to Batt O’Keeffe TD

The Aubane Historical Society (AHS) organised a local launch of its latest publication and presented a copy to Minister of State, Batt O’Keeffe TD. It is called “Fianna Fail and the decline of the Free State” by Brendan Clifford and is dedicated to Jack Roche.

Jack Lane of the AHS welcomed all and apologised for the short notice. He explained the background to the publication and that it was a continuation of the story published by the AHS in Sean Moylan’s memoir and dealt with developments after the war over the Treaty and the coming to power of the first Fianna Fail government.

He was pleased to have a Government Minister present because the Government’s decision to open the Bureau of Military History archive and their decision to also make available the records of the successful applications for War of Independence pensions should be acknowledged. This involves making available tens of thousands of invaluable documents – primary sources of information. This was a great contribution to the study of Irish history. Disputes and disagreements are inevitable but all should accept that maximum information is the key to a proper understanding of our history. The essential requirement for settling disputes and disagreements is very simple – let’s have all the facts. The Government have helped greatly in this.

It was dedicated to Jack Roche in recognition of the great work he was doing for all aspects of Irish culture and history, locally and nationally. He had been a supporter of the AHS’s work for many years and helped ensure its successful publishing efforts in the early years through the support of IRD Duhallow.

Jack Roche said it was a most worthwhile publication and dealt with a contentious period in our history which has been by and large ignored. He discovered quite a lot that was new to him. He emphasised the lack of history as a subject in our current education curriculum. This was deplorable and he hoped it would be rectified. The work of the AHS was filling a vacuum.

Batt O’Keeffe recalled his previous visit to the Aubane Community Centre about two years ago when he discussed the tourist potential of the area and the development of the Butter Road. He was glad to see the recent improvements in the road.

It was very appropriate to dedicate this book to Jack Roche who personifies all that contributes to a vibrant rural society. He embodies the spirit of those who fought for our freedom in his idealism and the practical projects he has initiated in a variety of areas.

He liked the way that the AHS had recorded local history and also put it in a national context. The material was sometimes challenging and controversial but independent thinking was very important when it comes to the study of history. This latest book dealt with a period that he was particularly interested in.

He noted the strong tendency of immigration in the ‘Celtic Tiger’ years and he saw the challenges of creating strong communities.

“One of the means by which our new citizens can become part of us is to share with them our own history, our own unique stories from our own unique places” he said.

It is unfortunate and regrettable that the men and women of the Independence struggle are sometimes denigrated today. A publication like this helps to set the record straight by showing the difficult – almost impossible – choices they all had to face and it thereby tries to be fair to all concerned.

*“Fianna Fail and the decline of the Free State” by Brendan Clifford published by the Aubane Historical Society is available at Liam Russell’s in Cork, Wordsworth’s in Millstreet, Philips in Mallow, Kanturk Bookshop and Macroom Bookshop.