Aubane Social Club on the lookout for Photos/Memories for upcoming Anniversary Celebration

Aubane Social Club are on the lookout for photos from 1975 to present day from the local area for use at its upcoming Anniversary Celebrations,if you have any please contact Celeste on 083 313 5750.

Aubane Social Club will celebrate its 50 years anniversary on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22:June 2025 at Aubane Community Centre.

Stay in touch for more details to follow for this Event.

Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club

The Aubane Social Club would like to wish all their Supporters, Neighbour’s and Friends a very Happy Christmas ⛄🎁

Annual Christmas Day Climb on Wednesday 25 December at 10.30 am all proceeds in Aid of the Critical Emergency Response and The Irish Cancer Society Night Nurses.

Around the Fireside is on Sunday Night 29 December at 8 pm.

All Welcome 🤗

Aubane Social Club Christmas Period Diary

Aubane Social Club Diary for Christmas Period.

Aubane Community Christmas Mass & Party at Aubane Community Centre on Friday 13 December at 8 pm. Live Entertainment. All Welcome.

Aubane Set Dancing Christmas party with music 🎵 by Hugh Kennedy on Monday 23 December at 9.15 pm.

Annual Christmas Day Morning Climb of Mushera on Wednesday 25 December at 10.30 am meeting at Millstreet Country Park Gate. This year the proceeds of the climb are going two charities CRITICAL (Critical Emergency Response) and The Irish Cancer Society Night Nurses. Bucket Collection on the Morning of the Climb.

Christmas Around the fireside a night of stories and Song on Sunday night 29 December at 8 pm.




Final Notice on Renewal of Aubane Community Alert Text Alert Service Annual Subscription due by next Friday November 22nd

Final Notice here of a Reminder from Aubane Community Alert Group that if you would like to Renew /Join up for the 2024/2025 Text Alert Service that the closing date for Applications is next Friday Nov 22nd.

Renewal Fee is €10.

As has been the Case in the past couple of years the Group won’t be calling to Homes for renewal of Membership for 2024/2025 so instead you can put the €10 fee into an Envelope with your Name and Mobile Phone Number on it and place in the Post Box next to Noreen Kelleher’s House at Aubane Cross.

Any Queries Contact
Bernard Crowley (087) 7924406, or any Member of the Aubane Community Alert Committee.

Many Thanks.

Dromtariffe Vintage Club Tractor Run happening on this Sunday November 3rd

Dromtariffe Vintage Club are holding a Charity Tractor run in aid of Dromtariffe G.A.A. 4G Pitch Development on Sunday 3rd November 2024. Registration by donation from 11am at Dromtariffe G.A.A. Complex, P51 YY26, Rathcoole with the Run departing at 1pm.🏁🚜💨💨💨

Everybody Welcome.


Aubane Community Alert Group Crime Prevention Meeting happening on next Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Public Crime Prevention Information Meeting on next Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm in Aubane Community Centre,A Member of An Garda Siochána will be in attendance.

You can also renew your Aubane Community Alert Membership on the Night as well which is €10 for the 2024/2025 Period.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.


Aubane Community Alert Group Crime Prevention Meeting happening on next Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Public Crime Prevention Information Meeting on next Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm in Aubane Community Centre,A Member of An Garda Siochána will be in attendance.

You can also renew your Aubane Community Alert Membership on the Night as well which is €10 for the 2024/2025 Period.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.


Kids Halloween Movie Night happening in Aubane Community Centre on next Friday Evening October 25th

There is a Kids Movie Night Special Spooky Halloween Screening of HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA being held on this coming Friday October 25th at 6pm in Aubane Community Centre (P51EP4)

€5 per Child

Parent Supervision Required

Parents Room available with free Wifi and Refreshments.

All very Welcome.


Remembering Billy Coleman being Crowned British Rally Champion 50 years ago back in 1974

It’s hard to think that Millstreet Rally Legend Billy Coleman was crowned British Rally Champion back in 1974,it is therefore fitting to just remind ourselves 50 years later of what a great achievement that was in what was a Premier Rally Championship in Europe at the time.

Billy was Irelands Top Rally Driver back in the 70`s and 80`s and amongst his best achievements was as already mentioned winning The British Rally Championship in 1974 in his Ford Escort Mark 1.

Billy also scored victory on The Circuit of Ireland 3 times in 1975,1976,and 1984 as well as finishing 4th overall in the 1985 World Championship Rally Tour De Corse which was one of the toughest challenges back in the day.

Billy was also crowned Irish Tarmac Champion in 1984 and finished 3rd in The European Rally Championship in 1979 and has won many Irish Rallies over the years including the likes Cork 20,Donegal and Killarney Rally of the Lakes Events.

Billy is still up there as one of the greats and from that great achievement back in 1974 50 years later we salute one of the finest Irish Drivers to grace the Rally Stages both here at Home and Worldwide.


Kids Movie Night happening in Aubane Community Centre on Friday October 25th

There is a Kids Movie Night Special Spooky Halloween Screening of HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA being held on Friday October 25th at 6pm in Aubane Community Centre (P51EP4)

€5 per Child

Parent Supervision Required

Parents Room available with free Wifi and Refreshments.

All very Welcome.

Newly formed Blackwater Valley Vintage Group first Event happening in Aubane Tomorrow

All roads lead to Aubane tomorrow Sunday August 18th for the inaugural Vintage Event being held by the newly formed Blackwater Valley Vintage Group,the first Event being ran by the Group is Lukes Vintage/Classic Car Run and Vintage Tractor Run (PRE 1994 TRACTORS ONLY ARE ALLOWED) the Groups first Event will be based out of Aubane Community Centre Eircode (P51 EP49) with Sign On from 10am and Take Off at 12.30pm from where the Run will make it’s way to the Finish at The Pub Carriganima for some Free Entertainment with Tim Joe and Ann,Barry O’Halloran and Sheila Heery,Registration for Run is by Donation while the Beneficiary from the Event will be The Alzheimer Society of Ireland for more Details Call Luke Hurley on 086 8805437.

There is a Preview to the Inaugural Blackwater Valley Vintage Run happening on Sunday in the YouTube link below 


Charity Play a runaway success – Thank you Note

We are absolutely delighted to announce that The Glen Theatre Drama Group’s production of John B. Keane’s play, “The Rain at the End of the Summer”, held at the Glen Theatre last Sunday night (11th) was a resounding success.


Thanks to the incredible generosity of The Glen Theatre Drama Group, all proceeds from tickets sales were donated to Rathcoole NS Parents of Children with Additional Needs Support Group.  Director Tadgh O’Keeffe kindly presented Colette O’Keeffe & Maria Buckley with a cheque for €1000.00.

These funds will be dedicated to purchasing essential equipment and resources for all pupils, but in particular the neurodivergent children with additional needs attending Rathcoole National School.

Thank you to everyone who attended the night or donated.  Your kindness makes a huge contribution to the lives of these pupils.

 The Glen Theatre Drama Group are bringing this magnificent play to The Everyman Theatre on Thursday 15th August and The Civic Theatre, Dublin on Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th August.

Philip Lenihan commands the stage as patriarch Joss O’Brien whose moral attitude conflicts with his ambitious son, Jamesy, played by Tadhg Curtin, while daughter and soon to be nun Eillie, played by Sinead Guiney tries to keep the peace.  With our own extremely talented vice principal Maureen O’Brien as feisty housekeeper Kate and past pupils Olivia Lehane and Diarmuid Cronin as the newly engaged couple, Penny & Toddy, and Anna Lehane as stagehand, this show is a must see!

Rathcoole NS Parents of Children with Additional Needs

Cast and Director 

Cheque presentation 


Drama at the Glen Theatre in Aid of Rathcoole NS Parents of Additional Needs Support Group

A Special Night of Drama at The Glen Theatre

in Aid of

Rathcoole NS Parents of Additional Needs Support Group


The Glen Theatre Drama Group and its wonderful cast of “The Rain at the End of the Summer” by John B. Keane, are threading the boards for one night only on Sunday, August 11th at 8pm at the Glen Theatre, Banteer, before taking to the stage at The Everyman Theatre later in the month.

Directed by Tadgh O’Keeffe, the play is set during an exceptionally hot Irish summer in 1967.  It deals with an unplanned pregnancy that brings disorder to the otherwise amicable O’Brien household.  The various characters are torn apart by their beliefs in the best way to deal with the pregnancy.  Controversial in its day with its exploration of the class system, sexual liberation, and the sanctity of family and marriage, its power hasn’t been diminished by time.

All tickets sales and proceeds for this once off show are kindly being donated to Rathcoole National School to help aid the purchase of essential resources/equipment to enhance the learning experiences of our neurodivergent pupils/pupils with additional needs within the school.  This special night in The Glen Theatre is being run by Rathcoole National School Parents of Children with Additional Needs Support Group.

The support group was formed in 2023 by parents Colette O’Keeffe & Maria Buckley and together they hold a monthly coffee morning in the local Dromtariffe GAA clubroom where parents/carers of children with additional needs attending St. Brendan’s National School are welcome to call in, have a coffee and a chat.

Please support this wonderful evening.  Tickets are €15 and available at the door on the night.  Tickets can be booked in advance by contacting The Glen Theatre on 029 56239.

Rathcoole Rovers Football Club

Hello, I’m Chris and something to know about me is I’m manager of Rathcoole Rovers Football Club here in Duhallow and we are trying to promote the club in a big way with support from the community we are looking to recruit local lads for the upcoming season also we are interested in starting a ladies team if people are interested so please like and share and let people know and bring success back to the soccer community in the area any more info please pm me we will also be holding some quiz nights local in the localities of Kiskeam, Ballydesmond, Boherbue, Kilcorney and Rathcoole to help fundraise and keep this club who so many in our area played for thanks — in Rathcoole, Cork, Ireland.

Dromtariffe Vintage Club says a Big Thanks to Everyone for there Support

A massive thank you to all who supported our very first car and tractor run for Dromtarriffe Vintage Club held last Sunday,we are also very grateful to An Garda Siochana plus our Bike Marshalls who both controlled Traffic on the day and to Dromagh National School who looked after Catering,we had a great day out.

We will be holding more events in the future so watch out for Details.

Thanks again to all for supporting us.

First Event happening on tomorrow Sunday April 21st for the newly formed Dromtariffe Vintage Club

The newly formed Dromtarriffe Vintage Club inaugural Event is being held over in Dromtarriffe Hall on this coming Sunday April 21st. The Club are holding both a Vintage Car and Tractor Run on Sunday and the Weather looks like it will be good for the recently formed Clubs first ever Event.

Registration starting at 11am in Dromtarriffe Hall. Run will take off at 1pm Sharp. Registration is by Donation.

Everybody very Welcome.

Childcare Service Expressions of Interest Sought

Childcare Service Expressions of Interest Sought

The Board of Management of St. Brendan’s N.S. Rathcoole welcome expressions of interest for the establishment and running of a before and afterschool childcare service on the school grounds, which will be made available from 28/08/2024. This service is subject to the normal procedures of the School’s Patron and the Department of Education.

Applicants must have at least 2 years experience of providing a before and afterschool services within a primary school setting and must also be registered with Tusla as a School Aged Childcare Provider. This is a proposal for a sole trader for the purposes of running and managing a before and afterschool service independent of the school.

If interested in facilitating an afterschool service, please apply to the Chairperson of the Board of Management by emailing your application to stbrendansrathcoole no later than Tuesday 19/03/2024.

Aubane Community Alert Crime Prevention Meeting happening this Tuesday Evening February 20th at 8.30pm in Aubane Community Centre

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Crime Prevention Meeting on this Tuesday Evening February 20th at 8.30pm in Aubane Community Centre, A Member of An Garda Siochána will be in attendance.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.


Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th

Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th at 6pm in Aubane Community Centre (P51 EP49) Entry €5 per Child/ Adults Free.



Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club

From All at Aubane Social Club have a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,thanks to Everyone who supported our Events in Aubane during 2023 and we look forward to your Company again in 2024.

Below is a list of Events left in 2023 for the Christmas Period

Aubane Social Club Christmas Diary

Aubane Christmas Day Morning Climb at 10.30 am on Monday 25 December – all proceeds from the Climb are in Aid of the Freeland Projects in Capetown. Local woman Maureen Buckley will travel to Capetown in March 2024. This is Maureen’s second visit and the money donated will go a long way in the building of a rescue centre. She saw first hand the poverty and lack of resources and provisions when Maureen was there in 2022. The team included plumbers, carpenters, painters and many more. They filled their suitcases with all the necessary equipment to carry out the work and left everything there when they returned home. We have so much and they have so little so everything is a huge help. Please Support this very worthy charity.

Christmas Around the Fireside a night of stories, songs and togetherness at Christmas around the open fireside in candle light at Aubane Community Centre happening Thursday 28 December at 8.00 pm All welcome.


Rathcoole Development Association yoga and coffee morning

Rathcoole Development Association invite you to their open morning to raise funds to help contribute towards future projects in the area.

The morning will begin with a yoga 🧘‍♂️    taster class suitable for beginners @ 10.00-11.00. All you need to bring is a mat.  

Following this we will be hosting a coffee morning  ☕ @ 11.30-1.30. Please bring a donation of some baking if you wish.

Please come along for some yoga, coffee or just a friendly chat to meet your neighbour.

We will welcome ideas of potential projects that residents would hope to have completed in the future.

More details can be found on their Event page on Facebook 

All donations welcome.