Millstreet Macra are holding a Table Quiz in
Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet
Friday 21st May
Starting at 9.30pm
€40 per team (4x€10)
Raffle and music on the night!
All proceeds going to the Baby Jacob Fund, so all support greatly appreciated.
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Millstreet Macra are holding a Table Quiz in
Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet
Friday 21st May
Starting at 9.30pm
€40 per team (4x€10)
Raffle and music on the night!
All proceeds going to the Baby Jacob Fund, so all support greatly appreciated.
Hi, just to let you know there is a Family Fun Day Fundraiser in Dripsey Sunday 9th of May. Lee Valley Vintage Rally and Auto Jumble at Kilblafer Dripsey. All proceeds raised in aid of:
Childrens Leukaemia Unit Mercy Hospital Cork
Our Ladys Childrens Hospital Crumlin Dublin
Motor bike run on the day finishing at Rally. Contact Denis Dineen (087)7460807 or (021)7334421
Baby Jacob was on TV3 news yesterday evening again. This time saying thanks for all the support they have received in the last few weeks. There were some video clips taken in the square and in O’Leary’s butchers with cameo’s by Ursula Manley and Jerry Pat O’Leary.
You can view the video clip on the TV3 website
There’s also an article on this weeks Cork Independent on how baby Jacob is doing after his recent operation and an update on the forthcoming single release for the Baby Jacob Trust Fund. Here’s an excerpt:
The Project started recording the song ‘Something Inside So Strong’ this week to raise funds for the Baby Jacob Fund. It is hoped the single will be available to purchase and for download by the end of April. Cork woman Ann Murphy has now joined the campaign to raise funds for Jakub through her new business.
[read more …] “Baby Jacob family express their gratitude on TV3”
in aid of
St Patrick’s Church
Restoration Fund
at the
Green Glens Arena
Easter Sunday
April 4th 2010 commencing at 1.30p.m.
Live Music with special Guests
Admission €10 Children Free
Ms. Aine Collins accepts a cheque for €500 on behalf of the Cystic Fibrosis Association, from the Transition Year Students. This money was raised through the “Tastes of Christmas” cookery demonstration. All the money raised from this event has now been distributed and the three beneficiaries were Cystic Fibrosis,The Irish Heart Foundation and Baby Jacob Fund.
The Transition Year Class wish to sincerely thank everyone that contributed.
Baby Jacob had his second operation yesterday and is in recovery now. Unfortunately he is in a lot of pain, is not taking fluids and is very tired, so he has been moved to another hospital. Hopefully he will come around soon.
Rose O’Neill of The Project who is coordinating the current push was interviewed on the C103 news this morning (listen to the audio clip above). They plan on recording the song Something Inside So Strong (by Labi Siffre) as the charity single.
The Baby Jacob facebook page is up to 1,120 fans and growing all the time. It has all the up to date news and info.
In the media whirlwind that has been the Baby Jacob Appeal in the last week, his parents were interviewed during the week on Cork FM Radio by Rose O’Neill. Click here to listen to the interview.
From that interview, a Facebook page has been setup with the aim of generating awareness (there are 470+ fans already in a day and a half), and they say that they are in an advanced stage of making a Charity Single for the fund! which will be available online and also in selected stores as CD’s.
More info below:
[read more …] “Charity Single plan for “Baby Jacob””
Baby Jacob and his family were on the TV3 news yesterday (Tuesday) evening, and this morning were on Ireland AM, with Joan O’Mahony of the Baby Jacob Trust fund bringing attention to the efforts to raise money for the operations that he needs in the future.
For the next stage of the treatment, they are heading back to Germany next Sunday so that Jacob can get larger implants into his eye sockets, as his current implants are quickly becoming too small.
Unfortunately, we can’t show you the videos clips directly, but here are the links where you can see the videos
there are also lots of stills from the videos at the bottom of this article
THE parents of a little boy born without eyes have launched a desperate plea to help raise €300,000 for his treatment.
Jacob Nowak suffers from an exceptionally rare condition whereby his eyes never formed in their sockets before his birth.
The condition, anophthalmia, affects fewer than one in 100,000 children but, in Jacob’s case, it left the him without eyeballs or optic nerves.
Jacob, who was born last August, is healthy in every other respect but now faces years of treatment to cope with his condition.
from today’s Irish Independant
also in todays Irish Examiner
and also in the Irish Times
Photograph shows Marius (Jacob`s father) and Jerry Pat O`Leary (Chairperson) accepting a cheque for €1000 for the Baby Jacob Trust Fund from the Transition Year Students. Half of this money was raised through Charity fund-raising events in the School and the other half came from the “Tastes of Christmas”cookery demonstration which was held last December.
… hope they didn’t feel too cold. It was -3C at 7am this morning!
read more information on the sleep out from a few days ago
Twenty three students and teachers from Millstreet Community College will brave the elements and ‘sleep out’ overnight at the doors of Cork’s Millstreet Church to support Trocaire’s Lenten campaign on hunger. They will be joined by members of Millstreet parish. The students aim to highlight world hunger and the poor living conditions faced by people struggling to survive, while raising money for Trocaire’s work.
To make the sleep-out as challenging as possible they will leave mobile phones, i-pods, and all forms of portable entertainment at home. The students will speak at local parishes over this weekend, 27/28th February, and to end the week off they will undergo a 24 hour Fast on Friday 5th March for Trocaire. Also on the 11th March there will be a multicultural event in the Community School as part of the Lenten Project.
Why? For the first time in history 1 billion people or one in six people in the world do not have enough food.
At the doors of St.Patricks Church, Millstreet. 7pm on Monday 1st March to 7am on Tuesday 2nd March.
Read about it on the Trócaire website
Photographed at the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet marking the presentation of a substantial cheque to Marymount Hospice, Cork following a major country-and-western event at the Gleneagle, Killarney organised by John J.Herlihy & Friends of the Knocknagree Cancer Committee. Seated, from left: Michael O’Keeffe, Antoinette O’Sullivan (for Marymount Hospice), John J. Herlihy.At back, from left: Lilly O’Sullivan, Denis Hickey and Noelle Feeney. A cheque for the same amount of €11,401.73 has already been presented to Kerry Cancer Care Group resulting from the same event. (Picture: Seán Radley)
A KISKEAM builder and a Millstreet butcher are planning to make a return trip to Haiti in April to help with the relief effort in the earthquake-stricken country.
John F O’Connor from Kiskeam and Jerry O’Leary from Millstreet were in Haiti last October when they took part in the Haven house building project. Both Duhallow men have also been to South Africa on a number of occasions with the Niall Mellon Trust.
The two men, who would have met many times on the playing field, were greatly taken aback when the horror of the earthquake unfolded. They now want to return to Haiti in April to help by providing much needed housing.
They are now working to raise funds for their relief effort and to kick start the fund-raising they will be holding a number of events in the next two months and would greatly appreciate any help from the community.
Programme 150-Highlights of the Charity New Years Day Swim in the Blackwater.
from the LTV2 Millstreet YouTube Channel
Television Highlights of the 2006 Millstreet Pony Show from the Green Glens Arena
Despite the roads being treacherous because of rain freezing when it hit the ground, there was a good crowd who were all in good spirits. The ground was hard and icy, but the heather was good for getting grip. Thankfully it stopped raining for most of the walk, except for the last few minutes on the way down, and the wind was not as strong as it has been in the past, but the mountain was shrouded in cloud while we were up there. At the top, and on behalf of the Baby Jacob Trust Fund Jerry Pat O’Leary thanked everyone for their efforts in the difficult weather.
Wishing everyone a very happy and a peaceful Christmas.
by Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 985 from Millstreet on October 27th.’09.
Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wet, windy, but mild calm Tuesday morning.
The Pony Show which is held every year at the Green Glens for charity, was again a great success on Friday Saturday and Sunday last. Entries were away up on former years, and competitions didn’t finish on Sunday night until well after mid-night. Many of the horse-owners expressing their disappointment that there was no Summer Show here this year. But please God we will see a return again in 2010.
Next feature at the Green Glens will be the popular Self Build exhibition which will be on the second weekend of November.
Over ten of our strapping people took part in the Dublin City Marathon over the weekend. Well done to them.
The Owners Pony & Young Riders Charity Show will be held this weekend Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October, 2009 in the Green Glens Arena, Millstreet.
This will be the 11th year at Green Glens and since moving to Millstreet they have developed into the biggest pony show in Europe with just over 3000 entries.
The premises are given totally free of charge of the Duggan Family, and all proceeds go to charity. To date, the Owners have raised €200,000 for charities such as Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children, Temple Street Hospital, Riding for the Disabled, Irish Cancer Society, ISPCA, Autism and Local Charities.
So this weekend, go to the Green Glens. Admission is FREE, and maybe leave a few bob for the charities being supported.
You can visit their website at
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain while still half asleep, was held again this Christmas Day morning. This year sponsorship is in aid of two causes: the Courtmacsharry Lifeboats, and also for the purchase of a defibulator for the the area to be stored in the community center in Aubane. 10:30am and the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by the country park. It was a nice morning, but we could see what lay ahead of us – fog on top of the mountain. A small flock of sheep seemed the only other things moving. So after about an hour of moving uphill at our own pace, we got to the top at about 11:30. There was already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before us. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there was about one hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photo’s and a good long chat, we we headed back for base, and the warmth of Christmas Dinner.
The Jack and Jill Childrens Foundation – Helping the forgotten children of Ireland.
Christmas Morning 2002 sponsored climb to the top of Mushera Mountain – half of the amount collected went to The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation
What does the foundation do?
The Jack and Jill Children’s foundation helps to alleviate the very
distressful suffering experienced by the tiny babies born with severe
development delay until they reach the age of four years. Today the sad
reality in Ireland is that succour for children under four years of age and
their family is at best underdeveloped and at worst non-existent. Most
people are not aware of this distressing “age gap” in healthcare services.
These tiny babies and their parents could be the forgotten people of Irish
society. So the Jack and Jill Children’s foundation was set up to help these
babies and their families.
The Jack and Jill foundation helps these tiny babies and their families by
providing them with early intervention and home respite care. At present
they have over 200 children and their families under their wing all over
Aubane Social Club raise money for the Jack and Jill foundation.
On Christmas day 2002 at 10.30 a.m seventy people climbed Mushera mountain
in aid of the Jack and Jill foundation. It was the largest turnout of people
ever to participate in the annual mountain climb. The duration of the climb
was 2 hours. On the day sponsor card were given to each climber. On January
2003 the total sum of 3,500 euro was presented two charities. 1750 euros was
presented to Hannah Crowley representing the Jack and Jill foundation and
1750 to the Daniel Brosnan Desmond Fund.
– from an old Millstreet website: