(Continuing our series on the events of 1919 with the help of the daily newspaper of the First Dail, the Irish Bulletin.)
The sentences passed on political offenders in the six days above mentioned totalled three years and three months.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1919. Arrests:- Capt. Rev. Thomas J. O’Donnell, an Irish Australian Army Chaplain was arrested at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin. The charge is unstated. Fr. O’Donnell is now under close guard and is not permitted visits even from his law advisers. Mr. Joseph Birrells, Dundalk, recently released from Belfast Prison in broken health was rearrested by armed military and police. Military and police surrounded and arrested 25 young men who were spending their Sunday on the hills outside Dublin. They are being detained on a charge of illegal drilling. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (10)”
[Continuing our series on the events of 1919 with the help of the daily newspaper of the First Dail, the Irish Bulletin.]
Millstreet Museum Society and Millstreet Website Team very much appreciate the wonderfully uplifting generous response to our recent Church Gate Collection in Millstreet. The €2, 275.98 + €50.00 will greatly permit us maintain the two important local resources….meeting the costs (re the website) of web server and domain name….and (re Museum) the costs of insurance, heating, lighting and ongoing development. Special thanks to Millstreet Community Council and Millstreet Local Lottery for splendid support. And to those who contributed from abroad and who have direct Millstreet links – grateful thanks to All. One may assist anytime throughout the year by using our dedicated Bank Account the number of which is: IBAN – IE22 BOFI 9058 0334 0531 43 & BIC – BOFIIE2D.
And so to our most recent delving into our Visual Archive of Millstreet Museum. The date is 21st May 2000 when hundreds of people climbed (or were transported on the back of Tony Healy’s Tractor!) Clara Mountain marking the 50th Anniversary of the placement of the original Cross on Clara Mountain in 1950. Mass was concelebrated in the presence of Millstreet Pipe Band and a wide cross section of people from near and far. It was Tadhg O’Driscoll who unveiled the official stone plaque. Here we share some 24 images from the truly historic occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Mass on Clara Mountain in May 2000 & Plaque Unveiling”
(Continuing our series on the events of 1919 with the help of the daily newspaper of the First Dail, the Irish Bulletin.)
The following are Acts of Aggression committed in Ireland by the Military and Police of the usurping English Government as reported in the Daily Press for week ending September 27th. 1919 :-
The sentences imposed in the 5 cases mentioned above totalled 3 years, 1 month.
Monday, September 22nd 1919.
Raids:– Some ten branches of the Cumann na mBan, (Irish Women’s League), were raided by fully armed Police in Co. Tipperary. In Co. Roscommon similar raids took place on several branches of the same league. Armed police raided the residence of Mr. Peadar O’ Hourihane, Irish Language Organiser, at Kinsale, Co. Cork, carrying away all letters and documents written in the Irish Language. Large forces of Military and Police raided three of the principal printing works in Dublin, Messrs P. Mahon; Cahill & Co. and the Wood Printing Press, dislocating the machinery. A similar raid took place upon the printing works of the “Dundalk Examiner”, Co. Louth. At Roscrea and Clogheen, police raided five newspaper shops and confiscated part of the stock. At Dundalk, twelve newsagent’s shops were raided and papers carried off. At Midleton, Co. Cork, armed police raided a newsagent’s shop and took away all copies of Republican papers. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (8)”
High Sheriff for county Cork 1829 (TODO: any more years?)
HENRY WALLIS, (1790 – 6 Jan. 1862) of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P, and D.L. High Sheriff. 1814, Lieut.-Col. South Cork Rifles,
Married 1st, Charlotte Forster (–1816), by whom he had
one son, deceased
Married secondly, 26 Dec 1827, Ellen (1897-1930), daughter of Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, Co. Waterford, and sister of the Princess of Capua, and of Lady Dinorben and had:
JOHN RICHARD SMYTH, (5th June 1827 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle (see below)
Mary Gertrude, (Apr 1829 – 5 May, 1857) died unmarried.
MARRIED: On Tuesday the 26th instant, in the Episcopal Church of Youghal, by the Lord Bishop of Cloyne; Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, County of Cork, Esq. to Ellen, eldest daughter the late Grice Smyth of Ballynatray, County of Waterford, Esq. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple returned to Ballynatray, accompanied by the Lord Bishop and several members of the Smyth family, where the Christmas festivities are being kept up in the usual stylo of elegance, so peculiar to its present hospitable owner Richard Smyth, Esq. – [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Thursday 29 December 1825]
REJOICINGS AT MIILLSTREET. TO THE EDITOR OF THE CORK CONSTITUTION. Sir, —Having arrived here on Thursday the 2nd inst, I found the town a perfect seen of bustle, the assemblage was numerous and each individual seemed as if the business of the day depended exclusively upon his exertions; on enquiry I found that Captain Wallis and his amiable and accomplished Bride, were expected in town in the evening on their way to Drishane Castle, the beautiful seat of this deservedly esteemed Gentleman; and that the population had assembled for the purpose of evincing their respect and attachment, by general illumination, bonfires, &c. &c.
About six their approach was announced, when some thousands proceeded meet the happy pair, which they no sooner than in despite all remonstrance and entreaty, the horses were taken from the carriage, which they drew with deafening acclamations to the Castle, a distance of not less loan five miles. It is superflous to remark that the illuminatino was general, embracing even the must humble cabin, and that the bonfires were numerous not only in the Town, but eminence to a considerable distance. The following night some hundreds were entertained in the domain. I am, Sir, &c. &c. E. Millstreet, February 7. [Cork Constitution – Saturday 11 February 1826]
TODO: first child to miss foster
BIRTHS: On the 5th instant, in Dublin, the lady of Henry Wallis of Drishane Castle, in this Co. Esq. of a son & heir – [Cork Constitution – Saturday 09 June 1827]
BIRTHS: On the Sackville-Street, the lady of Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, County Cork, Esq. son and and heir – [Dublin Evening Mail – Wednesday 06 June 1827]
BIRTHS – At Sydney-Place, Cork, lady of Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq., a daughter. [Limerick Evening Post – Tuesday 21 April 1829]
BIRTHS: At Sydney Place, Cork, the lady of Henry Wallis of Drishane Castle, of a son – [Dublin Morning Register – Thursday 23 April 1829] (note: The “son” is probably a misprint and should be daughter)
TODO: did Henry and Ellen have two sons, as not mentioned in Burkes?
Death of Ellen
Feb. 25, in Bath. Grace, wife of Henry Wallis, Esq., of Drishane Esq., County of Cork, and eldest daughter of the late Grice Smyth, Esq., of Ballynatray, County of Waterford. He remans arrived Cork the Superb steamer, on Thursday evening, and were conveyed to the family vault in Millstreet Church. [Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent – [Tuesday 09 March 1830] (Shouldn’t Grace read Ellen?)
DEATHS. In Bath on the 25th ult., Grace wife of Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, County of Cork, Esq., and eldest daughter the late Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, County of Waterford, Esq.— Her remains arrived in this City in the Superb steamer, Thursday evening, accompanied by her afflicted husband and Mr. J. Caulfield Irvine, and were met most the members of the Smyth and Wallis families, who, anxious pay their last tribute of affection and respect, attended their lamented relative to the family vault Millstreet Church. Any panegyric on this amiable lady must fall short indeed of her real worth: she was a dutiful child, an affectionate wife, a tender mother, and a sincere friend she supported a protracted illness, originating in a severe cold, with fortitude and true Christian piety, and her last breath was expressive of resignation to the decree of her Divine Master, into whose hands she devoutly and fervently committed her spirit.— Her loss will be severely felt by the poor of her neighbourhood, (Mr. Wallis being one our few resident landlords)—She exerted herself to alleviate their distress, encouraging amongst them habits of industry. To many she advanced money, and was repaid by instalments from their earnings ; she supplied the women with spinning wheels, in like manner, as also flax and many other articles, so much so, that through her encouragement and exertions the linen manufacture was progressing about Millstreet. But alas I heir friend and patroness is now gone to “that bourne from whence there is return,” sincerely regretted by those who had the happiness of her acquaintance, and deeply lamented by her disconsolate husband and afflicted relatives. [Cork Constitution – Saturday 06 March 1830]
Sherriff of Cork County
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to appoint the following Gentlemen to High Sheriffs for the ensuing year
Co. Galway: Robt. Parsons Persse, of Castleboy, Esq.
Co. Monaghan, Richard Adams, Esq.
Co. Antrim, John Rowan, of Larne, Esq
Co. Cork, Henry Wallis, Westwood, Esq.
Co. Down, Arthur Innes, of Dromartine, Esq.
Co. Dublin, John Hamilton Esq.
Co. Kerry, Robert Leslie, jun. of Talbert, Esq.
[Saunders’s News-Letter – Tuesday 08 February 1814]
DUBLIN CASTLE, 12th November, Names of Gentlemen returned by the Judges of Assises to serve the office of Sheriff for the ensuing year: … CORK— John Longueville, of Longfield, Esq. ; Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq.; Standish Harrison, of Castle Harrison, Esq. … [Drogheda Journal, or Meath & Louth Advertiser – Wednesday 10 December 1828]
HIGH SHERIFFS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. DUBLIN CASTLE, 25TH NOVEMBER, 1828. Names of Gentlemen returned by the Judges of Assise, to serve the office of Sheriff for the ensuing year: … CORK— John Longueville, of Longfield, Esq. ; Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq.; Standish Harrison, of Castle Harrison, Esq. … [Saunders’s News-Letter – Monday 01 December 1828]
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to approve of Henry Wallis, Esq., of Drishane Castle, being appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Cork. Commission to bear date 30th June, 1835. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Friday 03 July 1835]
Question: is there a difference between High Sheriff and Sheriff?
The following is a list Magistrates for the county of Kerry, included in the new Commission, as recenred the Clerk the Peace Wednesday last : … Henry Wallis, Drishane Castle, Co. Cork … [Kerry Evening Post. – Wednesday 13 June 1838]
Fashionable Mentions in the Newspapers
FASHIONABLE MISCELLANY. The Lord Bishop of Limerick and suite, and several other persons of distinction, arrived on Thursday last at Drishane Castle, the hospitable mansion of Capt. Wallis, in the County of Cork. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Saturday 10 June 1820]
FASHIONABLE MISCELLANY – … Arrived at Gresham’s Hotel, Sackville-street— Capt. Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, County of Cork, with his superb equipage… [Saunders’s News-Letter – Wednesday 08 August 1821]
On Wednesday evening last, the (Church of Ireland) Bishop Limerick, accompanied his son, Dr. Elrington, F. T. C. D. passed through Millstreet, on their return from Kerry. He dined Drishane Castle, the hospitable mansion of Capt. Wallace. Doctor Elrington preached the most interesting sermon previous the confirmation of over 100 persons. From Millstreet the Bishop proceeded to Mallow. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Thursday 12 September 1822]
KILLARNEY RACES. Killarney, Monday Night, June 30.— the four horses entered at the Curragh, for the Kenmare Stakes, only two started this day. The first heat was easily won by Mr. Creagh’s herse, Clan William, and in the second heat he distanced Mr. Croker’s mare Paragon. The assemblage of rank, fashion, and equipages, was very imposing. Amongst the most conspicuous were Lord Headley’s chariot and four, and the chariot and four of Mr. Wallis Drishane Castle. There scarcely a bed disengaged In the town, and the two balls promise fashionable overflow. [Dublin Morning Register – Tuesday 08 July 1828]
DEPARTURES yesterday at Conway’s Royal Hotel (Clonmel?) — Viscount Villars and suite on his way to visit the Lakes of Killarney, Miss Smith, Mr. John Smith and suite, for Ballinatray House, Captain Wallis and suite for Drishane Castle. [Cork Constitution – Thursday 28 August 1828]
TO BE LET, FROM THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, For such Term, as may be agreed on:THE MILL, and MILL LANDS of Millstreet. Proposals to Henrv Wallis, Esq, Drishane Castle, and Duplicates to HerbertO’Donnell, Esq. Coole-House, Millstreet. No promise of preference. April 10. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Tuesday 13 April 1830] (TODO: move to Drishane)
A BOARD OF HEALTH has been established in the Town of Millstreet, which is composed of the Magistrates, the Clergy of all persuasions, and the Physician to the local Dispensary, for the purpose of purifying and cleansing the town, as well supplying straw and bed clothes to the destitute poor; to accomplish these objects a considerable sum has been raised by private contributions, including from Henry Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Esq. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Saturday 10 December 1831]
PROTESTANT CONSERVATIVE SOCIETY OF IRELAND. The Society met on Tuesday at their rooms, Tims’s, 85, Grafton-Street, Alexander Montgomery, Esq., High Sheriff of the County of Monaghan, in the chair. The following gentlemen were announced by the Secretary as having been ballotted for and admitted since the last day of meeting :- … Henry Wallis, Esq., Drishane Castle, Millstreet, County Cork; … [Waterford Mail – Saturday 28 July 1832]
Lakes of Killarney — Fashionable Arrivals at Hegarty’s Hibernian Hotel — … Capt Wallis, Drishane Castle … Saunders’s NewsLetter – Friday 09 September 1836]
Arrivals Whitmore’s Club-House, Carlow: Lord Powerscourt, Lord Jocelyn, the Lord Primate of Ireland, the Horourable and Very Rev. the Dean of Ossory, the Earl of Donoughmore, the Earl of Glengall, Lord Howarden, Lord Carberry, Lord Amiens, Stephen O. Moore, Esq., County Tipperary, Lord and Lady Bovle, Lady and Miss Osborne, Hon. Randal Plankett, M.P., Robert Fowler. Esq., John Flood, Esq., the Marquis of Waterford, the Dowager Lady Carrick, Captain Wallis, Drishane, County Cork, Richard Smith, Esq., Ballinalray, Silver Oliver, Esq., county Cork, Abrafam Moiris, Esq., Dunkettle, County Cork, Nicholas Leader, Esq., Mount Leader, county Cork, &c., &co. [Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail – Saturday 04 February 1837]
LAKES OF KILLARNEY – The following are amongst the latest arrivals at the Hibernain Hotel, Killarney – The Right Hon Lord Limmers, St Eustace Leader, Esq, Mr and Mrs Leader of Mount Leader; Miss macCartie, Capt. Eustace and EB Hall Esq 82nd Regt; Captain Adams and Mr Grant, 10th Regt; Capt. St. Wallis, Drishane Castle …. [Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier – Tuesday 31 July 1838]
CORK RACES – Thrusday – The course was very well attended. The first race was contested with great between Mr. Barry’s Ballysax and Dr. O’Neill’s Splendid; the former winning each hear by a length … … We noticed present several of the county gentry and gentlemen of the turf. James S Barry – courtenay, (Ballyedmond), — Morris (Dunkettle), A.D. O’Driscoll, Captain Wallis, (Drishane) were on the course. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Monday 28 October 1839]
His Reported Murder in 1821
At first it was reported that Wallis had been one of the few not attacked, then it was reported that he had been killed, or mortally wounded, and finally that he had been attacked, and made a successful defence!!!
… By letters received from Millstreet, County of Cork, and its vicinity, it appears that there is not a gentleman’s residence from Kanturk to that town, with the exception of Drishane Castle, the seat of Captain Wallis – and Rathroe, the seat of Denis McCartby, Esq.-that had not t visited by those nightly disturhers, who prowl about in search of arms, and in most instances are successful… [Exeter Flying Post – Thursday 29 November 1821]
IRELAND. Dublin, Nov. 28 — Accounts continue to be received in Dublin, almost hourly, of new atrocities: … It has been stated to me this afternoon, upon very respectable authority, that Mr. Wallace, the late High Sheriff of the County of Cork, who resided at Drishane Castle, has been either murdered, or so badly wounded, that his life is despaired of. His house was attacked on the same night (Sunday last); and it is added, that he made a gallant resistance, and repulsed his assailants, not withstanding his having, early in the contest, received his wound. [Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser – Monday 03 December 1821]
Ireland.—ln our preceeding columns we have given continued narrative of the horrible disturbances in Ireland. We have to add to the melancholy recital another instance of barbarity, contained in a Dublin paper of Wednesday : —”Accounts continue to be received Dublin, almo6t. hourly, of new atrocities. Letters have reached to-day, from the neighbourhood of Newmarket, in the county of Cork, announcing the assassination of a most respectable gentleman, Captain Waters of that place. This murder was perpetrated by a band of ferocious monsters. Sunday evening. The particulars cannot be fully known until to-morrow.”— It also reported, that Mr. Wallace, late High Sheriff of the county of Cork, has shared the same fate at Drishane castle. Among other reported outrages the burning of a church to the ground in the County Kerry is mentioned. What a frighful picture of human depravity. [Chester Courant – Tuesday 04 December 1821]
The Dublin Papers since our last, gave account of another horrible murder on the body of Captain Waters, who resided in the vicinity of Newmarket, and of an attack upon Captain Wallace, of Drishane Castle, who made a spirited and successful resistance. An attempt had likewise been made to assassinate a gentleman near Roscommon, he was returning home on horseback, but the ruffians finding that was not their intended victim, they suffered him to depart. [Hull Advertiser and Exchange Gazette – Friday 07 December 1821]
(move to another article somwhere?)
On Thursday evening, William Preston White, Esq. of whose active services as a Magistrate we gave another efficient instance in our last, returned to this City, with the prisoners had taken on that occasion, whom he safely lodged the County Oaol, on the charge Whiteboyism, under the committal of Henry Wallis, Esq. of Drishane, who had zealously assisted in their arrest. The following are the names of the prisoners:— • Charles M‘Carthy, Denis M‘Carthy, Timothy Mac Auliffe, John Mac Auliffe, Daniel Shea, jun., Cornelius Shea, John Drum, Daniel Keeffe, Daniel Shea, senior, Jeremiah Shea, Garrett Cotter, J. Leary, William Geary, and Michael Brien.
Mr. White also escorted, on a similar charge, Cornelius Sullivan and Cornelius Herlihy, under the warrant of Hubert Hedges Eyre, Esq. Wednesday night the haggart of Mr. H. Huberts, of Snugburough, in the neighbourhood of Innishannon, was maliciously set tire, which six stacks wheat were entirely consumed. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Tuesday 22 January 1822]
William P. White, Esq. having received information, late on Friday night last, against a number persons concerned in the above horrid murder, proceeded the next morning to Millstreet, and with the assistance Sir Hugh Gough, K. C. B. Colonel of the regiment, and William Wallis, Esq. of Drishane Castle, and a party the military, they marched from Millstreet at 12 o’clock on Saturday night, to the Parish Kilcummer, (about half way between Millstreet and Killarney,) where they succeeded in apprehending eight men, one whom has given important information to Mr. White. [Saunders’s News-Letter – Thursday 14 February 1822]
Wm P White, examined — Remembers the 5th January ; was out to take prisoners, against whom he had information, when he met this party between Millstreet and Kanturk: Captain Wallis and Capt. Darcy, and 20 the 22d regiment, started from Drishane Castle about 11 o’clock, and remained out until four in the morning; took 14 prisoners, among whom were the two in the dock, and Breen, about four miles from Drishane, to the north of Millstreet. they were on two horses; Breen had a musket without a lock, and Cotter had a pistol. The prisoners offered no defence. [Belfast Commercial Chronicle – Monday 25 February 1822]
(i think cotter was deported to tasmania later – TODO find the article on cotter)
TODO: Connections between the Wallis and Smyth families from the early 1700s. Manuscript in the national archives
II.i.3.a. Legal costs of Richard Smyth [1706-1768],
Includes cost of Richard Smyth’s fine and recovery of part of his estate in Co. Limerick, 8 February 1729 and legal costs owed to Henry Wallis in case against White, 1749-1753.
The following are the principal Nobility and Gentry, through whose several Estates in this County the contemplated Rail Road will run Mr. Wallis, Drishane Castle, Augustus Yeilding, the M’Carthy Family, Mr. Cronin, the Park, the Herbert Family, Earl Kenmare, Lord Headley, the Bland Family, Mr. Hurly, the Representatives of Mr. Bernard, Rev. Denis Mahony, Sir John Godfrey, the Mullins Family, Judge Day, M’Gillycuddy, Lord Headley, Dlennerhassett Family, Marquis Lansdowne, O’Connell Family, Trinity College Lands. [Kerry Evening Post. – Wednesday 28 October 1835] Did the wallis lands extend into kerry???
PLEASE NOTE: this article is in constant development. all contributions are welcome
Aubrey Wallis was the last of the Wallis Family to own Drishane Castle and estate. …….
HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS, late of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P. and later of Roskrow-Penryn, Cornwall. [details]
Born on 4 July, 1861 to Major John Richard Smyth Wallis (1828-1868) and Octavia Willoughby (unknown-1901) . Third in a family of four children (siblings details below) [ref].
His father died in 1868, and Henry is the heir to the estate.
1868 Referred to as Aubrey Willoughby Wallis in a newspaper – this may have been a mistake on the part of the reporter though [TODO: clarify]
1871 Census: Living in St George Hanover Square, Belgrave, London, with his mother, and sister Eva Violet.
He was commonly known as Aubrey Wallis [ref], though the people of Millstreet knew him as “the Minor”.
Married firstly: 1 March, 1883, in Kidderpore, Bengal, India, to Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris (see BURKES Peerage), and by her has issue. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [Read our article on that divorce]
1885: Birth of a son: HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. [ref: article on Digby]
1886 – January – He had been living at ‘The Grange’ in Auckland, NZ, but sold all his possessions and moved back to England [ref]
1896 August 14th – Mr Henry Aubrey Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Millstreet, has returned to his paternal home after many years of travel. This will be welcome news to all who knew him. Mr Wallis was the largest employer of labour in the Millstreet district. [Cork Constitution]
He is credited with opening the new houses at Minor Row [ref], which were named after him.
1888: Daughter: Audrey Beatrice Jean, b. 23 Jan. 1888 ; m. 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921; died 28 Oct 1961. (see below for further details)
1901 – Aubrey appears in the 1901 Census of England, as head of the house at 128 Piccadilly, a Gentelman’s club at the time called the Piccadilly Club.
1907, 11th February: Married 2ndly, to Julia Mary Catharine Curteis, widow of Edward Witherden Curteis, Capt. 24 Regiment, and only dau. and heir of Mrs. Wright (see WRIGHT of Moltram Hall, Cheshire).
1911 – Appears in the Census of England, as head of the house with his wife Julia Mary Catherine, a visitor, and seven servants (a butler, a footman, a pantry boy, a housekeeper, two housemaids, and a kitchen maid). Address: Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall. His occupation is stated as “Justice of the Peace for County Cork”
1913: Became Master‘ of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds
1914: Death of his son Digby in Belgium in WWI
1916: On the death of his mother-in-law Julia Catherine Wright (88), he changed his surname from Wallis to Wallis-Wright, to protect the Wright surname.
1920: Gave up the Mastership of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds, and sold his pack of Kerry Beagles which had been in the family for generations.
1922: His wife Julia died on 18 Sep 1922, aged 64.
In 3rd January 1923, he changed his name from Wallis-Wright to just Wallis [ref], after he had originally changed it in 1916 [ref]
Passed away on 20 Apr 1926 in the Piccadilly Hotel, London
note: Have yet to figure out where he got the “Major” part of his name
Aubrey’s Family Tree
OHN RICHARD SMYTH WALLIS, (5 June 1828 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle, J.P., High Sheriff, 1857, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards;
Married 1st Sept. 1853, Octavia Willoughby, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 4 April, 1872, Sir G. H. Beaumont, gth bart., of Cole Orton Hall, Co. Leicester, and d. 19 June, 1901) had:
Digby Henry Willoughby, (2 June 1854 – 18 July 1858) buried 31st Jul 1858 in Drishane Parish Cemery.
Eva Octavia Augusta Willoughby, (b. 5 Jun 1859 in Drishane – 28 March 1860)
HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT, (1861-1926) now of Drishane Castle (see below).
Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby, (24 Dec 1868 – 16 Jan 1929)
Married 29 June 1888 in Brentford, Maj. Edgar St. John Christophers, D.S.O. (1861-1924). Divorced 21st March 1906, and had issue.
Violet Dorothy Agnes Christophers, Lady (Dorothy) (1889–1970), married George Malcolm Hilbery Sir (1883–1965)
Digby Richard Nugent Christophers (1890–), married Kathleen Griggs (1895–)
HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS, of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P., and later of Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall, (4 July, 1861 – 20 Apr 1926);
Married first, 1 March 1883, Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [TODO add link to profile]. They had issue:
HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. d. October 1914 in St. Julien, France in WWI. [TODO: link to his article when published]
Audrey Beatrice Jean, 23 Jan. 1888 – 28 Oct 1961;
Married 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; no issue.
Married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921.
from “Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Passtimes 1919”:
There are very few men in the Kingdom today who could boast of a more brilliant or a more successful career in sport than Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright, Farming Woods Hall, Brigstock, Northsmpyonshire, and Master of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds. Born on July 4th, 1861, at Drishane Castle, Co.Cork, Major Wallis-Wright was the son of Mr.John Richard Smyth Wallis, High Sheriff of Co.Cork in 1857. In 1883 Major Wallis-Wright married Elizabeth Caroline, eldest daughter of the Hon. Yelverton Bingham, fifth son of Lord Clanmorris, by whom he had one son and a daughter. The former Lieutenant Henry Digby Wallis, Coldstream Guards, was killed at Ypres during October, 1914, The death of this gallant son proved a heavy blow to the Master of the Woodland and Pytchley. An extraordinary affection and spirit of camaraderie existed between father and son, and it was the dream of the former’s life that his heir and the “last of the line” should take over the family pack of Kerry Beagles on his retirement from office.
In 1907 Major Wallis-Wright married Julia Mary Catherine, window of the late Captain EW Curteis, who on the death of her mother Mrs Julia Catherine Wright, succeeded to the Mottram estates, Cheshire. In September 1916, the surname of … (there’s 2 more page on Aubrey in the article, but are not currently availbale)
Julia Mary Catherine Wallis-Wright
Age: 64
Birth Date: 1858
Burial Date: 18 Sep 1922
Burial Place: St Peter, Stockport, Cheshire, England
TODO: find out more about her
ELIZABETH CAROLINE BINGHAM was the daughter of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham and Caroline Begbie.
She married, firstly, Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis on 1 March 1883.
She and Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis were divorced in 1906 by Act of Parliament.
She married, secondly, William John Wallace, son of Captain Henry Ritchie Wallace, on 27 July 1906. He died on 1st April 1908.
She married, thirdly, Major Alan Rowley Sale-Hill, son of General Sir Rowley Sale-Hill and Caroline Sophia Sale, on 8 August 1914.
Aubrey’s Mother: Octavia Willoughby was born illegitimately. She was the daughter of Digby Willoughby, 7th Baron Middleton. She married, firstly, Major John Richard Smyth Wallis on 01 Sep 1853. She married, secondly, Sir George Howland Beaumont, 9th Bt. , son of Sir George Howland Willoughby Beaumont, 8th Bt. and Mary Anne Howley , on 4 April 1872 in St. Paul’s Church, Knightsbridge, London, England She died Dame Octavia Willoughby Beaumont on 19 June 1901 at 66 Cromwell Road, London, England. She was buried in Cole Orton, Leicestershire, England. Her will was probated, at ¹12,196. Her will was probated at £12,196, which, using the most modestcomparator, would be over a million pounds today, or rather more than four million comparing average wages. A lady of means indeed! [ref1] [ref2]
This is where the name “Beaumont” comes from.
TODO re-file this:
CHRISTOPHERS Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby of the Gardens Hotel 47 Stanhope-gardens South Kensington Middlesex widow died 16 January 1929 at 7 Knaresborough place South Kensington Probate London 7 March to Arthur Pollock solicitor. Effects £8048 18s 6d. [Index of Wills and Administration 1929]
The Kerry Black and Tans.
It is interesting to learn that the fine pack of Kerry Beagles,
which are showing sport in the Woodland Pytchley country, will
shortly come into the market, Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright having
decided to give up the Mastership . These black-and-tan hounds
have been in the Master’s family for many generations, and are
famous for their hunting qualities. Originally they were hunted
in Ireland, then went into the Ribblesdale pack and hunted the
wild buck in Lancashire and Yorkshire . Major Wallis-Wright got
the strain back, and formed a pack which hunted the Four Burrow
country in Cornwall . When he accepted the Mastership of the
Woodland Pytchley in 1913 he took the Kerry Hounds with him.
They are remarkably powerful hounds, the dogs averaging 25 ins.
and the bitches 231 ins. They have exceptional bone, and not a
single hound stands over at the knees. Major Wallis-Wright has
bred them with the utmost care, using only sires and dams that
have well proved their working ability. An offshoot of the
Pytchley country, the Woodland has always been noted for the
superior quality of its hounds. When Lord Lonsdale hunted the
country he brought one of the finest packs in the kingdom from
the Blanknev kennels. His successor, Mr. Austin Mackenzie,
brought his own hounds from the Old Berkeley country, and when
he gave up the Mastership fourteen years later he sold the pack for
5,000 guineas, Mr. W. M. Wroughton buying the bitches for
£3,000 and lending them to Lord Southampton, who hunted the
country for a couple of seasons. Mr. E. A. V. Stanley also had a
very fine pack at the Brigstock kennels. In regard to working
quality the present pack compares favourably with any of its predecessors, and the black-and-tans are likely to be keenly sought
after. [Polo Monthly 1920]
Polo Players as M .F .H’s.
Polo players are likely to he strongly represented on the list
of M.F.H.’s next season. Captain George Renyille, for example,
has arranged to take Major Aubrey Wallis-Wright’s place in the
command of the Woodland Pytchley Hounds. He should make
an excellent M .F.H . He has been getting his hand in this winter
by helping his old friend, Mr. Isaac Bell, with the Kilkenny
Hounds. The keenest of sportsmen, Captain Bellville is generally
popular. Polo readers will remember the dashing games he used
to put up for the Old Cantabs, helping that grand team to win
seyeral Champion Cups. Unfortunately, the bad wound he
receiyed early in the war prevented him from playing polo last
summer, when he had to content himself with serying as official
umpire of the chief Ranelagh matches. [Polo Monthly 1920]
NOTICE is hereby given, that HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS (now or
lately called Henry Aubrey Beaumont Wallis-Wright), of Keythorpe, in the parish of Tugfby and county of Leicester, Gentleman, a natural born British subject, has by deed poll, duly enrolled in His Majesty’s College of Arms on the third day of January instant, assumed and adopted the surname of Wallis in lieu of his previous surname of Wallis-Wright. and intends henceforth upon all occasions to sign and subscribe himself and be styled in all legal and other documents by the surname of Wallis in lieu of and in substitution for his former surname of Wallis-Wright.—Dated the third day of January,1923. [THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 JANUARY, 1923. p195]
WALLIS Henry Aubrey Beaumont of Keythorpe Leicertershire died 20 April 1926 at the Piccadilly Hotel Piccadilly Middlesex. Probate London 7 July to the Public Trustee. Effects £60383 9s 10d. [Index of Wills and Administration 1926]
(from their roots in Cork/Waterford
in the 16th century to present)
In 1595, THOMAS WALLYS resided at Curryglass. Co. Cork ; he died before 1630, leaving a widow and two sons. The elder son,
THOMAS WALLYS, of Curryglass, left at his decease two sons,
THOMAS, of Curryglass, of whom hereafter (see below)
Peter, of Shangary, Co. Cork, living 1630, High Sheriff 1660, had a large grant of land under the Act of Settlement,
Married Audrey, daughter of Barachias Baker, of Carrigrohan, Co. Cork, and d. 1679, leaving by her (who d. 1685) four daus. (viz., i.
Margaret, m. Col. Edward Corker, of Ballymaloe, co. Cork, and d.s.p. 17 July, 1721 ;
Katherine, m. 1679, Ebenezer Low, and d. 8 July, 1697 ;
Mehetabel, m. Francis Foulke, and d. 1 July, 1703 ;
Mary, m. Benjamin Glascott, of New Ross, who d. 6 Oct. 1723
John, of Carrigrohan, J.P., whose dau. and heir,
Mary, m. Charles Gookin.
Barachias, of Ballycrenan, m. 1688, Ellen Cross, of Ballybrazil, co. Wexford, and d. intestate (adm. 7 July, 1711) leaving two daus. and a son:
Susan, m. William Corker, of Kilbrenan, co. Cork ;
Eleanor, m. Jan. 1730, Sylvester Cross, of Passage co. Cork, who d. 1767),
William, of Ballycrenan, m. Clotilda, dau. of Thomas Uniacke, of Woodhouse, co. Waterford, and had
Barachias, of Ballycrenan, m. 1763, Anne, dau. of Emanuel Pigott, and d.s.p. Jan. 1765.
Helena, m. John Colthurst. […]
Clotilda, m. 24 Sept. 1771, Sir Edward Hoare, 2nd bart.. of Annabella, and d. 3 Sept. 1816, leaving issue (see BURKES Peerage).
==== ====
The eldest son, THOMAS WALLIS, of Curryglass, mentioned in will of his uncle Peter, 1630, party to a deed in 1640, had issue,
Boyle, b. 1644.
THOMAS, of Curryglass, of whom hereafter.
HENRY, (1654 – 1739) of Drishane, co. Cork, m. Penelope, dau. of John Nettles, of Toureen, and left,
Thomas, d.s.p.
Henry, (1697 – ) ; d.s.p. 1749.
John, of Reddy, called to the Bar 1754, High Sheriff of Cork 1772 ; d.s.p. 1787.
Mary, m. George Jackson, of Grangebeg, co. Cork.
Elizabeth (1708 – ), m. George Wallis, of Curryglas.
==== – ====
The eldest surviving son, THOMAS WALLIS, of Curryglass.
Married first, 1679, Jane Ludyman, and by her had issue:
Thomas, died unmarried.
Grace, died unmarried.
Mr. Wallis had in the time of JAMES II to fly to England with his wife and two children.
He married secondly, Persis (1685-), daughter of Holmes, and had issue:
Anne, m. Thomas Moore, of Gregg, co. Cork ;
Elizabeth, m. Samuel Meade;
Arabella, m. Michael Webber; and had issue Thomas (1749-), and Mary,
Jane, m. Digby Cooke
GEORGE, his heir (see below)
Mr. Wallis purchased considerable landed property in the Co. of Cork, in 1703, from the trustees of Forfeited Estates.
==== – ====
GEORGE WALLIS (1708 – 1747), of Curryglass.
Married in 1721, his first cousin, Elizabeth Wallis, daughter of Henry Wallis, of Drishane, and had issue:
HENRY, his heir (see below)
Penelope (1726 – 18 June 1796), m. John Parker, of Cherrymount, Co. Waterford; and had issue
John Robert (1756–1842),
Anne (Saunders) (–1808),
Elizabeth Parker
George (1737- 28 Dec 1821), d.s.p.
Elizabeth (1738 – ), m. Samuel Adams; and had issue:
Samuel Wallis Adams
==== – ====
HENRY WALLIS, (1723 – ) of Curryglass and Drishane, under the limitations in the will of his maternal grandfather, Henry Wallis, became entitled to the Drishane and other estates;
He married 1758, Elizabeth, daughter of Christmas Paul, of Paulville, Co. Carlow, by Ellen his wife, daughter of Robert Carew, of Ballynamona, Co. Waterford, and had four sons and two daughters:
JOHN, his heir (see below),
Christmas Paul (Rev.), B.A., married first, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. James Stopford, Fellow Trinity College Dublin, and sister of Edward Stopford, Bishop of Meath, and had three sons and six daughters.,
John, an Officer 52nd Regt., d. unm.
Henry, an Officer 52nd Regt., d.s.p.
James, d.s.p.
Elizabeth, d. unm.
Penelope, m. Rev. Digby Joseph Stopford Ram, and had issue (see RAM of Clonattin).
Ellen, married 17 July 1817 William Lombard, of Danesfort, co. Cork, son of the Rev. Edmond Lombard, of Lombardstown, Co. Cork. William died without children 12 March, 1831, and was buried at Kilshannig. His will, dated 1 Feb., 1827, was proved on 21 April, 1841. His widow Ellen, who resided at Hawthorn, near Mallow, was buried at Kilshannig on 15th Sept., 1850.
Rev. Christmas Paul married secondly, Hannah Fitzgerald, and had further issue,
Thomas, Barrister-at-Law, m. Miss MacDermot, and had a dau.,
Christmas Paul, Rev. (1823-1866) m. Blessing (1831- 23 April, 1910), dau. of Thomas Browning Gardner, of Youghal, Co. Cork, and had, [TODO]
Christmas Paul, d. unm. (1860-1880)
Thomas Henry Gardner, (1865-1928)
Christiana Augustus (1856-)
Georgina Blessing (1856-1878)
Frances Maud “Fanny” (1858-)
Penelope Croker. (1860-1930)
Anne, d. unm.
Thomas, m. Miss Cooke, and had issue,
Harry, an Officer 52nd Foot, m. Miss Justice, and had three daus.,
Mary Eliza, married Thomas Hennessy Crofts (Solicitor) in Cork 1868
Ellen, m. John Moriarty, M.D.
Dora, d. unm.
John Cooke, of Minehill, co. Cork, m. 1.846, Elizabeth, dau. of Major Beresford Gahan, 4th Dragoon Guards, and had, with others who died young, issue,
Thomas Henry, b. 1847 ; d. 1886.
Beresford Gahan, Supt. Engineer, Indian P.W. Dept. ; b. 1849 ; m. 1882, Harriet Florence, dau. of Alfred Gahan, of Cavan, and has issue, Beresford Herbert, b. 1888.
John Cooke, Capt. Imperial Lt. Horse, S. Africa, b. 1854. (i) Elizabeth.
1. Rebecca, m. H. Sherlock.
Elizabeth, d. unm.
Mary, m. ] . E. Herrick.
Ellen, m. the Rev. A. Sergeant, of Waterford.
4. Harry, m. Helen, and dau. of James MCall, of Braehead, co. Lanark, and had three sons and seven daughters:
Harry, drowned;
James and
John, d.s.p. ; and seven daus. of whom the eldest,
Sarah, m. William Smith, of Carbeth Gutherie ; and the sth, Margaret, m. George Dennistoun.
Ellen (-1842), m. Charles Bolton, of Curraghduff, co. Waterford.
Elizabeth (- 16 April 1836), m. Sir Joshua Christmas Paul, 2nd bart., xf Ballyglan, co. Waterford, and d.s.p..
==== ?-1810 ====
JOHN WALLIS, (1759 – 1810) of Drishane Castle.
Married first, Patience, eldest dau. of John Longfield, of Longueville, Co. Cork, and by her had one dau.,
Patience, m. James Hanning (1780-), of Kilcrone, Cloyne Co. Cork. […]
He married secondly, Sept. 1787, Marianne, daughter of John Carleton, of Woodside, Co. Cork, and by her had issue,
Marianne (Mary Anne?), (1795 – 4 Jun 1876) married Lieut. Simon Newport, (39th Regiment) J.P., (1788-1867) only son of Sir Simon Newport, of John’s Hill Villa, Waterford, and had:
John Wallis Newport (1830–1877)
Marianne Elizabeth Paul Newport (1831–1891)
Jane Penelope Newport (1834–1919)
Henry Bolton Newport (1837–1900)
Simon George Newport (–1860)
Penelope (1797-), m. Samuel Adams, of Kilbree, co. Cork, J.P., (her first cousin, son of Wallis Adams) and had issue,
Elizabeth Paul Adams (–1910), married William Anderson (1812–1904) and had:
Penelope Anne Anderson (1861–1861)
Wilhelmina Elizabeth Anderson (1864–)
Joshua Alexander Anderson Rev (1867–1947)
William James Anderson (1869–1915)
Susanna Margaret Anderson (–1868)
Samuel Adams
Georgina Adams (–1896)
Frances Adams
Wallis Adams
Michael Goold Adams
John Carleton Adams
Marianne Caroline, m. 8 Oct. 1844, John Allin, of Monabeg, nephew of Gen. Sir Thomas Kenah, K.C.B.
Elizabeth (1802-), married the Rev. Charles Morgan (Rector of Drishane). “The Rev. J. C, Morgan, nephew to the Lord Bishop of Cloyne, and Vicar of Drishane, Elizabeth, third daughter of the late John Wallis, Esq. of Westwood, County Cork [Bristol Mirror – Saturday 18 May 1822]”
Charles Henry Mongan (1822–)
John Mongan (1823–)
Selina Sophia Mongan (1824–)
Marianne Charlotte Mongan (1826–1912), married Rev Francis Verschoyle Young (1818-1891, Curate of Drishane), and had:
George Francis Young (1854–1885)
George P Young (1855–)
John Wallis Lombard Young (1855–1936)
Francis Verschoyle “Barney” Young (1857–1930)
Mary Elizabeth Jane Young (1859–1944)
Bryanna Thomasina “Nancy” Young (1861–1920)
Thomas William Herbert Young (1863–1944)
Charles Warburton Young (1865–1932)
Ainslie Lunham Young (1868–1938)
Caroline Jane Mongan (1835–), married William Alfred Carpenter
==== 1810-1862 ====
HENRY WALLIS, (1790 – 6 Jan. 1862) of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P, and D.L. High Sheriff. 1814, Lieut.-Col. South Cork Rifles,
Married 1st, Charlotte Forster (–1816), by whom he had
one son, deceased
Married secondly, 26 Dec 1827, Ellen, daughter of Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray, Co. Waterford, and sister of the Princess of Capua, and of Lady Dinorben and had:
JOHN RICHARD SMYTH, (5th June 1827 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle (see below)
Mary Gertrude, (Apr 1829 – 5 May, 1857) died unmarried.
==== 1862-1868 ====
JOHN RICHARD SMYTH WALLIS, (5 June 1828 – 27 Oct 1868) of Drishane Castle, J.P., High Sheriff, 1857, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards;
Married 31st August 1853, Octavia Willoughby, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 4 April, 1872, Sir G. H. Beaumont, gth bart., of Cole Orton Hall, Co. Leicester, and d. 17 June, 1901) had:
Digby Henry Willoughby, (2 June 1854 – 18 July 1858) buried 31st Jul 1858 in Drishane Parish Cemery.
HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT, now of Drishane Castle (see below).
Eva Octavia Augusta, (b. 5 Jun 1859 in Drishane – 28 March 1860)
Eva Violet Amelia Gwen Willoughby, (24 Dec 1868 – 16 Jan 1929)
Married 29 June 1888 in Brentford, Maj. Edgar St. John Christophers, D.S.O. (1861-1924). Divorced 21st March 1906, and had issue.
Violet Dorothy Agnes Christophers, Lady (Dorothy) (1889–1970), married George Malcolm Hilbery Sir (1883–1965)
Digby Richard Nugent Christophers (1890–), married Kathleen Griggs (1895–)
==== 1868-1908 ====
HENRY AUBREY BEAUMONT WALLIS, of Drishane Castle, Co. Cork, J.P., and later of Roskrow, Penryn, Cornwall, (4 July, 1861 – 20 Apr 1926);
Married first, 1 March 1883, Elizabeth Caroline, eldest dau. of Hon. Albert Yelverton Bingham, 5th son of the 3rd Lord Clanmorris. From him she obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament 1906. [TODO add link to profile]. They had issue:
HENRY DIGBY, late Lieut. Scots Guards (Guards Club), b. 3 June, 1885. d. October 1914 in St. Julien, France in WWI. [TODO: link to his article when published]
Audrey Beatrice Jean, 23 Jan. 1888 – 28 Oct 1961;
Married 5 Jan. 1909, Francis Ivan Oscar Brickmann, 119th Infantry, Indian Army; divorced in 1921; no issue.
Married Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath on June 4th 1921.
Micheal Law, Maj., 1923 – 21 July 1975, Captain, Scots Guards, Married 12 April 1950, Judith Maurice Hogarth, d. of Maj. John Usher Hogarth [line]
Robert Law, 6th April 1955 – 25th Dec 2004 [obit]. married Aisling Stuart (gg dau of Maude Gonne), daughter Iseult, stepson Emile. [grave]
Georgiana Law, * 1952, Md., Sean Galvin, of Navan, Co. Meath, s. of John Galvin, of Shankill, Co. Dublin. [photo ?]. + Edward, Vanessa
Edward Galvin, m. Alexandra Mackintosh (Edinbrugh), 4 children
Aubrey married secondly, n Feb. 1907, Julia Mary Catharine Curteis (1858-1922), widow of Edward Witherden Curteis, Capt. 24 Regiment, an only daughter and heir of Mrs. Wright (see WRIGHT of Moltram Hall, Cheshire).
Listen to Aisling Stuart and her mother Imogen on the radio with Miriam O’Callaghan on Rosnaree House and the Law family:
TODO: follow up Audrey’s 2nd husband: Capt. Robert Law, M.C., of Rosnaree, Slane, Co. Meath, * 1889, + 1971, s. of Michael Augustine Fitzgerald Law, of Beaumont, Drogheda, Co. Meath.
Captain Robert Law (1890-1973). Like his two younger brothers, Robert was educated at Haileybury, a boarding school 20 miles from London, returning to Beamont during the holidays. During the First World War, he served with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers and won a Military Cross. A fearless eccentric, he later went to West Africa where he shot twelve bull elephants but got charged by the thirteenth which left him badly mauled. He later emerged from the jungle with a hoard of ivory, claiming he had survived by eating an exclusive diet of bananas, which fruit he never ate again. He subsequently eloped with Audrey Beatrix Wallis of Drishae Castle, Millstreet, Co. Cork, sold Beamont and settled on the Boyne at Rossnaree, Co. Meath, where members of the Law family still live today.
Lieut. S Newport of the 39th Regiment only son of Sir Simon Newport, of Waterford, to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of the late John Wallis Esq. of Drishane Castle, County of Cork [Bristol Mirror – Saturday 13 July 1822]
MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT NEAR Millstreet, Saturday. An accident, which might have been very serious, happened near this town on yesterday evening, the particulars of which have only now come to hand.
A motor car bearing the Earl and Countess of Kerry arrived at Millstreet, and the party having had lunch at Vanstan’s Hotel, proceeded on their way to Killarney en route to Derreen House, after their honeymoon trip. The other occupants were a ladysmaid and the chaffeur.
After carefully looking over and supplying the machine with its oil fuel they started on their journey at about five o’clock. In trying to escape collision with some of the carts and cars opposite Howard’s Hotel, a little child named Cornelius Stokes had narrow escape from being run over. The speed as they went along towards Killarney must have been much accelerated. At Ferm Bridge, Ballydaly, three miles from the town, it was noticed to be bounding along the road, and ultimately plunged into the dyke at the roadside, where it ploughed onwards for about 30 yards, tearing the face of the fence. The Countess of Kerry was thrown over the fence, but luckily fell into a piece of cut away bog, and was only stunned for a short time, and after the assistance of her maid quickly recovered. The other occupants, the Earl, the maid, and the chaffeur were quite uninjured, but got a severe shock. [read more …] “Was this the first Motor Car Accident in Millstreet?”
In 1992 when the the then owner Thade Mullane had a digger on his farm at Curragh, an Iron age Log Boat was discovered when landscaping the edge of Comeenatrush Lake. Made from oak, it had been preserved by the acidic bog water. It was dug out and researched by archaeologists from UCC and dated to 393 AD to 537 AD, it is the earliest boat found on the Blackwater Valley. After inspections, it was re-submerged into the lake to preserve it.
Other artefacts were also found in the lake, and these are now museum pieces [2].
The logboat discovered at Comeenatrush, seen here after it was taken from the water.
FOR THE WEEK ENDING, September, 13th, 1919
During the foregoing six days English Military terrorism in Ireland reached its high water mark. The town of Fermoy was sacked by English Military, English troops appeared on the streets of Dublin and shot down four young men. The English representatives in Ireland decreed the suppression of the elected Government of the Irish people; the vast army of occupation was set loose upon the nation and forcibly entered the houses of over a thousand of its respected citizens. [read more …] “Lest We Forget 7”
Many thanks to Siobhan who sent us a copy of this historic Millstreet Coursing Club meeting card. At the time the club was actually called Drishane Coursing Club and the meeting was held in the Tanyard Meadows, the field where Dairygold is located.
[Continuing our series on the events of 1919 with the help of the daily newspaper of the First Dail, the Irish Bulletin.]
DATE:- August
Armed Assaults:-
Suppressions &
Daily Total
Sentences for the week, as reported in Press, amounted to 52 months imprisonment.
MONDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1919. Raids:- Large forces of police and military, fully armed, forcibly
entered and searched many houses situated upon the left bank
of the river Shannon. Upwards of 20 houses were thus raided
and searched. Arrests:- Two men, whose names have not transpired were arrested near Portmore, Co. Armagh, because they participated in a Republican meeting which was proclaimed by the English military. Sentences:- Michael and Timothy Spillane of Carrigaha,Castlegregory, Michael Flynn and Michael Griffin of Cappananee, and Michael Maunsell of Duagh all of the Co. Kerry, were sent to prison until December to await trial for the “attempted murder” of two policemen who were not even wounded. The five men indignantly protested their innocence but upon the evidence of policemen the paid magistrate committed them to prison. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (6)”
Aubane Social Club are holding the 271 years Anniversary Butter Road Walk in association with the IRD Bealtaine Festival on next Sunday 26th May at 2.00pm,the Walk will start from The Aubane Community Centre where John Kelleher will be your Guide as the walk makes its way on to the Kerrymans Table and will then return back to the Community Centre for Refreshments,Everybody very Welcome to attend.
[Continuing our series on the events of 1919 with the help of the daily newspaper of the First Dail, the Irish Bulletin.]
The following are the Acts of Aggression committed in Ireland by the Military and Police of the Usurping English Government, as reported in the Censored Daily Press, during the week ending July 26th, 1919.
MONDAY, 21st JULY, 1919.
Sentences :- For collecting for Dail Eireann without a permit from the “authorities”. William Jackson, Michael Jackson, and Michael Cahill, were at Foynes, Limerick, sentenced to one month imprisonment in default of bail. They were removed to Limerick prison under a strong military and police escort. The Misses N. Fitzgibbon; M.E. Harris, M. Owens; A.M. McDonald; E. Coleman; and J. O’Brien, Youghal, Co. Cork, were fined at the Petty Sessions for selling flags without a permit. The accused did not appear at the Court; Miss Harris stated she had a permit for Mr. de Valera, and Miss Fitzgibbon said she had one from the Irish Republic. The flags were inscribed “Help Central Europe – Starving.” [read more …] “Lest We Forget (5)”
Monday, 7th July, 1919. Discharged without trial: Mr. Patrick O’Brien, one of the three brothers arrested on suspicion in connection with the Silvermines shooting, was released after being 18 months in custody. Raids:- Extensive house-to-house searches were made over large areas to the North and West of Newmarket, Co. Cork, by fully equipped British military and police. The raiders were accompanied by military wagons, armoured cars, and Red Cross cars, filled with armed soldiers. Two old disused shot-guns – the sole result of the raid – were found and commandeered. Proclaimed. The annual Tipperary Feis (Gaelic League Festival) to be held in Thurles on Sunday last, was proclaimed by the British authorities on Friday. Large forces of military and police, with full war equipment, were drafted into the town on Sunday. The promoters decided not to hold the Feis, although such a course resulted in heavy financial loss to them.
Tuesday, 8th July, 1919. Arrests. Austin Geraghty and Peter J. Loghlon, Doolin District, Co. Clare, were arrested by British military and police in connection with the shooting of two R.I.C men near Kilfenora, Co. Clare. Michael Byrne, Camlough; Patrick Osborne, Gib Street, Belfast; Owen MacCroosh, Eshavany, and Patrick McShane, Cross, were arrested in connection with an alleged assault on two R.I.C. men at Camlough, Co. Armagh on Sunday last. They were brought before a Special Court at Camlough Barracks and remanded to Forkhill Petty Sessions on the 12th August. John Mahon, Gurteen, Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford, was arrested for failing to pay a fine imposed on him for collecting funds for Dail Eireann without a Permit from the British authorities. He has been “wanted” for some time on this charge. Robert Hegarty, 3 Kimmage Road, Dublin, was arrested on a charge of illegal drilling, and remanded in custody until Friday next. Proclamation:- Sinn Fein, Sinn Fein Clubs, Cumann na mBan, the Irish Volunteers, and the Gaelic League in the County Tipperary were “prohibited and suppressed” by Proclamation published to-day. Two Proclamations were issued by the British Authorities, the first to cover the suppression in the North Riding area of Co. Tipperary, the second to cover the suppression of the South Riding area. An Aeridheacht announced for Castlepollard on Sunday last was proclaimed and large forces of British military and police were drafted into town to enforce the proclamation. Military guards were placed on all the approaches to the town. A meeting was held at the Market Square and was addressed by Mrs. Sheehy-Skeffington. Armed Assault:- A District Inspector with a force of fully armed police came on the scene and ordered the dispersion of the meeting. On being asked for his authority the D.I. ordered a baton charge. Several people were injured in the charge, and the crowd retaliated with stones. The D.I. then ordered the police to fire, and for a time matters looked very serious. For some reason the police failed to obey the order, and after a time the people dispersed quietly in spite of the great provocation. After the arrest of John Mahon at Newtownbarry (vide above) a crowd numbering about 300, collected and boohed and hissed the police. Four or five police rushed out of the barracks and attacked the crowd with batons. A small number of the crowd were dispersed, but the large majority held their ground, with the result that a regular melee ensued. In the meantime a military wagon of British soldiers arrived on the scene. They fixed bayonets and charged the crowd, with the result that a large number of people were wounded. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (4)”
Ciara sent us the below message, can anyone help her in her search?
Hi, I’m trying to find anyone who might have a photo of the 1971 commemoration of the Clonbanin Ambush. My grandfather took part and my Dad remembers a photo was taken of the surviving IRA men including my grandfather. I’ve searched online newspaper archives but haven’t found anything.
Thank you. Ciara
Afternoon Tea Dance Sunday 10th March 3-5.30 pm. Music by Peter Lane at Aubane Community Center
Fitness Class in Aubane Community Centre on Thursday 14th March for five weeks concluding on Thursday 11 April. Start Time 8.00pm – 9.00pm. Payment of €40.00 on first night,futher details contact John F Kelleher 086 1942161 or Noreen Kelleher 087 9486673
Good Friday Table Quiz on Friday 19 April at 8.30 pm. Table of Four People 40 Euro. Under 18s Half Price. National School and Secondary School children welcome. Raffle on the Night
Easter Egg Hunt for kids on Saturday 20th April on the grounds of Aubane Community Center. – more details to follow
(Continuing our series on typical events of 1919 with the help of the First Dail’s newspaper, the Irish Bulletin)
MONDAY, JUNE 9th, 1919
Arrests:- Mr. Michael O’Connell, Main Street, Thurles, was arrested and sent under strong escort to Cork Jail. The charge has not been mentioned. Raids:- Three houses were raided at Thurles, Co. Tipperary. The five Railway Stations in Cork were raided by armed police, late at night, and searched. Sentences;- Bryan Shanahan, Grantstown, Co. Tipperary, was sentenced to four months imprisonment for “being suspected of having an intention to commit an illegal act.” The evidence against Mr. Shanahan was that he answered police questions in Irish and had possession of the key of a house in which two Irish Volunteers Uniforms were kept. Dr. T.F. Higgins of Maryborough was sent to gaol for one month for failing to admit police to a Language Movement Concert. Murder:- Mr. Matthew Murphy, shot on the 4th June by a sentry posted without notice outside Dundalk died of his wounds. [read more …] “LEST WE FORGET (3)”
Duhallow Heritage Society will hold a talk by local author and military historian Dr. William(Barry) Sheehan. The title of the talk is ‘Studying the War of Independence in Duhallow’. The talk will take place on Tuesday 12th February in ‘Dubhlinn’ Social Centre, Kanturk which is adjacent to Kanturk Mart.
Continuing the series to commemorate centenary events of 1919 with the help of the First Dail’s newspaper, the Irish Bulletin. The Bulletin reported that from May 1916 to January 1919 the Crown Forces had carried out the following actions: 51 murders, 2,064 deportations, 99 assaults on civilians, 713 raids on houses, 4,785 arrests, 1,460 sentences, 51 proclamations and suppressions of meetings, fairs, markets etc., 28 newspapers suppressed and 322 court-martials. And of course these were for reported actions and not therefore complete. The following lists are samples of the weekly actions for the first weeks of May and June 1919.
Detailed list of the Acts of Aggression committed against the Irish people by the British military forces in Ireland during the short period of the visit of the Irish-American Peace Delegation, which extended from
May 2nd to May 12th, 1919
N.B. In order not to disclose the real methods by which Ireland is held in subjection the English commanders in Ireland held their forces in some restraint during the period mentioned. The following list, therefore, though it may surprise foreign peoples is not fully indicative of the tyranny which is practised from day to day upon the people of Ireland. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (2)”
While it was not clear in the beginning of 1919 that the Dáil ever intended to gain independence by military means, and war was not explicitly threatened in Sinn Féin’s 1918 manifesto, an incident occurred on 21 January 1919, the same day as the First Dáil convened. The Soloheadbeg Ambush, in County Tipperary, was led by Seán Treacy, Séamus Robinson, Seán Hogan and Dan Breen acting on their own initiative. The IRA attacked and shot two RIC officers, Constables James McDonnell and Patrick O’Connell, who were escorting explosives. Breen later recalled:
…we took the action deliberately, having thought over the matter and talked it over between us. Treacy had stated to me that the only way of starting a war was to kill someone, and we wanted to start a war, so we intended to kill some of the police whom we looked upon as the foremost and most important branch of the enemy forces. The only regret that we had following the ambush was that there were only two policemen in it, instead of the six we had expected.[33]
In this decade of commemorations we are encouraged to remember and not to forget. Very good advice and we will do our bit during the hundredth anniversary of “the four glorious years” to recall the facts of those years. We will do so with the help of the “Irish Bulletin”, the daily paper of the Dáil.
There could not be a more appropriate source as the whole object of the War that Britain engaged in was to destroy that Dáil. This is history from the horse’s mouth.
People who set up the Bulletin published lists of atrocities before it was officially launched in November 1919 and did so afterwards as well. Below is a list for 1919 and early 1920. It is not all comprehensive as it relied to a large extent on newspaper reports which were all censored and dozens suppressed and before the Bulletin had established a network for receiving news of atrocities independent of the press. Later lists will show much more comprehensive listings for the period covered here.
However, it gives the flavour of the ongoing terror campaign in period it covers and confirms the “existing state of war” as described in the Dáil’s Declaration to the Free Nations of the World on 21 January 1919.
From January 1st 1919 to April 30th 1920 (In the majority of cases the dates given are those upon which the incidents were reported in the daily Press)
January 1919
7th People of Dunmanway, Co. Cork, attacked by soldiers and police with rifles, fixed bayonets and batons.
27th Police with fixed bayonets attacked a crowd at Baltinglass which had assembled to welcome home a political prisoner.
February 1919
11th Police forced doors of King’s County Council Offices and attacked Council staff with bayonets.
12th Patrick Gavin shot dead by soldiers at Curragh camp.
19th Soldiers attacked card party at the Temperance Hall at Annacarty, County Tipperary, and wrecked the Hall.
20th Timothy Connors, Greenane, Co. Tipperary, aged 11 years, kidnapped by police and secretly taken to unknown destination, his parents being refused all information. [read more …] “Lest We Forget (1)”
O’CONNOR, Fr Thaddeus 1882-1959 Born 16 November 1882 in Millstreet, Co. Cork, Thady came to Rockwell as a boarder in 1898 where he was classmate of Edward Leen, ‘Red’ Mick O’Connor and John English. He joined the Juniorate when it was reopened 1900 and was prefect, 1902-6. He captained the 1904 Rockwell Munster Cup Team 1904 which included the Ryan Brothers, Jack and Mike – former internationals – Edward Leen, and Eamon de Valera. The doings of that team on and off the field were the source of unending anecdotes at reunions in later years and Thady featured in most of them because of his dashing and daring disposition. He did his novitiate in Prior Park, Bath, with Fr Tom O’Brien as novice master, and he then went on to France for his senior studies. Ordained in 1911 he received his obedience the following year for Nigeria. [read more …] “Rev Fr. Thaddeus O’Connor Gives a Lecture at Quincy”
It’s sometimes known as the Secret Waterfall, because few outside Millstreet know of its existence. Indeed most locals don’t even know how to get there, but Comeenatrush is a gem, and visitors are astounded that it’s not better known. Essentially it is at the start of the Finnow river, bringing its water from the upland valley that is Gneeves. The water cascades over 100m down the multi level waterfall, before resting in the lake. The peace, tranquillity, and the sound of water are refreshing to the soul.
Road – Comeenatrush taken in 2008 by James (rip)
The waterfall froze in December 2010 (photo Kevin Buckley)
The waterfall featured in Eurovision 1993, as the Norwegian contestant Silje Vije travelled there on horseback
Getting there.
1. Starting from the Square in Millstreet, head south on the road to Macroom (R582) for 3.2 km
2. Turn right onto the L5224 after passing the turn off for Kilmeedy Castle and crossing the bridge over the River Finnow.
3. Continue for 350m, until the road forks. Keep left.
4. Continue for 1.5km, turn right down small the side road
5. Continue for 600m until you get to the old farmhouse & farmyard on the right side of the road. 6. Walk to the right of the house, and follow the path for 1km until it takes you to the lake.
6. [Change 2019] Do not enter by the house, but it’s best to drive or walk up past the house and park at the double gate on the right and walk through the field there and down to the farm passage that leads to the waterfall [Directions on Google Maps]
If you want to get to the lake and the bottom of the waterfall then follow these Directions on Google Maps. DO NOT follow the default route from Millstreet to Comeenatrush on Google Maps, you will be landed on top of the hill at the entrance to Gneeves Windfarm. Many people make this mistake. BUT … It’s not really a bad thing though as if you make your way across 100m of bog, you are at the top of a cliff looking down on the lake and the view is spectacular. Sitting on the rock just down from the top of the cliff my favourite spot here, with the views and the sound of the water … but you need a head for heights, so it’s not for everyone. [route to the top of the cliff]
Iron Age Log Boat
In 1992 when the the then owner Thade Mullane was re-landscaping the site, an Iron age Log Boat was discovered in the lake. Made from oak, it had been preserved by the acidic bog water. It was dug out and researched by archaeologists from UCC and dated to 393 to 537, it is the earliest boat found on the Blackwater Valley. After inspections, it was re-submerged into the lake to preserve it. To find out more about the boat read our article HERE.
Bits and Pieces
There is an Iron Age Logboat in the lake from about the 4th century. It was discovered in 1992, researched, and placed back in the lake to preserve it.
Tips: As with most waterfalls, it is always best to enjoy the waterfall after it has been raining heavily and there is lots of water flowing.
Local Legend: the golden gates of Kilmeedy Castle are reputed to have been thrown in Comeenatrush Lake!
Comeenatrush has a Wikipedia page in Cebuano (a language from the Phillipines), but none in English!
Spelling Variations: Coomeenatrush, Caumatruish,
Many places online give the address as ‘Glantane’. This is incorrect. The lake is split by the townlands of Curragh and Gneeves. Glantane is at best two miles away.
In the 1880’s a man by the name of Daniel Dennehy was murdered nearby, and his remains dumped into the lake [TODO: complete article and link]
The logboat discovered at Comeenatrush, seen here after it was taken from the water. Thade Mullane who found the boat was the long time owner of the lands, and always welcomed people to see the lake, waterfall, and the boat.
Update June 2019: is seems that the new owner of the land have planted the entire place with trees and the boat has been covered too (possibly destroyed) by the digging work 🙁
Different owners of the house and yard at the front have blocked access to the roadway. Its best to drive or walk up past the house and park at the double gate on the right and walk through the field there.
Today on the hundredth anniversary of the Armistice, which ceased fighting at the end of World War One, we remember all those from Millstreet who took part and died in the war that was meant to end all wars.
In 2010 we published a list of 15 Millstreet men who had died in WWI, but with little detail, only names, dates, and the country of their death. Since then we have been gathering information on all those with local connections that were involved in the Great War. They fought with the British, American, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian armies. These are the names of the 44 45 that died and the 87108+ who survived that we know of:
Those who died:
Timothy Long, Kilcorney, Royal Munster Fusiliers, on August 27th 1914, Battle of Mons [notes]
Patrick Forde, Station Road, Connaught Rangers, on Tue 1st Sept 1914, aged 38, at Seine-et-Marne, France [notes]
Edward O’Leary, Millstreet, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Sat Oct 03 1914, p.o.w, in France/Germany [notes]
Daniel Cronin, Cullen, Royal Irish Regiment, on October 19th 1914, in France [notes]
Lieut. Henry Digby Wallis, of Drishane Castle, Coldstream Guards, on 21 October 1914, in Ypres, France [notes3]
Jeremiah Riordan, Kilcorney, Irish Guards, 01 Nov 1914, aged 24 at Ypres [notes]
Timothy Mahony, Millstreet, Private Connaught Rangers 1st Battalion, KIA France & Flanders 23/11/1914 [notes]
Cornelius Corkery, West End, Connaught Rangers, Nov 23 1914, Flanders, France [notes]
Patrick Byrne, Millstreet, Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment, on January 19th 1915, in France
Jeremiah Murphy, Glantane More Cullen, Feb 9th 1915, Ypres [notes]
Denis Rahilly, Dromtarriffe, on February 13th 1915, Ypres [notes]
Bartholomew Forde, Gortavehy, on March 11th 1915, France/Flanders [notes]
Michael O’Rahilly, Clonbanin, 6th June 1918, in Belfast War Hospital from wounds [edit]
William Beirne, Aug 19 1918, St. Albans (from wounds) [notes]
William E. Dennehy, Knocknakilla, US. 4th Division, Oct 7th 1918, in France
Denis Healy, Cloghoulamore, U.S. 1st Division, 8th October 1918, North of Verdun [notes2]
Denis Creedon, Laught, R.A.F., Oct 10 1918, on the R.M.S. Leinster which was sunk by torpedoes in the Irish Sea
Four Hickeys of Lyredown (by the Shamrock Bridge) died in WWI. William and John are listed above. We are missing two. another brother Major Timothy Hickey is listed below. TODO (notes in the article on William) [todo Linehan’s book on WW1]
Daniel Dennehy, The Tanyard, Royal Navy on the North Atlantic Convoy Routes [notes]
J Sweeney, Knockduff, Royal Munster Fusiliers [notes]
On top of those, there is a list of 57 Draft Registrations of Millstreet men who were living in the US at the time of the 1917 Draft, but whose number thankfully for them weren’t called out.
Undoubtedly there are more, but we haven’t found them yet. If you have information on these or other men involved, please contact us.
If you want to see the notes above, just please ask.
The late Paddy McCarthy was born at Rowels, Meelin and reared with his cousins, the Fitzpatricks of Commons, Freemount. He became an active member of Óglaigh na hÉireann following the 1916 Easter Rising, and was a member of B Company of the Second Battalion, Cork No. 2 Brigade of the IRA under Sean Moylan.
On May 8, 1918 he was charged with a gun offence and imprisoned for 18 months. He was held in Belfast prison where he took part in the hunger strike of 1918. He and others were transferred to Strangeways prison in Manchester where he made a daring escape with Austin Stack of Tralee and four others in 1919.
He took part in the capture of Mallow Barracks in September 1920, which was the only military barracks to be taken over in the war.
“It was planned that Willis and Bolster would enter the military barracks that morning in the normal way, accompanied an officer (Paddy McCarthy) of the column who would pose as a contractor’s overseer. McCarthy, Willis and Bolster entered the barracks without mishap, their revolvers concealed. Members of the garrison followed their normal routine. Inside the walls were Paddy McCarthy, Dick Willis and Jack Bolster, their revolvers concealed. Then Ernie O’Malley presented himself at the wicket with a bogus letter in his hand. Behind him and out of sight of the sentry were the other members of the main attacking party, led by Liam Lynch, Paddy O’Brien and George Power. When the gate was opened sufficiently, O’Malley wedged his foot between it and the frame and the soldier was overpowered. In rushed the attackers. McCarthy, Bolster and Willis immediately went to the guardroom where they held up the guard. Realising what was happening, Sergeant Gibbs, rushed towards the guardroom in which rifles were kept. Although called upon to halt, he continued even though a warning shot was fired over his head. As he reached the guardroom door, the I.R.A. officer and one of the volunteers in the guardroom fired simultaneously. Mortally wounded, the Sergeant fell at the guard-room door. By that time the majority of the attacking party was inside the gate. Military personnel in different parts of the barracks were rounded up and arms were collected. Three waiting motor cars pulled up to the gate and into them were piled all the rifles and other arms and equipment found in the barracks. In all some twenty-seven rifles, two Hotchkiss light machine-guns, boxes of ammunition, Very light pistols, a revolver, and bayonets, were taken away. The prisoners were locked into one of the stables, with the exception of a man left to care for Sergeant Gibbs. The whole operation had gone according to plan, except for the shooting of the sergeant.” [details]
Captain McCarthy met his fate on Mill Lane on the night of the 22nd November 1920, when his Flying Column took on the British Forces in Millstreet: After atrocities on local residents by the Auxiliaries, the leaders of the Cork No. 2 Brigade column decoded to attack them on November 22nd 1920. William Reardon recalled: ‘When we had been in position for some time, there was no sign of any activity, but suddenly someone dashed past the end of Mill Lane, at the same time firing a shot. We rushed onto the Main Street at the junction with Mill Lane and opened fire on two Black and Tans who were running up the street towards their barracks. The enemy party escaped, but when we returned to Mill Lane, we found that Paddy McCarthy had been shot dead by the single shot.’
Paddy McCarthy is the first name on the monument in the Square. Annually the local Sinn Féin Cumann hold a commemoration in honour of his selfless dedication and service to his country.
====================== Paddy McCarthy – Died 1920
Born Meelin, Co. Cork. Shot dead at Upper Mill Lane, Millstreet on November 22nd. 1920 by Black and Tans. Had joined Volunteers immediately after 1916. Took part in Belfast hunger strike in 1918 under Austin Stack. Escaped from Strangeways Jail, Manchester in September 1919. Played decisive part in capture of Mallow Barracks and at Ballydrochane ambush, near Kanturk. Was buried with full military honours at Lismire, near Kanturk. – from Second North Cork Brigade
Volunteer Patrick McCarthy of Meelin, Newmarket (Millstreet) Date of incident: 22 Nov. 1920
Patrick McCarthy was ‘a leading North Cork fighter who played an important part in the capture of Mallow Military Barracks. A short time afterwards he fell in action in a fight at Millstreet.’ On 22 November 1920, Volunteers from the Millstreet Battalion and the column of the Cork No. 2 Brigade attacked the forces of the crown, which had been terrorising the nationalist population of Millstreet. According to Volunteer and column member Seán Healy, ‘the Black and Tan garrison in Millstreet were making themselves very objectionable to the public. They were visiting public houses, demanding and getting free drinks, smashing windows, and damaging doors. It was decided to teach hem a lesson, and so the column, in conjunction with members of local companies, who were acting as scouts, moved into positions in the town of Millstreet about 9 p.m. on 22nd November 1920.’ See Seán Healy’s WS 1339, 8 (BMH).
The decision by leaders of the Cork No. 2 Brigade column to attack the Auxiliaries recently arrived in Millstreet was prompted by the bombing of the house of Volunteer William Reardon and the attempted burning of the houses of Timothy Murphy and Mrs Lenihan on 20 November 1920. The Auxiliaries must have been anticipating such a reprisal. As one of the attacking Volunteers William Reardon, recalled, ‘When we had been in position for some time, there was no sign of any activity, but suddenly someone dashed past the end of Mill Lane, at the same time firing a shot. We rushed on to the Main St at the junction with Mill Lane and opened fire on two Black and Tans who were running up the street towards their barracks. The enemy party escaped, but when we returned to Mill Lane, we found that Paddy McCarthy had been shot dead by the single shot.’ See William Reardon’s WS 1185, 5 (BMH).
The IRA unsuccessfully sought to avenge McCarthy’s death: ‘Every night for the next week we moved into the town [of Millstreet], but the Tans made themselves conspicuous by their absence and confined themselves severely to the barracks. On the last night we went in, we brought the Hotchkiss [gun] into a dressmaker’s shop facing the barracks and fired a series of volleys into the barrack windows and door. They made no effort to come out.’ See Richard Willis and John Bolster’s WS 808, 25 (BMH).
McCarthy’s comrades removed his body to the house of Eugene O’Sullivan at Gortavehy, 5 miles away, where it was waked through the night and carried off for burial in Kilcorcoran Cemetery the next day. Liam Lynch personally took charge of the funeral arrangements. See Rebel Cork’s FS, 201. In the words of Seán Moylan, ‘It was an eerie experience following a coffin at midnight along lonely bye-roads from Millstreet to Kilcorcoran. And in spite of the secrecy with which the proceedings had to be veiled, the funeral cortege at Kilcorcoran had reached immense proportions. Men seemed to come from everywhere to pay their last tribute of respect to the dead soldier, and our loyal friend, Father Leonard from Freemount, came to say the last prayers at the graveside.’ See Seán Moylan’s WS 838, 147-48 (BMH). Almost two years later, McCarthy’s body was exhumed with extraordinary ceremony and reinterred in the family burial ground at Clonfert near Newmarket in October 1922: ‘The coffin lay overnight in his native church, Meelin, with an all day and night guard in relays. The funeral cortege was over three miles long. It reached from Clonfert to Meelin. The volleys fired over the grave were heard in Meelin, and the funeral procession was still moving out of the village.’ See Denny Mullane’s WS 789, 16 (BMH)
Seán Moylan, his close comrade, recalled McCarthy’s IRA career and personality: ‘Paddy McCarthy had been arrested after a battalion parade in March or April 1918. He was sentenced to eighteen months in Belfast prison. He participated in the strike there under Austin Stack. Afterwards he was transferred to Strangeways prison, Manchester, from which he escaped about September 1919. From the date of his arrival home in Ireland until August 1920, when he was selected as a member of the newly organised A.S.U., he had been associated with me in all activities. Now I was no more to see his friendly face, to hear his merry laughter, to have my spirits renewed by his unbreakable courage.’ McCarthy, declared Moylan, ‘had so much of dare-deviltry, was so infectiously gay and good humoured that he was an all-round favourite, and his death was the sorest blow that could be given to them [i.e., his comrades]’. See Seán Moylan’s WS 838, 147-48 (BMH). – [The Irish Revolution]
“Do you remember our Quartermaster Paddy McCarthy? He was killed in a fight with Tans in Millstreet. Paddy O’Brien was wounded by an ambush of Tans near his own place. He ‘ s now Brigade Quartermaster. ” Paddy McCarthy was a loss. I thought of his unfailing good humour , his broad laugh and the lilt of song that would burst out at unexpected times. His quartermaster’s magic sack would no longer open to disgorge ammunition, cigarettes or mine batteries. – Irish Press 1937
The War of Independence in Freemount
In 1917 a company of the Irish Volunteers was formed in Freemount. As the company were in the Newmarket battalion area, they later became ‘B Company, Newmarket Batallion, Cork No.4 Brigade’.
In 1918 Sean Noonan a creamery manager in Freemount was arrested along with Paddy McCarthy, a native of Meelin who resided with his cousins, the Fitzpatricks of Commons. They were charged with possession of fire arms and both were sentenced to terms of imprisonment in Belfast Jail.
McCarthy was deported to Manchester prison from which he made a daring escape with Austin Stack of Tralee and four others. He then became a member of the Brigade Flying column and took part in the capture of Mallow Military Barracks, he was killed in a fight with the Black & Tans in Millstreet on November 22~ 1920… [Freemount Village]
In 1947 a plaque was erected to Paddy McCarthy at the corner of Mill Lane and Main Street in Millstreet. He is commemorated there each year. [maps]
It reads: “Pádraig Mac Cárthaigh a marbhuigheadh annso Samhain 22 1920
Ag troid dó ar son saoirse na hÉireann”. (Patrick Mac Carthy was killed here on November 22 1920. Fighting for Irish freedom).
TODO: plaque unveiled at mill lane 1947 … where is the article that was being prepared?
Paddy McCarthy is the first name on the monument in the Square.
Named after him, Captain Paddy McCarthy Terrace is across from the Cannon O’Donovan Centre, back the Clara Road
There is a plaque to Paddy McCarthy directly across from the Church in Meelin [maps] [f]
WHILE the central theme in Bryan McMahon’s play, ‘ The Bugle in the Blood’ deals with a son, Robby Trimble who is on hunger strike and the moral dilemmas coupled with the rights and wrongs of self sacrifice as seen through the eyes of his family.
While the play is set in Meelin by the Duhallow Players as part of the Meelin Rising Commemoration celebrations, there is an uncanny slice of history which resembles the play on home ground.
The director Michael O’Halloran who also plays a key role in ‘ The Bugle in the Blood’ uncovered a very appropriate Meelin connection with the subject mater of the play through the Volunteer leader, Paddy McCarthy, who was born in Meelin and joined the Volunteers immediately after 1916.
He was a key figure in the second Brigade IRA (North Cork) but it might not be generally known that he himself joined the hunger strike in Belfast in 1918 under Austin Stack.
He escaped from Strangeways Jail in Manchester in September 1919 and secretly returned to Ireland and made his way to O’Reilly’s undertakers in Newmarket which was a safe house.
Mrs O’Reilly, who is a grandmother of Michael, who runs the business today, was washing clothes in the back yard when she saw a very gaunt man make his way into a secret cellar underneath their house in Church Street.
McCarthy was so emaciated that she failed to recognise him, but she went to the door and gave an agreed knock – which he answered.
She then secretly and kindly fed and looked after him there in the following weeks, until his strength returned.
However, he was later shot in Millstreet and secretly buried at night in Kilcorcoran cemetery in Lismire. His body was later exhumed and there was a funeral mass in Meelin and he was buried in Clonfrert with full military honours.
The Bugle In The Blood which was presented by Duhallow Players in Meelin Hall, Sunday 24th and Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th April 2016 at 8pm.
Piaras Beasley, in his book – “Michael Collins And The Making Of A New Ireland” – stated, regarding the escape from Strangeways Jail, Manchester, in October, 1919, that there was no effort to arrange an escape until he arrived, and that he started it. In this, Piaras Beasley has made a mistake. As a matter of fact, several, communications had passed between Stack, who was a prisoner in Strangeways Jail, and Collins about a possible escape. Eventually, it was decided that nothing would be done until Beasley was tranferred. there from Birmingham Prison. I was the first to take a note from Collins to Beasley; and his first remark to me was: “I am glad you have been busy here” – which showed there was previous contact.
At this time, Fionán Lynch, who was a prisoner also, was released; and he brought out a map showing the location of where a possible attempt at escape could be effected. Fionán was in close touch with Paddy Donoghue and myself; and we, of course, were working in close touch with Michael Collins.
At that time, of course, we had no friendly warders. All communications with the Manchester prisoners were mostly delivered by visitors. They were shown in to a room there. In shaking hands, they could transfer anything, or, as very often happened, in pots of jam and parcels of butter taken in by Mrs. Donoghue, The plan of the outside of the wall was sent in on a map, packed in a cake again.
This was done in Paddy Donoghue’s house. Rory O’Connor came to Manchester to examine the plans of the proposed escape. The code which was used was that Collins was “Ange1a”, and Paddy Donoghue was “Maud”. The six prisoners in Manchester at the time were Austin Stack, Piaras Beasley, D.P. Walsh, Seán Doran, Con Connolly and Paddy McCarthy, who was afterwards killed in an ambush. The plan was to hold up the warder during exercise; and we had got handcuffs, in case they were necessary, from Inspector Carroll of the Salford Dock Police, with, of course, the numbers rubbed out so that they could not be traced, The day of the proposed escape arrived, and it was found that the Volunteers from Dublin, under Rory O’Connor, missed some connection. The escape had to be arranged for a later date. The morning of the actual escape arrived. Miss Talty took in a watch to the prison. This watch had been sent out for repairs, but actually it was brought in to have the correct time recorded, so that there should be no hitch. The time would have to synchronise with that recorded on the watches outside – five o’clock.
As Beasley has pointed out in his book, I was unable to be present, because I was, at the time, laid up with an attack of the ‘flu. The street at the back of the prison led on to a croft; and this was mannedby a number of Volunteers from Dublin, Liverpool and Manchester, holding up all traffic and all pedestrians, including military. At the specified time, a stone was thrown over the wall from inside. This was the zero hour than, and a rope, leaded, was thrown over the wall from the outside. It only went a couple of feet over the wall; and it had to be hauled back again. The same thing happened the second time.
Eventually, Matt Lawless, a member of the Volunteers, walked up with an extension ladder and calmly put it up against the wall. Peadar Clancy mounted it, released the weight and threw over the ladder. The first man up was Stack. The second was Beasley himself; and when he had got to the top, two more had got to the bottom of the ladder; his hands got stuck; they were scraped and grazed; eventually he succeeded in landing on the ground. All six prisoners got out. Beasley and Stack were taken to a waiting motor car by Donoghue, and driven to the house of a man, named George Lodge, Bachelor of Science, and employed by the I.C.I. at the time.
Two of the prisoners, Seán Doran and Paddy McCarthy, were given bicycles, and in the excitement they missed their guide. They set off, one following the other – one thinking that the other was the guide – until they found themselves out in the suburbs. They did not know Manchester, and had no idea what to do. They went in to the F.C.J. (Faithful Companions of Jesus) Convent there. There was a conference of old members in progress. They told their tale. One of the ladies present was a Miss Josie O’Donnell from Rochdale; and she was advised to go and see the Parish Priest, Father Corkery. She told him her tale of woe – that she had the two prisoners, and did not know what she was to do with them. Where did he suggest that she could. go, but the place where we had Stack and Beasley staying – George Lodge’s. She brought the two lads – Doran and Paddy McCarthy – and left them waiting some distance away. She knocked at the door. It was an hour after the arrival of Stack and Beasley. When the door was opened, she said: “Are you Irish?” He said: “Yes”. She said: Are you a Catholic?” He said: “Yes”. She said: “Are you a Sinn Féiner?” He said: “No, no, not at all” – thinking of the men he had from Strangeways. So she said: “Do you know anybody in the Sinn Féin movement?” And eventually she asked him if he knew me. He said: “No, I never met him. Wait – I think his name was in the Catholic Herald at a meeting”.
He was not long gone when he came back, and gave her my name and address. George thought it was all lost and the plot was found out.
She came to our house with the two lads. They planked their bicycles’ some distance away. She knocked at the door. My wife answered the door and, although they went to college together, they did not recognise one another; they had not seen each other for a long time. The same questions were put again – “Are you a Catholic?” “Are you Sinn Féin?” My wife said: “We belong to the Self-Determination League”. So Miss Talty went out, and knew Josie very well. She told us what had happened, and that the two lads were outside. I had a brother-in-law, who was visiting me then because I had the flu, and I told him to take them up to his place until we arranged about them. They were taken to 64 Alexander Road – Seamus Talty’s place. – [Collins 22 Society]
James Hickey’s Bureau of Military History statement about the time of Paddy McCarthy’s murder: “…At this stage Paddy McCarthy suggested that there was little likelihood of any more activity and “Neilus,” Healy proceeded to the junction of Mill Lane with Main St. to have a look round. As he reached the junction he noticed two people leaving Nicholson’s public house at the opposite side of the street. We returned immediately and reported accordingly. We were then about 20 feet from Main St., and as the message was being conveyed by “Neilus” Healy a shot rang out and Paddy McCarthy dropped. He had been shot through the head and was killed outright…”
Fifty seven Millstreet men were living in America at the time of the 1917 WWI Draft Register. All had to register. Some were chosen to fight, but fortunately for some, their numbers were not called out to fight in WWI.There were in all likely-hood others, but these are the ones we know whose numbers were not called out:
Peter C Morrissey in the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Peter C Morrissey
Race: Caucasian (White)
Birth Date: 20 Dec 1887
Birth Place: Ireland
Street address: 70 Neponset Ave
Residence Place: Hyde Park, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Occupation: Machinist
Employer: Becker Milling Mahcine Co
Where: Hyde Park
Dependants: Wife and Child
Married, Caucasian
No Military Service
1482 Peter C Morrissey (signature)
Tall, slender, blue-grey eyes, black hair, not bald, no disabilities
Ward: 24; Precinct: 6; City Boston Norfolk Co, Massachussetts, June 5 1917
Peter was the son of Bridget Kelleher of Drishanebeg. He emigrated to Boston with his family at the age of 2.
Thomas Patrick Barry
First name(s) Thomas Patrick
Last name Barry
Birth year 1892
Birth date 01 Nov 1892
Birth place Millstreet,County Cork,Ireland
Residence Detroit City no 1
State Michigan
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Timothy Daniel
Last name Buckley
Birth year 1893
Birth date 28 Feb 1893
Birth place Millstreet,County Cork,Ireland
Residence Brighton City no 25
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Jerry
Last name Casey
Birth year 1895
Birth date 16 Nov 1895
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Lane County
State Oregon
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Patrick Joseph
Last name Daly
Birth year 1895
Birth date 05 Dec 1895
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Tewksbury City no 19
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Denis
Last name Dennehy
Birth year 1890
Birth date 12 Oct 1890
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Fairfield County no 13
State Connecticut
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) James Thomas
Last name Fitzgerald
Birth year 1891
Birth date 10 Jul 1891
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Brookline City
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Cornelius William
Last name Harrington
Birth year 1888
Birth date 07 Feb 1888
Birth place Millstreet Cork,Ireland
Residence Somerville City no 2
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Michael
Last name Harrington
Birth year 1893
Birth date 11 Apr 1893
Birth place Millstreet Cork,Cork,Ireland
Residence Somerville City no 2
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Timothy F
Last name Harnedy
Sex Male
Birth year 1889
Birth date 14 Feb 1889
Place of birth as transcribed Drishane,Cork
Birth country Ireland
Registration year 1917-1918
Citizenship country Ireland
Residence Churchill County, Clark County, Douglas County, Elko County
State Nevada
Country United States
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
First name(s)
Last name
Birth year
Birth date
15 Mar 1894
Place of birth as transcribed
Birth country
Registration year
Citizenship country
Great Britain Ireland
Livingston County
New York
United States
NARA series
Record set
World War I Draft Registration Cards
Con Walsh, the famous hammer thrower from carriganima was draft registered in america
correct millstreet?
First name(s) Charles
Last name Ford
Birth year 1888
Birth date 10 Oct 1888
Birth place Milstreet,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 4
State California
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Parents Patrick Forde and Julia Riordan of Gortaveha
First name(s) Peter
Last name Keefe
Birth year 1893
Birth date 06 Jan 1893
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Lawrence City no 1
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John Joseph
Last name Kelleher
Birth year 1886
Birth date 04 Dec 1886
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 10
State California
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Name: John Joseph Kelleher
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 26 May 1887
Birth Place: Ireland
Street Address: 422 Franklin St
Residence Place: Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Employment: Creamery Worker – The Arton Farm Milk company, somerville
Household Members: wife and five children
This John Kelleher was from Drishanebeg, the son of James and Julia Kelleher. John is profiled at the bottom of this article on Bridget Kelleher
Name Thomas James Kelleher
Race Caucasian
Marital Status Single
Birth Date 28 Jul 1890
Birth Place Millstreet, Cork, Ireland
Street Address 72 Washington St, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Employment: Oiler, Boston & Maine RR, no station yard [a]
This John Kelleher was from Drishanebeg, the son of James and Julia Kelleher. John is profiled at the bottom of this article on Bridget Kelleher
First name(s) Michael
Last name Kelleher
Birth year 1891
Birth date 06 Jan 1891
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Marin County
State California
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Patrick
Last name Kelleher
Birth year 1892
Birth date 17 Mar 1892
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Charleston City no 3
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Jeremiah
Last name Lenehan
Birth year 1894
Birth date 17 Jan 1894
Birth place Millstreet Cork,Ireland
Residence Niagara County no 2
State New York
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Jeremiah J
Last name Linehan
Birth year 1888
Birth date 28 Mar 1888
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence New Haven City no 6
State Connecticut
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Born 28th March 1888 to Bartholomew Linehan (labourer) and Elizabeth Keily of Knocknageehy
1897 – mother Elizabeth died of pneumonia – https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/details-civil/ead9e811758062
1901 census – mother is missing – http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Cork/Derragh/Knocknageeha_West/1150244/
1911 census – Jeremiah has left – http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1911/Cork/Cullen/Knocknageeha_West/435998/
First name(s) Fred
Last name Lynch
Birth year 1890
Birth date 22 Mar 1890
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Cleveland City no 6
State Ohio
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
no sign of birth registration or in the census
First name(s) Thomas Michael
Last name Lynch
Birth year 1891
Birth date 30 May 1891
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Boston City no 5
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
born on 15th April 1890 to Michael Lynch (Farmer Labourer) and Hanora (nano) Dennehy of Caherbarnagh, Ballydaly
First name(s) Michael Joseph
Last name Mahoney
Birth year 1890
Birth date 21 Dec 1890
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland,England
Residence Boston City no 5
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
was this the same michael that had returned from the US and was killed in 1916. NO!
the birth date etc above are correct.
he was the son of Daniel Mahony (publican) main street and kate sheehan
1901 census – father is a road contractor
1911 he was still at home with parents aged 21 – a general labourer
(added also to his own article)
First name(s) Jeremiah
Last name Mccann
Birth year 1887
Birth date 29 May 1887
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence South Boston City no 10
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Timothy
Last name Mcsweeney
Birth year 1893
Birth date 26 Jan 1893
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 6
State California
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) James
Last name Murphy
Birth year 1901
Birth date 14 Apr 1901
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 5
State California
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Jerry
Last name Murphy
Birth year 1892
Birth date Dec 1892
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Coos County
State New Hampshire
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John
Last name Murphy
Birth year 1890
Birth date 12 Jan 1890
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 5
State California
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John
Last name Murphy
Sex Male
Birth year 1892
Birth date 08 Sep 1892
Place of birth as transcribed Millstreet Cork
Birth country Ireland
Registration year 1917-1918
Citizenship country Ireland
Residence Silver Bow County
State Montana
Country United States
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Card
First name(s) Patrick C
Last name Murphy
Birth year 1895
Birth date 06 Jan 1895
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Contra Costa County no 2
State California
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Name Patrick C Murphy
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1917-1918
Event Place Contra Costa County no 2, California, United States
Gender Male
Nationality Ireland
Birth Date 06 Jan 1895
Birthplace Millstreet, Cork, Ireland
First name(s) Timothy
Last name O’Leary
Birth year 1893
Birth date 23 Jun 1893
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Cleveland City no 7
State Ohio
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Daniel Edmund
Last name O’Meara
Birth year 1888
Birth date 10 Dec 1888
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Chicago City no 85
State Illinois
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Patrick Joseph
Last name O’Shea
Birth year 1887
Birth date 17 Mar 1887
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Charleston City no 3
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John Aloysius
Last name Reardon
Birth year 1889
Birth date 05 Aug 1889
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Lawrence City no 2
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Matthew
Last name Riordan
Birth year 1894
Birth date 10 Jul 1894
Birth place Millstreet,Ireland
Residence Brockton City no 1
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Cornelius
Last name Rioridan
Birth year 1892
Birth date 02 Sep 1892
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence New York City no 158
State New York
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Timothy J
Last name Ryan
Birth year 1888
Birth date 16 Aug 1888
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Malden City no 1
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
irst name(s) Dennis Joseph
Last name Ryan
Sex Male
Birth year 1895
Birth date 21 Feb 1895
Place of birth as transcribed Millstreet
Birth country Ireland
Registration year 1917-1918
Citizenship country United States
Residence Herkimer County No 1
State New York
Country United States
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
First name(s) James
Last name Mcdonald
Birth year 1895
Birth date 16 Oct 1895
Birth place Kilcorney,Cork,Ireland
Residence Needham City no 33
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John J
Last name Sullivan
Birth year 1888
Birth date 25 Nov 1888
Birth place Kilcorney,Cork,Ireland
Residence Hyde Park City no 24
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Dennis
Last name Sullivan
Sex Male
Birth year 1896
Birth date 06 Jan 1896
Place of birth as transcribed Millstreet,Cork
Birth country Ireland
Registration year 1917-1918
Citizenship country Great Britain
Residence Silver Bow County
State Montana
Country United States
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
First name(s) Denis Ed
Last name Murphy
Birth year 1890
Birth date 23 Apr 1890
Birth place Dromtarriff Cork,Ireland
Residence New York City no 119
State New York
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) William Bernard
Last name Fitzgerald
Birth year 1894
Birth date 31 Aug 1894
Birth place Cullen,Cork,Ireland
Residence Lawrence City no 3
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Thomas
Last name Ring
Birth year 1891
Birth date Jul 1891
Birth place Cullen,Cork,Ireland
Residence New York City no 116
State New York
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Son of Thomas Ring and Hanoria Ring of Molloghrue
Daniel Cronin
Drafted in the USA 1918
Daniel Cronin
BIRTH 20 DEC 1882 • Keale, Millstreet Parish, Cork, Ireland
DEATH 28 FEB 1962 • Terrell, Kaufman, Texas, USA
Michael Cronin1845–1926
Hannah Linehan 1857–1952
First name(s) Cornelius
Last name Cronin
Birth year 1887
Birth date 15 Oct 1887
Birth place Cullen,Miltsneo county Cork,Great Britain
Residence New York City no 166
State New York
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Timothy Michael
Last name Leahy
Birth year 1887
Birth date 04 Mar 1887
Birth place Rathcoole Cork,Ireland
Residence Contra Costa County no 2
State California
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Thomas Patrick
Last name Barry
Birth year 1892
Birth date 01 Nov 1892
Birth place Mill Street Cork,Ireland
Residence Detroit City no 14
State Michigan
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Batt
Last name Crowley
Birth year 1886
Birth date 04 Oct 1886
Birth place Mill Street,Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 1
State California
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Thomas James
Last name Kelleher
Birth year 1890
Birth date 28 Jul 1890
Birth place Millstreet,Cork,Ireland
Residence Charleston City no 3
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country England
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Peter
Last name Lehene
Birth year 1886
Birth date 29 Jun 1886
Birth place Mill Street Cork,Ireland
Residence Everett City
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britian
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) John Thomas
Last name O’Hare
Birth year 1889
Birth date 01 Mar 1889
Birth place Mill Street,Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 1
State California
Citizenship country –
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) William
Last name Singleton
Birth year 1896
Birth date 02 Jul 1896
Birth place Mill Street,Cork,Ireland
Residence Lake County
State Oregon
Citizenship country Ireland
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Dennis
Last name Healy
Birth year 1892
Birth date 06 Jun 1892
Birth place Millsstreet Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 1
State California
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) Daniel
Last name Donohue
Birth year 1888
Birth date 30 Mar 1888
Birth place Mill St Cork,Ireland
Residence San Francisco City no 1
State California
Citizenship country United States
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
First name(s) James
Last name Moynihan
Birth year 1890
Birth date 25 May 1890
Birth place Drishane Cork,Ireland
Residence Jamaica Plain City no 22
State Massachusetts
Citizenship country Great Britain
Registration year 1917
NARA series M1509
Record set World War I Draft Registration Cards
Category Military Service & Conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from United States & Canada
Patrick Joseph Sullivan in the U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Patrick Joseph Sullivan
Race: White
Medium height, medium build , blue eyes, brown hair
Birth Date: 2 Oct 1897
Street address: 432 West 58th St, Manhattan, New York, New York, USA
Relative: Margaret Kelleher (aunt) 356 W 57th St
Occupation: Automobile Assembler, Chevrolet motors
Serial#: 2512
Order# 3545
Signed: Lester Comins Sept 12, 1918
Local Card for Division#121 City of New York, State of New York. 117 West 61st Street, NY.
Son of Catherine Kelleher of Dooneen/Dromsicane, and Peter Sullivan of Mullingar. Born in Mullingar, and emigrated to NY when he was 1 year old. He went by the name Joe.
World War I Draft Registration Card (Sept 12th 1918)
Name: Anthony Barrett
Age: 38
Race: White
Birth Date: 9 Feb 1880
Street Address: 174 Third Street, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA
Occupation: Street vender, Market St, by Emporium SF
Relative: Patrick Barrett (brother), 2130 22nd St, San Francisco
Description: Tall, stout, blind
Anthony Barrett was from Tullig, the son of William Barrett and Ellen Behan. He emigrated to San Francisco in 1901, but was blinded in a mine explosion. For 45 years or so, he became very well know as the “Lavender Man” as he sold Lavender seeds from a booth outside the Emporium Shopping Centre in San Francisco. TODO: link to the article on him when published