Calling all clubs, organisations, schools, groups or anyone that just feels like getting dressed up & marching in the Millstreet St. Patricks Day parade!!

Calling all clubs, organisations, schools, groups or anyone that just feels like getting dressed up & marching in the Millstreet St. Patricks Day parade!! You can even bring your pet! There will be prizes for best float, group, fleet, novelty act, school, pets & more!
Sign up to be in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade by emailing:
 millstreetcommunitycouncil20 for an application form. All entries must be in by Thursday March 13th. Entry is free & we would love you to join in the fun!!
Join us for a great family day of Music & Entertainment which kicks off in The Square, Millstreet at 4pm with the parade set to start at 5pm on Mon, March 17th 2025


Sensory – Friendly Viewing Area at the St Patrick’s Day Parade

There will be a Sensory-friendly viewing area available in front of O’Regan’s Mills, Station Road for the Millstreet St. Patricks Day parade.
We hope this will be a success in helping to support neurodiversity in our community.
The parade will kick off at 5pm on Monday 17th March.
With thanks to O’Regan’s Mills for use of their premises. 

A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion

The annual Celebration of Culture and Inclusion will take place on Tuesday 11th March at 7pm in the Millstreet Community School library/canteen.  The evening will feature stories, poems, dancing, music presented by students and a chance to taste food from countries around the world. Irish traditional music, song and dance will play a prominent role in the event. As in previous years, there will be a special guest in attendance. Admission is free and all our welcome to what is a wonderful community celebration.
The evening forms part of the school’s Language and Culture Week, which is co-ordinated by the Transition Year Global Citizenship Education class (TY GCE), with the support of school management and staff.  Here are details of other related events planned for the run-up  and during Language and Culture Week:
1.     Groups of the TY GCE class will be engaging in peer education with younger classes on a range of topics. These include, gender equality and unconscious bias, ‘showing racism the red card’ and ‘Nora’s Case’. The latter is based around the story of the young girl in London during the Second World War who had to be evacuated to the country during the ‘blitz’ bringing just a small suitcase with her. The link is made to those who are forced to leave their homes in different countries in 2025.
2.     MCS Olympics: This involves students in every tutorial taking part in activities during their PE lessons, along with the chance to take part in a chess and draughts tournament.  They compete in teams and each team represents a nationality that is present in the school at this time. The overall winning team/country will receive medals to mark their achievement.
3.     Global Kitchen: 1st year Home Economics students will have the chance to choose and then prepare dishes of traditional food from countries represented in their class.
4.     The World in our School quiz: this is a chance for the whole school to test their knowledge about the nationalities present in the school – national flags, borders, landmarks, celebrities, traditional food will be among the topics.
5.     Art Competition:  This is open to junior classes and the theme is We Work Better Together.
6.     The 1st years will have the chance to take part in a workshop run by Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI) called Football and Discrimination.  SARI have visited us on three previous occasions and the workshops have proved very popular.
We are grateful for the ongoing support of WorldWise Global Schools (WWGS) for their ongoing support for our school’s work in the area of global citizenship education.

An Chultúrlann Newmarket

The monthly Cultúrlann Rambling House is happening this Saturday from 8:00 pm and every second Saturday of the month!

Enjoy an evening of music, songs, and stories where everyone is welcome to listen, participate, and enjoy the company of new and old friends.

☕ Refreshments will be served, so come along for a great time of community and fun!

Millstreet Community School – “A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion”

The Celebration of Culture and Inclusion is a chance to recognise and celebrate the different countries and cultures that are represented in our school and community.  The evening will feature song, dance, music, poetry and the chance to sample food from many different countries, including Ireland. We will be welcoming a special guest for the event, Dr Manizha Khan.  Dr Khan and her family are originally from Afghanistan.  She is a dentist by profession.  In fact, she was the dean of a dental school in the city of Herat in Afghanistan but she and her family fled to Ireland because their lives were under threat from the regime in the country. Apart from being a dentist in Cork she is also a School of Sanctuary Ambassador and we are delighted she will be able to join us.
Admission is free.  Please feel free to join us for what is sure to be a memorable night.

Christmas Greetings from the Pub Carriganima

From all at The Pub in Carriganima we would like to wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and we look forward to seeing you over the Christmas Period.

Entertainment Line Up at The Pub in Carriganima for Christmas/New Year Period.

Thursday December 28th – Music with The Little Creatures.

Friday December 29th – Back by Popular Demand Music with the brilliant Pat Mulchrone.

New Years Eve Sunday December 31st – New Year Celebrations and Entertainment.

Saturday January 6 – Christmas Draw and Entertainment.

Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club

From All at Aubane Social Club have a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,thanks to Everyone who supported our Events in Aubane during 2023 and we look forward to your Company again in 2024.

Below is a list of Events left in 2023 for the Christmas Period

Aubane Social Club Christmas Diary

Aubane Christmas Day Morning Climb at 10.30 am on Monday 25 December – all proceeds from the Climb are in Aid of the Freeland Projects in Capetown. Local woman Maureen Buckley will travel to Capetown in March 2024. This is Maureen’s second visit and the money donated will go a long way in the building of a rescue centre. She saw first hand the poverty and lack of resources and provisions when Maureen was there in 2022. The team included plumbers, carpenters, painters and many more. They filled their suitcases with all the necessary equipment to carry out the work and left everything there when they returned home. We have so much and they have so little so everything is a huge help. Please Support this very worthy charity.

Christmas Around the Fireside a night of stories, songs and togetherness at Christmas around the open fireside in candle light at Aubane Community Centre happening Thursday 28 December at 8.00 pm All welcome.


Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre on tomorrow Thursday October 5th

There are Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre from tomorrow Thursday October 5th  7pm to 9pm, Cost is €7.

For more details contact Dan on 087 9891771

Candlelit Tales

‘We want to let these stories live again, and we need you to listen’
On April 27th Millstreet Culture and Wellbeing Association welcomes a very unique event to the Cultúrlann Newmarket,
Candlelit Tales are a storytelling group that specialise in immersive retelling of Irish myths and legends in the oral tradition, with live music to accompany and enhance every moment! The group were founded by Cork siblings Aron and Sorcha Hegarty.
The legends are told as they were written, they will make you laugh, maybe cry, and maybe even roar!
As we celebrate the Spring transforming into Summer, upon the eve of Bealtaine, Candlelit Tales will regale you with the old tale of the ‘Fury on the White Strand – the Battle of Ventry’.
Na Fianna were faced with a terrible fight against the King of the World, and his monstrous army. A tale with as many twists and turns as the southwest coastal roads around Dingle where this tale took place!
Tickets are available online at
Tickets can also be reserved by contacting 086 251 1812 or emailing <email>
Doors open at 7pm
If you would like to check out their podcasts, please listen here –

Line Dancing Classes in Aubane Community Centre starting Wednesday Evening March 29th from 7 to 9pm


Line Dancing Lessons at Aubane Community Centre from Wednesday Evening March 29th from 7pm to 9pm

Everybody very Welcome 

Admission €7 Per Night.

Enquiries on 087 9891771


We would like to thank you  the old Comhaltas committee Clare o Leary , Maria Casey ,Caroline Lehane & Nicole Coleman all the best and thank you for all the hard work and dedication ye put in over the years it was very much appreciated. We like to wish the new committee which are Chairperson: Maria Smyth Vice chairperson Cathriona Lynch, Secretary Ashlean Tarrant and treasurers Joanne Barett and Aoife Golden as the best .
End of term session in Corkery’s on the 11th of December for past and present members.
Hope to see ye all there .

Scór success for Millstreet and Cullen

Scór success for Millstreet and Cullen

Millstreet and Cullen enjoyed success in the Cork Scór Sinsir Finals on a staging at the Eire Óg GAA Pavilion, Ovens. Amidst exciting competition. Duhallow completed a hat trick of outright wins, thanks to a double recorded by Millstreet in addition to victory for Cullen.

Millstreet took victory in both the Novelty Act and Quiz with Muireann Vaughan representing Cullen enjoying success in Solo Singing. For good measure, Millstreet Ballad Group collected runner up place.

The Cork winners progress to the Munster Final in Cappamore, Co. Limerick on this Sunday, October 16.

Wishing Anna Moynihan and Katie O’Sullivan from Cullen the very best in the All Ireland Fleadh

Wishing Anna Moynihan and Katie O’Sullivan from Cullen the very best in the All Ireland Fleadh in the U18 Solo singing. It is a fantastic achievement that the two girls representing Munster are from the same parish and have grown up together as great friends through the years. There is a long list of brilliant musicians and singers representing Duhallow, Cork and Munster in the All Ireland Fleadh from the area including Ava Thornton, Muireann and Oisin O’Connor and Zara Lehane as well as others. We have no doubt that they will make Duhallow, Cork and Munster very proud in Mullingar. Enjoy the Fleadh. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶