Something inside so Strong

“Something Inside, So Strong” the charity single by the Project in aid of Baby Jacob was officially released by iTunes yesterday morning, and is now available for download worldwide. It will cost you just 99 cent (or your local currency equivalent), with all proceeds going to Jacob!!

So go and download it from iTunes. It’s for a great cause.

Don’t know about Baby Jacob? Visit his website (, or his Facebook Page [read more …] “Something inside so Strong”

Charity Cycle

On Friday evening (28th May) some sixteen energetic and enthusiastic cyclists took a well earned break for refreshments at Coleman’s Centra in Minor Row, Millstreet as they made progress on their four-day Mizen to Malin sponsored cycle tour of Ireland covering an amazing 100 miles a day! The inspiring sportspeople hail from Co.Tipperary and are members of the Ballinahinch Cycling Club. “Their local pub is the “Bonnán Buí” which is in fact the pub location used in the very popular Pat Shortt series “Killinascully”… ,” explained John O’Connell who was one of the co-ordinating supporters travelling with the cyclists. John (pictured on right in our picture) met with Don O’Riodan of Millstreet whom he had known from college days. The cyclists took part in this very deserving project in aid of Milford Hospice in Castletroy, Limerick.

(Seán Radley for [read more …] “Charity Cycle”

Kilcorney Feis May 29th/30th

Kilcorney Centenary Community Feis (1910 – 2010)
Feis Chill Cóirne Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th of May, 2010
Kilcorney Community Centre
Rince: Sun. 10.00am
Comórtaisí Eile: Sat. 12.00pm
Admission: Adults: €5.00
Children: Free
Competitors and dancing teachers admitted free
Enquiries: 087 6534813 Website:

The timetable for Saturday and Sunday competitions are given below

See the Kilcorney Feis website for the history and old photos of the feis

[read more …] “Kilcorney Feis May 29th/30th”

Eurovision 2010 – Niamh Kavanagh

Niamh Kavanagh who won the Eurovision Song Contest in Millstreet way back in 1993 is representing Ireland again this year in Oslo (Norway). The second semi-final is on tonight and Niamh and Co. will be doing their piece. You can’t vote for her if you’re in Ireland, but be sure to cheer them on. It starts at 8pm tonight on RTE2. Below is a video of her from the dress rehearsals in Oslo last night.

update 27th May: They’re in the final on Saturday night 🙂 Video from the semi final is below:

[read more …] “Eurovision 2010 – Niamh Kavanagh”

Denis Corcoran

Denis Corcoran

Denis Corcoran as a young man left Kilmeedy and he went to live in the U.S of A
And there he earnt his living as a Fireman he was a big and brave man on his day
But as the years went on he thought of Millstreet and of the fields by Clara far away
He visualized the bohreens and the hedgerows and the hawthorns in their white flowers of the May.
When Denis Corcoran came home to live in Millstreet he met and fell in love with Miss Maud Brown
And they lived at Claraghatlea north by the old stream about a mile and a half west of the Town
They lived there for a few decades and were happy till they sold and bought a house on the Clara road
But since Denis and his wife went to the reaper a lot of water down Finnow has flowed.
He was a very tall man and broad shouldered and he stood over six foot without shoes
And one might say quite a commanding figure and people listened when he aired his views
In his prime he led a life of adventure and of his stories one could never tire
He once showed us the medal that he won for bravery when he rescued a young baby in a fire.
He lived his twilight years in his old homeplace the man who earned his fortune far away
The job he worked in was one fraught with danger and he was one who earned his every pay
We marvelled at his stories of adventure and he was one who could not tell a lie
And he became a hero far from Millstreet when he risked his life to save a baby boy.

by Francis Duggan

Earl Grey Famine Orphans

Dear Sir/Madam
My great great grandmother Johanna/Hannah Mahoney was one of the “Earl Grey Famine Orphans” from Millstreet sent to Australia in 1850. Her parents were Daniel Mahoney, a shoe maker, and Catherine nee Sheehan both deceased. I found a Widow Mahony and 3 dependants were evicted from Rathcoole in 1847 which could be Catherine.
I am trying to find out where Daniel and Catherine would have been buried as probable famine victims. Would it have been Cillin on the Clara Road or Clondrohid?
I would like to pay my respects and if possible plant a tree in their memory.
Although I was born and raised in New Zealand I have lived in Clonakilty the past 16 years and have only recently discovered my ancestors.
yours faithfully
Kaye <email>


About the Earl Grey Female Orphans

Between 1848 and 1850 over 4,000 adolescent female orphans emigrated from Irish workhouses to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide on the other side of the world. Their emigration has become known as the ‘Earl Grey scheme’ after its principal architect, Earl Grey, Secretary of State for the Colonies in Lord John Russell’s Whig government at the time of the Great Irish Famine.

[read more …] “Earl Grey Famine Orphans”

Monsignor Michael Manning Presentation

On Thursday, 13th May 2010 as Monsignor Michael Manning concluded the celebration of Mass at Canon O’Donovan Centre a special presentation was made by Mary Feeley to the priest who has been the dedicated Parish Priest of Millstreet parish for the past seventeen years.   It was also indicated that Margaret Kelleher is also retiring having been such a splendidly devoted Sacristan at St. Patrick’s Church for many years.   Special retirement occasion will take place in the Church and at Millstreet GAA Community Hall on Friday night, 28th May 2010. (Pics:  Seán Radley) [read more …] “Monsignor Michael Manning Presentation”

2010 AIB Better Ireland Awards

Pictured at the presentation of the 2010 AIB Better Ireland Award Cheques in the Millstreet, Co. Cork Branch of AIB on Thursday, 15th April.    From left:  Seán Brennan, Branch Manager AIB Millstreet, Sr. Mercedes Behan (representing St. Vincent de Paul, Millstreet – St. Patrick’s Conference – €2,000.00 cheque),  Joan O’Mahony. Principal (representing Presentation N.S., Millstreet – €3,000.00 cheque),  Diarmuid McCarthy, Principal (representing Holy Family N.S., Rathmore, Co. Kerry – €5,000.00 cheque) and Mary Murphy, AIB Better Ireland Programme Coordinator, Millstreet AIB Branch, Co. Cork. (Picture: Seán Radley)

See the AIB Better Ireland Press Release below: [read more …] “2010 AIB Better Ireland Awards”

Bishop Tim Carroll resigns due to ill health

The Vatican announced today that Pope Benedict has accepted the resignation of Bishop Timothy Joseph Carroll SMA (a native of Minor Row, Millstreet) as Vicar Apostolic of Kontagora, Nigeria, in accordance with canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law. In recent years Bishop Tim has been experiencing poor health and felt it necessary to hand over to a younger man.

Bishop Tim has worked in the Kwara and Niger States area of Nigeria since ordination in 1965.

Thirty years later he was appointed Prefect Apostolic of the newly-erected Kontagora Prefecture. In 2002 he was appointed Vicar Apostolic of Kontagora and ordained a Bishop on 17 August 2002 in Kontagora. Kontagora was carved out of three existing dioceses: Ilorin, Minna and Sokoto.

[read more …] “Bishop Tim Carroll resigns due to ill health”

The Narrow Road By Old Mushera

The narrow road by old Mushera it winds up and down
The backway from Cork through Rylane that ends at Millstreet Town
In Winter the drivers crawl slow through the fog
That steals down the mountain and cloaks Togher Bog
But the scenery is breathtaking on a nice Summer’s day
For the tourist who drives on the mountain roadway
The Boggeragh Ranges above you the valley below
By the hills where gorse, heather and bracken do grow
Where in Spring and in Summer the male lark does fly
Up from the rank bracken to sing in the sky
A small speck in the universe till in gray clouds he disappear
The bird out of sight though his music one hear
On the narrow high road by Mushera from here far away
The tourist amazed at the beauty today.

Thady Quill

“The Bould Thady Quill” is a popular traditional Irish song. The song is ironic as it was written about an individual living in County Cork who was actually far from heroic.

It is common to hear critics or knockers, who, of course, never knew the man, emphatically assert that he was a phoney, while others, equally misinformed allege that he was utterly useless, an idler and parasite possessing innumerable vices and insisting that he never participated in any form of sport. It is only fair to the man that, because of the extremes of misrepresentation, he should be placed in proper perspective. We have his prowess and achievements fancifully exaggerated in the ballad and his shortcomings unfairly highlighted by his detractors….

read the full article on Thady Quill on Wikipedia

LTV 2 Programme 166: Star Trax Fire

LTV 2 Millstreet Footage from Programme 166 where Sean Radley and Sean Murphy met up with Donal Lynch at Star Trax Studio in Knocknagree to take a look at the damage caused by the huge fire up at the Studio recently.

LTV 2 are running a Fundraising dance to help get the studio back up and running on Friday 11 June in the Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet with 5 Local bands/artists taking part on the night. Tickets for this dance are €10, and for more details contact 085-1144252. Your support will be greatly appreciated for this event.

Carpe Noctem

A Millstreet student was a winner at the DARE2BDRINKAWARE film awards ceremony in Dublin last week. The young Corkman demonstrated his acting chops in the film, which was called ‘Carpe Noctem’ or ‘seize the night’. Now in its third year, DARE2BDRINKAWARE is a film competition for third-level students, aimed at highlighting young people’s attitudes to alcohol.

[read more …] “Carpe Noctem”

Cillín (Keel) Graveyard

Just beyond the grotto on the Clara Road and on the lower slopes of Clara Mountain, there is a small old graveyard known as Cillín (or ‘the Cill’ (pronounced “Keel”) Cemetery in English), but known by many as The Famine Graveyard. It is a sad place where many are buried without headstone. Neither is there  a list of names of who is buried there.

It dates from the middle of the 19th century and was located there because its close proximity to the rear of the Millstreet Union Workhouse (which is now St. Joseph’s Community Hospital). Many victims of the Famine (especially from the Mallow area) are buried there, including unbaptised babies born in the workhouse.

The graveyard is closed a long time now, but a few who have given of their time and energy have been laid to rest there. Hannah Mary O’Connor of West End was buried there because of her commitment to the restoration of the Cemetery and the placement of a large Crucifix in the middle of the sacred area (1965) [Read the comment by Jerry Kelleher below on her family connections to the Keel and the Workhouses].  In 1993, similar permission was given to the family of the late Christopher Fitzgerald who also did much to maintain the Cemetery. Christy’s wife Dorothy was also laid to rest there in 2011. No other person has since been permitted to be buried there.

Cillín – Graveyard Cross with Millstreet in the Background

Cillín - One of the many unmarked gravestones Cillín - Stones mark some of the graves

with thanks to Ola for some photos and Seán for information on Cillín

Dorothy’s husband – Christy Fitzgerald (1934-1993)

Graveyard name: Union Workhouse Burial Ground
Graveyard Code: CO-INCH-
RMP/Site number: CO-039-236-
RMP Classification: Burial Ground
Townland: Inchileigh


How to get there: From St.Patrick’s Church, go back the Clara Road about 1km, and it is just past the Marion Shrine, on your right. the view from the road is below [map]


Billy Coleman in-car Porsche 911 footage

For those going to the Killarney Rally of the Lakes which will be in Millstreet this Saturday (May 1st), here’s a couple of Billy Coleman videos of in-car footage from the 1986 Circuit of Ireland rally, and also one of Colin McRae on Molls Gap to get you in the mood:

[read more …] “Billy Coleman in-car Porsche 911 footage”

Dripsey Family Fun Day in aid of sick Children

Childrens Leukaemia AssociationHi, just to let you know there is a Family Fun Day Fundraiser in Dripsey Sunday 9th of May. Lee Valley Vintage Rally and Auto Jumble at Kilblafer Dripsey. All proceeds raised in aid of:

Childrens Leukaemia Unit Mercy Hospital Cork
Our Ladys Childrens Hospital Crumlin Dublin

Motor bike run on the day finishing at Rally. Contact Denis Dineen (087)7460807 or (021)7334421

In Passing – April 2010

Musician Awards
We thank Danny O’Neill, Cork whose mother is Mary, daughter of Rosie Kelleher, Murphy’s Terrace, Millstreet, for the following uplifting information regarding the impressive success of two local very talented musicians (whose photographs appear on Here is Danny’s very fine article:
Recently I was at a concert in UCC where Kenneth Cremin, son of Breda and Denis from the Priest Cross Millstreet and Cáit Buckley with connections to Aubane both received the 2010 “Doc Gleeson” award for Musical Achievement at a special concert held at the Aula Maxima, Main Campus in UCC. Kenneth played a piece of Classical music by Steve Reich on the electric guitar while Cáit Buckley played a collection of music on the harp. [read more …] “In Passing – April 2010”

Brother Vincent Corkery’s Datoship

Brother Vincent J. Corkery, Director of La Salle Centre in Ipoh, described the datukship conferred on him in conjunction with the Sultan of Perak’s 82nd birthday as “a signal” of recognition for St Michael’s Institution as a long established beacon of excellence, where young people without distinction are prepared to take their place in society and serve with honesty and dedication.
He is happy to receive the award, Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), on behalf of the La Salle Brothers and St Michael’s Institution. “It will be greeted with joy amongst the thousands of our ever faithful alumni”, he said.
Brother Vincent, who was dressed in the ceremonial costume of Perak’s dato, received the award at an investiture ceremony in the throne room of Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar on April 19. A total of 912 people, including the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, were conferred with awards and medals in the birthday’s honour list.

[read more …] “Brother Vincent Corkery’s Datoship”

UCC Focal Scoir Award for Seán Radley

Seán Radley was recently presented with an award by UCC Department of Education after giving an influential Lecture to the Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs teachers group.. He said himself:

It was quite an honour to have been asked to give the “Focal Scoir” lecture to the Munster Post Graduates who have just come to the end of their UCC Course in the area of Learning Support and Special Education Needs. They were such a supportive and uplifting audience. The picture was taken by Michael English in the exquisite gardens of Mardyke House, UCC.

There is an article on this weeks Corkman with the full details of this story

1920s Postcard from Millstreet

An unposted c1920 postcard of Clara mountain and the valley below entitled “Mount Clara and Valley, Millstreet, Co.Cork”, which is currently on sale on eBay. (Click on the photo for a bigger clearer photo).

Anyone have an idea from where it was taken, and what house is in the right foreground?



Some of the doctors that have been in Westbourne

    • 1907 1914 1919 Richard Radley Leader
    • 1939 1945 1951 1955 : Dr Mary Esther O’Connell (née O’Shea) – CO. CORK DOCTOR APPOINTED The Commissioner acting for Leitrim Board of Health has, on the recommendation of the Appointments Commissioners , appointed Dr. Mary Esther O’Connell (nee O’Shea, of Killinadrush), Westbourne , Millstreet, Cork.[ref]. (Dr. O’Connell’s husband Jeremiah John who had relations in the Derrinagree direction, was also a doctor here when they married in UCC Chapel in 1922. He had suffered a stroke in the late 40’s)
    • 1945: Dr. ME O’Connell [1945]
    • 1959: John Cribbin (Registrar here from 1951 to after 1969). He was an ex army doctor. Registered first in 1927, and did further studies in the UK.
    • Michael Feeley

Though not a doctor, Jim Lucey Station Road became known as Jim the Doctor, as he was the driver for the doctor of that time.!

Other Doctors Locally

  • Dr. O’Connor was here some time during the 1940’s  (He was an uncle to Tadhg O’Driscoll. His sister was Jerry O’Driscoll’s wife, a teacher in Rathcoole NS. He was a chain smoker!)
  • Dr. Pat Casey set up initially in the Wallis Arms in 1965, before moving to the bottom of Tullig.
  • Dr. Steven Dillon had a practice at the West End from the early 70’s, setting up initially at the West End (near Christy’s Restaurant), before moving the practice to near the Community School entrance.


TODO : finish the list of doctors


This is the original photo from the Lawrence Collection (about 1909), the full size version can be see at the National Library of Ireland website here


So where was it taken from? In short, the back of the old boys school on Clara Road, across from the Presbytery, which are now dwelling houses.

Plotting a line from the forestry on the north side of Clara to the side of Westbourne House (as in the photo), leaves you at the back of the old boys school.  (see the plot lines below)

It was also taken from an elevated position (at first we though it was from an upstairs window, but the school only got an upstairs after it was sold as a school, and a second floor built during its conversion into dwelling houses.

Looking below at the OSI map from about 1900, this is where it would have been taken from. The low walls in the foreground of the original photo match the walls in the map below.Below is the old Boys National School on the Clara Road. The the photo of Clara was most likely taken from behind this building. This photo is also part of the Lawrence collection.



LTV2 Programme 163: Interview of Crystal Swing

Seán Radley Interview with Crystal Swing at the Charleville Park Hotel on March 21st 2010.

The initial interview at the album launch from 2009 with Crystal Swing which Seán refers to in the above video is included below: [read more …] “LTV2 Programme 163: Interview of Crystal Swing”