Owners Pony & Young Riders Charity Show

Owners LogoThe Owners Pony & Young Riders Charity Show will be held this weekend Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October, 2009 in the Green Glens Arena, Millstreet.
This will be the 11th year at Green Glens and since moving to Millstreet they have developed into the biggest pony show in Europe with just over 3000 entries.
The premises are given totally free of charge of the Duggan Family, and all proceeds go to charity. To date, the Owners have raised €200,000 for charities such as Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children, Temple Street Hospital, Riding for the Disabled, Irish Cancer Society, ISPCA, Autism and Local Charities.
So this weekend, go to the Green Glens. Admission is FREE, and maybe leave a few bob for the charities being supported.

You can visit their website at http://www.ownerscharityshow.com/

Malpaso – Black and White

A quiet Monday evening in the Malpaso Bar

A dark but nevertheless interesting photo taken in the Malpaso Bar last year. It was taken by Shaun Downey who was on holiday here.  His mother Nora Mary O’Sullivan (Noreen ‘Sal’) originally comes from Main Street, and was staying in Clara View. The picture was posted on his blog The Poor Mouth as a featured photograph.

[read more …] “Malpaso – Black and White”

Mahon Falls


10 Oct 2009

Co. Waterford


Mary O’Mahony

Eileen asked us to take her on one last momentous walk before venturing to pastures new.

We have known each other, now, for almost 10 years so Denis and I wanted to make this different!

This, is a dedication to a true and valued friend, who has the courage to venture off to South Carolina, thus, improving career prospects and whatever else life holds in store.

The very beautiful Mahon Falls in Co. Waterford is our chosen ‘GIFT’

Blessed with the day we were! Days in July 2009 were not as good!! Seriously!

Sat. 10 Oct. 2009 we set out on what can only be called one hell of good Summer Day.

The River Mahon flows from the Comeragh Mountains in County Waterford and gathers

Force to create the Mahon Falls, a tall cascade on the Mahon River that empties from a mountain lake overlooking the southern coast.

Located off the N25 at Leamybrien, the Falls are located 20 kilometers from Waterford city. A cascade runs down the centre of a high and wide valley, populated with many types of vegetation, jutting rocks, and herds of domestic sheep and Goat’s.

It is deceivingly tall, and the valley deceivingly wide.

Mahon Falls can only be approached by car and accessed on foot.

The walk up the left hand side of the valley onto Comeragh Mountain Cnoc Na Phoebre (668m) itself is a hard slog .

Not so daunting? Is it? Early days yet.

Spectacular. Oh yeah

[read more …] “Mahon Falls”

Richie O'Connor on the 9pm News

Richie O'Connor from Ballydaly was on the 9pm News on RTE representing farmers who were staging protests across the country
Richie O'Connor from Ballydaly in a short interview on the 9pm News on RTE, where he was representing farmers who were staging protests across the country, about cuts in Government support and falling prices for farmers.

He said: “It’s making 18-20 cents. My side of the country in Duhallow, West Duhallow in particular it’s costing 27 cents per litre to produce it”

You can see the clip on the RTE website here http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1057468, just move the video forward to 11 minutes. [video only available in Ireland]

First Mass in Drishane Chapel in 17 Years

Joan O’Mahony & Jackie Kent at Drishane on the recent occasion of the celebration of a Polish Mass in Drishane Chapel (first Mass celebrated there in 17 years) followed by a special Polish celebratory evening
Joan O’Mahony & Jackie Kent at Drishane on the recent occasion of the celebration of a Polish Mass in Drishane Chapel (first Mass celebrated there in 17 years) followed by a special Polish celebratory evening

More photos below:
[read more …] “First Mass in Drishane Chapel in 17 Years”

Pipe Band at Béal na mBláth 2009

Millstreet Pipe Band attending the 2009 Commemoration Ceremony at Béal na mBláth where this year the weather was so very wet
Millstreet Pipe Band attending the 2009 Commemoration Ceremony at Béal na mBláth where this year the weather was so very wet (All pics by Seán Radley)

Video: Mary Robinson at Michael Collins Oration Beal Na Blath 2009

The Millstreet pipe band can  be heard and seen playing at the start of this video

[read more …] “Pipe Band at Béal na mBláth 2009”

History of the Tithe War and what gave rise to this Tithe Defaulters list


Con Kelleher


I was very surprised when I first found this document in the internet and thought it might be of interest to some viewers of our website. Many of the names (people and places) are spelled as they were pronounced at the time, being greatly influenced by the Irish language.  Also some confusion with the letters P and D!

Click on link to view list: Drishane 1831 Tithes Defaulters : (Full list also below)

Tithes were taxes of 10% of income, mostly from tenant farmers but also from tradesmen, which were to be paid to support the Protestant Church ministers. This was the case because the Protestant Anglican Church was the established state church and continued to be so till it was disestablished in 1869.  As the vast majority of the population were Catholics they hated having to pay this and regarded it as an unjust tax and they also gave something towards the support of their own local Catholic priest. Even Protestants disliked paying as it was an excessive burden on all at this stage.
[read more …] “History of the Tithe War and what gave rise to this Tithe Defaulters list”

The Animal Roadshow

Based in Millstreet, they travel with their animals to schools and parties all over Ireland. Fantastic education program with loads of learning opportunities. They also offer arts workshops, face painting, balloon modeling and family fun days around Munster. Next one is in Dromtarriffe Community Centre (on the N72 Near the Sandpit House Pub) 26th October 09 12pm to 5pm.

Go visit the Animal Roadshow website

Forgotten Maggies – Sunday Independent

JUSTICE: Maureen O'Sullivan's case was major milestoneIn yesterdays Sunday Independent there was a long article on the good work done by Millstreet film maker Stephen O’Riordan in unearthing the official confusion as to what happened to many women that were in the Magdalen Laundries, when researching for the film “The Forgotten Maggies”. Here is an extract from the article:

MORE THAN 16 years after their remains were controversially exhumed from a forgotten corner of a Dublin convent, the 155 Magdalens of High Park Convent are again in the news as the barring of Magdalen survivors from the Redress Board causes uproar.

Documentary-maker Steven O’Riordan unearthed the full level of official confusion about who exactly these women were and when they died during his research for a forthcoming film, The Forgotten Maggies.

Go and read the full article on the Sunday Independent website

In Passing September 2009

by Sean Radley

New Look Website

Hannelie O’Connor and a dedicated team have established a truly hugely popular Millstreet website over the years. And now a further enhancement with a new look site being launched with the very much appreciated assistance of Michael Cashman and with the advice also of John O’Riordan, Cork & Church Street, Millstreet. The site www.millstreet.ie is updated daily not only with important local news but with exciting video and audio links. Clearly a huge success judging by the global comments received online to the site.

Museum News

A million thanks for the magnificent response to our annual church gate collection which amounted to €2,471.93. A full report on the progress of re-establishing our local Museum and Tourist Information Centre will appear in the next issue of “Clara News”. A very special word of thanks to Cllr. Noel Buckley and to Noel C. Duggan and Family for being so helpful during this transition time. [read more …] “In Passing September 2009”

Eily Buckley

Long before she wrote for the Clara News
And years before I even knew the taste of booze
For her love of people she became well known
And the fame of Eily Buckley has since grown.
For years she drove the school bus up and down
The roads of Millstreet to and from the Town
And perhaps many of the kids she drove to and from the school today
From Millstreet Parish now live far away.
Miles from Cloghoula her own countryside
Her Cloghoula notes in Clara News read far and wide
In big cities far from Millstreet County Cork
In Sydney, Melbourne, London and New York.
Can’t say that I knew her that well at all
Though she is one I readily can recall
For her’s is such a well known and loved face
In Millstreet Parish still my favourite place.
A friendly person untouched by conceit
And one of the best loved people in Millstreet
She’d never ignore you as she drove by
She’d always smile and wave a friendly hi

by Francis Duggan

Plastic Kerrymen

When the Cork teams are playing
your heart would fill with pride
what a shame to be a plastic
and support the other side
From dear old Ballydaly
back to the county bounds
a strange little creature
in some places can be found
So, if you can’t support your own county
we don’t need you anymore
go ahead and pack your bags
and buzz off to Rathmore
They’ll send you to Killorglin
a lovely town of note
you’ll be very welcome
they always need a GOAT!

by Jerry Lehane

Transcript recited by Chloe Collins on RTE last Saturday night. Of course there’s lots of them Plastics appearing out since the match last Sunday. “C” reg cars with their kerry flags out the window. To be avoided 😉

On the Passing of Dee Dineen

The news has spread far beyond Duhallow’s borders that Dee Dineen has passed away
In St Mary’s cemetery in Millstreet Town his last remains now lay
He was a marvellous character likeable in every way
But the journey through life for us all must end one night or day.
Characters like Dee Dineen was are glorified in song and rhyme
He wore the Ballydaly colours when he was in his prime
He was far from an old man in his late fifties or early sixties maybe
And sad to think that in the flesh him we never more will see.
In Duhallow he enjoyed the status of a character of renown
He will be missed in Ballydaly, in Cullen and Millstreet Town
And all through Duhallow and Sliabh Luachra where he was known quite well
A biography of his life in book form thousands of copies would sell.
He will be missed by his many friends as well as by his family
And sad to think that in the flesh him we never more will see
So likeable and kind hearted fond memories of him will remain
The likes of him in Ballydaly may not be seen again.

by Francis Duggan

Video: Up for the Match

RTE have posted video of “Up for the Match” that was shown last night on RTE1 and included a segment from the Town Park, and the Presentation Convent School.


Follow this link to get to the video: http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1055791

Move the video forward to 41:30 and the part from Millstreet is shown, featuring the poem “Plastic Kerryman” written by Jerry Lehane and read by Chloe Collins. The segment ends at 43:45.

The video is only available until October 10th.

Video: Kerry Football Animals

Seeing as we here in the Millstreet Parish border the Kingdom, we are hearing that some of our farmers are having the same troubles as their compatriots further south on the Cork – Kerry border:

West Cork farmers are doing their best to look after disillusioned Kerry supporters as many of them turn up in their fields.

All in the spirit of the upcoming All-Ireland Final (Sunday 20th September 2009) between Cork and Kerry. The video is of course a reference to Paidí O’Shea’s infamous comment about the Kerry supporters being “animals”

Come on the REBELS!
There are some video clips from the Cork v Kerry games earlier in the year below:

[read more …] “Video: Kerry Football Animals”

Into God’s Eye at Musheramore

Cross on top of Mushera, looking south-west towards West Cork

Our condolences go to the family of  Paddy Mulcahy from Cork who died while out walking on Musheramore just above the Millstreet Country Park last Sunday September 13th during the recent fine spell. His son Thomás has written about this on his blog.

Paddy died suddenly on a lovely sunny September day in a beautiful spot called Musheramore, a small hill in northeast Cork, near Millstreet, while out hillwalking with his wife and friends.

[read more …] “Into God’s Eye at Musheramore”