Category: Millstreet Development Group
Development Group AGM
The Millstreet Development Group Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 9th January 2012 at 7pm in The Wallis Arms. All welcome.
Best Dressed Christmas House & Business
Prizewinners of Millstreet Traders Week Promotion Christmas 2011

Millstreet Development Group would like to congratulations their winners and wish a big Thank You to all who support our local Shops and Businesses. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Niall Receives His Television Prize at AIB Millstreet This Evening

Photos with Santa at the Christmas Market
To all the little ones who had their photo taken with Santa at the Millstreet Christmas Market over the weekend – your pics are ready for collection at Centra.
Santa’s Visitors at the Millstreet Christmas Market
Santa had visitors of all ages in his Grotto at the Millstreet Christmas Market! – photos thanks to Geraldine Dennehy
Update (7th December): To all the little ones who had their photo taken with Santa at the Millstreet Christmas Market over the weekend – your pics are ready for collection at Centra.
Christmas Market & Tea Room
This is becoming an annual event because of the success of previous years. 20+ stands (different each day) There will be a huge selection of unique Christmas gifts and things you just want to keep for yourself. Stand-holders will have an interesting selection handmade and locally produced items for sale including, knitting, paintings, baking, wreaths, computers, jewelery, preserves etc.
For enquirues and further details, send a message to Tricia at: <email>
Winners of the Annual Bazaar Raffle
Winners of the Raffle at the Millstreet Annual Bazaar held in the GAA Hall, 20th November were:
1st Prize – 32″ Flatscreen TV – Niall O’Brien
2nd Prize – Supervalue Bumper Hamper – Eileen Kiely
3rd Prize – €100 Shopping Vouchers – Denis Healey.
There were also lots of winners of various smaller prizes on the Wheel of Fortune.
Thanks to all those that supported the event. – Millstreet Development Group
Millstreet Shopping Week
Millstreet Shopping
Millstreet Shopping Promotion will be running from Nov 17th to 26th. I addition to special offers and discounts run by individual shops, all shoppers will be entered in to a draw for €1,500 worth of shopping vouchers. The draw will take place at the “turning on the lights” ceremony on the 26th November at 7.30 after mass. The lights will be turned on by Joanne O Riordan, recent recipiant of a West Cork Garda youth award and Councillor Noel Buckley.
Best Dressed Christmas – Business & Private House Competition 2011
Millstreet Development Group are going to give €100 each to the Business and Private House who makes the most effort to decorate this Christmas. So dig out the decorations!!!!
Developing Millstreet for the Future – Many Creative Ideas at Today’s Meeting

Millstreet Autumn Walking Festival
Walk in the footsteps of legends as Millstreet’s upcoming Festival traces the route of O’ Sullivan Bere’s epic winter march over 400 years ago from Castletown Bere to Leitrim!
Our ‘A’ Walk between Ballyvourney and Millstreet traces the route over arguably the most rugged and beautiful part of this entire journey.
We earnestly hope to finish the day with less casualties than O’ Sullivan Bere suffered!!
Our ‘B’ & ‘C’ Walks are similarly rewarding with no less a personage than Minister for Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar stating that our ‘B’ Walk (The Claragh Loop) is his ‘ favourite festival walk of 2011’ .
Our ‘ C’ Walk reflects the historical influence of landlords in Millstreet. Commencing at the Wallis Arms Hotel and taking us past the ruins of the once magnificent Mount Leader Estate to a viewing point on Claragh Mountain overlooking Millstreet and the Blackwater Valley.
Full restaurant facilities are provided by the Wallis Arms Hotel which is Base Camp for the Festival.
Looking forward to you joining us for what is certain to be a memorable walking experience.
Read the full details on the Festival Brochure.
Millstreet Directory of Community Services
The Millstreet Community Directory Group would like to invite the public to the launch of Millstreet Directory of Community Services, by Aine Collins TD in the library of Millstreet Community School on this Friday from 2 to 4pm (July 22nd).
Community organisations will be present to promote their services and to help with any queries that patrons may have. Avail of this unique opportunity to obtain information. Everyone is welcome to attend with light refreshments provided.
The directory will be published here on in the next few days.
Very Successful Facilitated Planning Workshop at Wallis Arms Hotel
- Pictured at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Tuesday, 5th April 2011 at the very successful Facilitated Planning Workshop organised by Millstreet Development Group. From left:Nicola Mc Mahon – Secretary, Millstreet Development Group (MDG), J.J. O’Connell and Pat Humphreys (Plato Planning Workshop Facilitators), Veronica Perdistat – MDG member and Tony Mc Caul (Chairman of MDG).
A wonderfully representative group of people from the Millstreet area assembled for quite a fascinating and helpfully revealing workshop where the focus was on the constructive positive development of Millstreet on a [read more …] “Very Successful Facilitated Planning Workshop at Wallis Arms Hotel”
Shop in Millstreet for St. Patricks Day
Millstreet Walking Festival
Coming up next month is the all new Millstreet Walking Festival, which promises to bring a large number of walkers to the area over the weekend of the 9th/10th April. It promises to be a very enjoyable weekend with walks to suit everyone. Click on the images above to see the brochure which has the details of the festival (published this week), or view the brochure in its original pdf form: walking flyer.pdf
Millstreet Shopping Week
Millstreet Development Group are holding their second Millstreet Shopping Week this week (15th-20th November). It proved a wonderful success last year with a noted increase in activity in the town. There are great bargains available in the shops, so take advantage of them while also supporting our own this week.
A brochure was circulated by post to all the households last week, so we’ve added it below if you haven’t received yours. And, don’t forget that you can buy gift vouchers that you can use in all Millstreet shops in Millstreet Credit Union.
[read more …] “Millstreet Shopping Week”
Bazaar Success at GAA Community Hall

Artisan Food and Craft Market
Last Saturday brought a delightful Artisan Market in the Square. There were some really mouth-watering foods on offer as the smell of cooking in the open-air filled the square, and there was something for everyone on offer. The market was a very welcome addition for the day, and it was well attended, with a nice crowd browsing the stalls through the afternoon. It’s something we are sure that people would like to see more of.
Artisan Food & Craft Market
The Square, Millstreet
Saturday 14th August
(During Millstreet Show Week)
10am – 4pm
Market produce available:
Home grown Vegetables, Homemade Jams, Free Range Eggs, Home Baking, Cup Cakes, Gluten & Wheat free Baking, Cakes & tasty treats, Artisan Coffees, Sweet & Savoury Crepes, Hot Food Stands, Freshly Baked wood-fired oven Pizzas, Herbal teas and infusions, Fresh fish, Hand Made chocolate, Pesto, Gourmet cooking sauces, soups, wide selection of cheeses, jewellery, wicker baskets, log baskets, wood carvings, kitchen utensils, plants, hand made soaps and lots more…
Enjoy the live music and the atmosphere! Browse through the various stands.
Click on the flier on the left to see it full size
Millstreet Development Group – What are they About?
In an economic downturn it is especially important to promote business, industry and shopping in any town or area. Millstreet Development Group has been established with this in mind. Millstreet has always been a traditional market town offering a wide range of goods and services. This is still very much the case. The Group has been established by a number of businesses from the Millstreet area to promote the town.
With Christmas fast approaching, the group has taken out double page advertising features in local papers to remind people just what the town has to offer. It has also set up a scheme which will allow people to buy gift vouchers at the Credit Union that can then be redeemed in any one of over twenty five shops and businesses. They have organised a number of exciting initiatives for Christmas Week which include Carol Singing, Christmas music and lights, and a Marquee in the Square to sell a range of food and crafts. All this is designed to help keep money in the town.
Once Christmas is out of the way, the group hopes to focus on a number of broader issues affecting the town. A major issue at present is the lack of an industrial zone in the area to allow new light industrial businesses to open or allow existing businesses to expand. Also, the group feels that tourism should be promoted and encouraged. The area is one of outstanding natural beauty with a great facility in The Millstreet Country Park. Any increase in tourism would surely benefit everyone in the town.
Millstreet Development Group has plenty of work to do, but with the enthusiasm and hard work of its members and support from the wider community it should prove to be a big benefit for the town.
Millstreet Development Group meet every Tuesday night in the Wallis Arms at 9pm, and all are welcome to come, listen and contribute. The above message was submitted by the MDG Secretary.
[read more …] “Millstreet Development Group – What are they About?”