Millstreet Library

On behalf of Cork County Council Library & Arts Service & myself Gillian I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our patrons a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Dhuit.

Millstreet Library is closed from 24th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023 inclusive.  The library will be back to normal opening hours from Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Our online services remain available and contact details for our branches can be found at:

Millstreet Library

Millstreet Library Age Friendly Group will meet tomorrow Friday 23rd December in Millstreet Library at 11 00 am (on a week earlier this month).  Everybody is welcome.  It is a lovely casual informal meeting where people can drop into the library for a chat, play a game of cards/do a crossword puzzle. This week people may even chat about Christmas traditions/reminisce about old times.

Don’t feel shy, come along and enjoy.

Millstreet Library – Children’s Christmas Craft Workshop

To celebrate Family time in the library, Millstreet Library are delighted to host a Children’s Christmas Craft Workshop on Saturday 17th December at 3 00 pm – 4 00 pm.  The Library invites parents along with their children to create a wonderful Christmas Angel Tree Decoration using pages from a withdrawn library book.  This craft workshop is suitable for 5 yrs + .

Booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Email: <email>

Phone: 029 21920