Hollymount NS awarded at FÍS Film Project Awards

2014-11-06 Hollymount NS awarded at FÍS AwardsHollymount NS was delighted to take part in this year’s Fís Film project.
What is the FÍS Film Project? FÍS is a successful film project currently thriving in primary schools across Ireland. The initiative encourages children to explore the medium of film in the primary classroom developing essential skills in moving-image literacy, communication, teamwork, visual arts and even numeracy … oh yes, and it’s also lots of fun! (http://www.fisfilmproject.ie/ 5th Nov 2014).

The Junior Room developed and created a film entitled ‘The Fairytale of Hollymount NS’, based on a tale about Snow White who decided to send her dwarfs and the three little pigs to see the ‘best school in Ireland!’ Every child in the class took part in the piece. The final project was submitted to Tralee Education Centre. The film was screened in Siamsa Tíre as part of Kerry Film Festival and Hollymount NS was presented with a plaque in recognition of the project.

We were delighted to be told that the film had been forwarded to Fís Film National committee for consideration. We were invited to [read more …] “Hollymount NS awarded at FÍS Film Project Awards”

Millstreet Parents Association Update

2014-10-16 Parents Association present Presentation NS Millstreet with €2000 raised earlier in the year-800
Pictured last week at the cheque presentation were: Sheila Lane (incoming Treasurer) Anneka Dunne (Secretary) Claire McCarthy (Outgoing Treasurer) Joan O’Mahony (School Principal) Rose Murphy (Chair)

As mentioned at the end of the school term in June, Millstreet Parents Association were pleased to announce that through the fundraising and generosity of Millstreet parents and companies we had raised €2000 for each primary school.

This week, the committee met with Joan O’Mahony, principle of Millstreet Presentation National School, and presented the school with the €2000 cheque. The money will be used to assist in the completion of the new basketball court in the girls school.

We also have a €2000 cheque for Scoil Mhuire National School to be presented later this week.

Many thanks again to all the local business groups and parents for assisting in the fundraising for both schools. – Rose Murphy, Anneka Dunne, Claire McCarthy, Sheila Lane.

Contact the Parents Association: <email>

Latest News at Presentation N.S.

2014-10-13 Latest News from Presentation NSThe last few days have seen lots of news added to the Presentation NS website – Junior Infants artwork photos, mid-term, sports, and a health promoting campaign.  To see the updates, visit their “Latest News” Page.

If you’d prefer to receive updates by email as they happen, the best way we’ve found is to [read more …] “Latest News at Presentation N.S.”

Enthusiastic Young Visitors at Millstreet Museum on Friday

We were delighted to welcome the wonderfully enthusiastic Second Class pupils from Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS at Millstreet Museum on Friday accompanied by Ms Norma Buckley and Mrs. Veronica Twomey.  The Tour lasted one hour and we listened to the most interesting questions and heard some fascinating facts from the very attentive children.   We thank Mary Cronin for the beautiful flowers and  many thanks to Mary Kelleher for helping us to prepare for the visit.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
We were delighted to welcome the wonderfully enthusiastic Second Class pupils from Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS at Millstreet Museum on Friday accompanied by Ms Norma Buckley and Mrs. Veronica Twomey. The Tour lasted one hour and we listened to the most interesting questions and heard some fascinating facts from the very attentive children. We thank Mary Cronin for the beautiful flowers and many thanks to Mary Kelleher for helping us to prepare for the visit. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

3Scoil Mhuire Museum Visit on 26th Sept. 2014 -8002Scoil Mhuire Museum Visit on 26th Sept. 2014 -800

Celebrating the150th Anniversary of Kilcorney N.S. in Magnificent Style

What a truly superb occasion it was at Kilcorney N.S. on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 when Principal, Con Meade, Staff and Parents' Committee with Board of Management organised a magnificent 150th Anniversary Celebration.   Here we share highlights of the historic event.   I even found in their excellent Museum Exhibition the 1963 English Paper of the Primary Cert which I recall doing on that very year!  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
What a truly superb occasion it was at Kilcorney N.S. on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 when Principal, Con Meade, Staff and Parents’ Committee with Board of Management organised a magnificent 150th Anniversary Celebration. Here we share highlights of the historic event. I even found in their excellent Museum Exhibition the 1963 English Paper of the Primary Cert which I recall doing on that very year!  We thank Con for the special Anniversary Umbrella and Certificate which he kindly presented to Millstreet Museum.   Sincere congratulations to All involved in the organising of such a unique and important occasion which was an absolutely outstanding success.   Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

93Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -80013Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -80072Kilcorney N.S. 150th Anniversary 22nd June 2014 -800There was such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere so much in evidence not only in the Anniversary Celebrations but also at the official opening in Kilcorney of the splendid new Astro Turf Facility (which we shall cover here on our website later in the week).   We now invite you to enjoy our ninety images of the Kilcorney N.S. event which was blessed with [read more …] “Celebrating the150th Anniversary of Kilcorney N.S. in Magnificent Style”

Parents Association – Thank You

The Millstreet Schools’ Parents Association want to thank all the parents, helpers, volunteers and sponsors that helped us this year with fundraising events, the 1st Holy communion preparations and support. We are pleased to announce that we have raised just over €4000 for the two primary schools. We will donating €2000 to the Millstreet Presentation National school towards the new basketball/tennis courts. We also have €2000 for the Scoil Mhuire, Boys National school. Many thanks again for all the support, Rose Murphy, Anneka Dunne & Claire McCarthy
Contact us @ – <email>

Inportant Events at Herlihy’s Centra

2014-06-26 Centra Annual School's Out Party - poster 2014-07-04 Centra 12 Hour Cyclothon - poster
First on Thursday 26th June to say thank you to our customers who come from the schools across the road (children, parents, teachers), we are having our Annual School’s Out Party with treats and giveaway (ice-cream, cakes, tea/coffee) and free entertainment provided by Animal Road Show.
Then on Friday 4th July to raise money for Millstreet Hospital we are doing a 12 hour Cyclothon on a static bike in front of our shop. We are looking for volunteer cyclists, please, and can anyone willing to participate please contact the shop.

Muniefluich National School – 80th Celebrations

2014-06-22 Muinefluich NS 80th anniversary celebrations

You are cordially invited to the 80th Anniversary Celebration of Muinefliuch N. S. on Sunday 22nd June 2014. The celebration will commence at 1.30 pm with the official opening of the new extension followed with a special mass at 2 pm in the school. You will have the opportunity to meet with old friends and acquaintances and share memories over a cup of tea and light refreshments. Music will also be provided by Jim Murray Senior, Jim Junior and Ger Wolfe. A Muinefliuch N. S. anniversary book will be on sale on the day.

Read more on the Muinefliuch NS website

Muinefluich NS is located roughly half way between Mushera Mountain and Carriganima

Royal Millstreet Welcome for Kerry Rose 2014 Mary Hickey

A magnificent welcome awaited Teacher Mary Hickey of Rathmore on Monday morning when she arrived for work at Presentation N.S., Millstreet following her superb success in Tralee on Friday night when she was selected out of almost thirty beautiful Contestants as the Kerry Rose 2014 in the highly prestigious International Rose of Tralee Competition.   We are all so delighted for Mary who would be a totally ideal overall winner in August when the two-night television spectacular takes place – even the official song says “Mary – the Rose of Tralee”!   Here we share the marvellous photos of Teacher Joanna O’Connor which allow us to view the Monday morning welcome as well as the actual Friday night event in Tralee  where Daithí Ó Sé was the excellent Presenter on the night.  The late Teresa Tangney of Main Street, Millstreet  and a native of North Kerry who was such a supremely wonderful member of our Teaching Staff in Presentation N.S. until she retired twelve years ago and who has sadly just very recently passed to her Eternal Reward (R.I.P.) would have been so thrilled with this historic occasion when two Kerry Flags and Kerry Balloons adorned the entrance to our school and the “Rose of Tralee” was sung by All with such great enthusiasm for Mary.  We now share a selection of Joanna’s much appreciated pictures.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

9Royal Welcome for Kerry Rose Mary on 26th May 2014 -80023Royal Welcome for Kerry Rose Mary on 26th May 2014 -80019Royal Welcome for Kerry Rose Mary on 26th May 2014 -80012Royal Welcome for Kerry Rose Mary on 26th May 2014 -8005Royal Welcome for Kerry Rose Mary on 26th May 2014 -800We shall feature some further pictures later in the week following our visit to the School on Monday but now we continue to share Joanna’s splendid [read more …] “Royal Millstreet Welcome for Kerry Rose 2014 Mary Hickey”

Lots of New Updates on Splendid Millstreet Presentation N.S. Website

Please visit our school website for our latest news and upcoming events. Latest updates include the following:

1. Celebrations for our All-Ireland Boxing Champions.
2. ‘Open Day’ for Junior Infants enrolled for September 2014.
3. Upcoming School Tours.
4. Food Dudes Fun!
5. First Holy Communion
6. Art Competition Winners
7. Woolly the Lamb visits Room 3!
8. Trócaire Certificate and Thank You Letter
…..plus lots more!
We thank Teacher Ciara Hickey for these important updates.   (S.R.)
The Presentation N.S. Website address:

Cloghoula N.S. Annual Very Popular Pattern Day Takes Place Today

Sunday, 18th May 2014 from 1.00pm Cloghoula N.S. Pattern Day takes place in the School Grounds.   Among the many exciting and cheerful events is an opportunity to avail of a superb portrait photo at a real bargain price with Justin Black giving half of the proceeds from the day to the school funds.  A truly great day for all the Family.  Click on the Poster to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Sunday, 18th May 2014 from 1.00pm Cloghoula N.S. Pattern Day takes place in the School Grounds. Among the many exciting and cheerful events is an opportunity to avail of a superb portrait photo at a real bargain price with Justin Black giving half of the proceeds from the day to the school funds. A truly great day for all the Family. Click on the Poster to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Millstreet First Holy Communion Blessed with Glorious Sunny Weather

Blessed with glorious weather the annual First Holy Communion ceremony took place at St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet this morning.  We shall have lots more pictures to follow later.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Blessed with glorious weather the annual First Holy Communion ceremony took place at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet this morning. Here we see the 32 children with teachers Mrs. Fiona Hurley and Ms. Norma Buckley.  We shall have lots more pictures to follow later. Click on the image to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Cloghoula N.S. Success at Recent Interschool Quiz held in Knocknagree.

From left: Daniel Carberry, Abby Ring, Mackenzie Holvey-Black and Steven Murphy from Cloghoula N.S. celebrating their quiz success in the inter schools quiz held recently in Knocknagree with their teacher Ms J Murphy and Principal, Ms M Murphy.
From left: Daniel Carberry, Abby Ring, Mackenzie Holvey-Black and Steven Murphy from Cloghoula N.S. celebrating their quiz success in the inter schools quiz held recently in Knocknagree with their teacher Ms J. Murphy and Principal, Ms M. Murphy.  We thank Justin Black for the excellent picture.   Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Hollymount NS Daffodil Day / Coffee Morning

Hollymount National School, Rathmore

are hosting a

Daffodil Day/Coffee Morning in aid of ‘Irish Cancer Society’

from 10am to 12pm on Friday 28th March.

FREE health talk, blood pressure monitoring and BMI will be available on the day.

Come join us for a cuppa and home-baking. Please support.

[read more …] “Hollymount NS Daffodil Day / Coffee Morning”

Cullen N.S. Website Updates…New Pupils for 2014/2015

https://sites.google.com/site/cullennt/_/rsrc/1319464005526/home/School_SE_banner.jpg?height=460&width=670One may view  new updates  in the Gallery and School News in the very impressive website of Cullen N.S. :


or from




The Gallery with its Slide Show dimension is excellent.   We thank Teacher Eithne Cremin for the most recent update which refers to the topic of New Pupils for 2014/2015.  (S.R.)