Batt O’Keeffe visit to Aubane on 29 /04/2005

See pictures below

On Friday the 29th of April, Minister of State Batt O’Keeffe visited Aubane Community Centre. Mr Jack Lane invited the Minister to Aubane a few weeks ago and the Aubane Community warmly welcomed the Minister to their Community Centre last Friday.

There was a relaxed atmosphere between the locals and invited guests, who sat around the fireside, told stories of old and recalled historic stories from the area. Among the invited guests was the President of Aubane Historical Society, Mr Jack Lane who had plenty of Historic folklore to entertain us. Also present was the President of IRD Duhallow, Mr Jack Roche and former TD, Mr Tom Meaney,

When the Minister arrived he personally thanked everyone for attending. There was plenty of open, frank and factual speeches from several speakers including the Chairman of Aubane Community Council Mr Gerard McSweeney who opened the meeting, welcomed the Minister to Aubane and gave him a brief synopsis of Aubane and its local community centre. Next to speak was Mr Jack Lane who spoke about the Butter road, and the way it needs to be developed, upgraded and maintained to a high standard. Next to speak was Mr Jack Roche who gave a wonderful and informative talk about the way forward for the local area, the butter road and the future of IRD Duhallow. Next to speak was Mr Tom Meaney who gave us a factual and informative talk about the way we need to progress our ideas and channel them through the right corridors.

Finally the Minister who listened carefully to the previous speakers gave us a synopsis of the main issues that were raised and how we should go about getting our goals achieved. The talk between the Minister and all present was very open and informative.

To round off a busy night, in tradition with the Aubane way, all enjoyed a cup of tea and tasty cakes.

To capture the entire event that night, we would like to thank Sean Radley who gave of his time to record this unique event.