Aubane Social Club Table Quiz 2006

Good Friday night 14-April-2006

Another big crowd participated this year with the dancing room full to the brim. The questions were set by quiz-masters Don and Michael O’Riordan, and were helped with the marking and score-keeping by Sonia O’Riordan and Ger McSweeney. There were questions for everyone there from children’s cartoons to old films, from history to local news, music and picture rounds and of course general knowledge. It was a very close contest right through with eight teams within three points of the lead after five rounds (the half way stage). Teas and refreshments were served to get the brains working again, and for people to discuss their progress. After another five rounds, it was a draw at the end between the top two teams on eighty one points out of a hundred. A play-off round was needed to separate them, and victorious on the night were the team of Liam Flynn, Pat Sheehan, Denis Lane and John Tarrant, with the runners up team from Ballydaly headed by the O’Sullivan brothers.

Many thanks to our sponsors on the night: Lucey’s Motors, Dennehy’s Centra, The Country Park, Pommery’s Bar, Billy Kelleher Kitchens, Jerry Kelleher Aubane, and to everyone that turned up and enjoyed themselves.

Raffle Winners were

* Denis Cashman – Country Park Pass
* Shane Murphy – Brandy
* Donal O’Connor – Brandy
* Michael Cashman Whiskey
* Alan Buckley – whiskey
* Liam Flynn – wine
* Donal Coffey – wine
* Kathleen McAuliffe – wine
* Edmond Coffey – wine
* Pa Rowan – Beauty Products!!

We appologize for the lack of pictures this time around. We’ll try to do better the next time!