Aubane Notes May 2007

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our greatest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends Casey Tom Kelleher late of Tullig and England and Tony Dineen Donoghmore.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis.


Congratulations to Rosario & Edward O’Sullivan Cloughlabeg and Blarney on birth of their baby girl and also to Tim & Irene O’Mahony (nee Mc Carthy) Cloughlabeg & Flintfield on the birth of their baby girl Elizabeth


Congraulations to the following couples who announced their engagements recently – Aidan Creedon Mushera & Fiona Cooney Ratchoole

Breeda Moynihan Lackadota & Denis O’Rahilly Lyre.

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HB Ice Cream Sunday at Aubane Community Centre

by Gerard McSweeney

Aubane hosted its first HB Ice Cream Sunday on Sunday the 21st May, in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It proved to be a huge success with €1000 being raised for this very worthy charity.

The main organiser of the day was Jerry Kelleher, who put in tremendous effort into organising that everything went smoothly. The afternoon commenced at 2pm with Ice Cream and refreshments being served to a large gathering of people who braved the bad weather elements to support this very worthy charity.

There was a great atmosphere around the centre, with music and singing being provided by Breeda Moynihan. Breeda, who is part of the Diamond Sisters band gave a great exhibition of music and song for over two hours. Breeda gave her time free of charge, which was very much appreciated.

There was also a bouncing castle, which provided huge entertainment for all the young people. John O’Sullivan from Tullig, Millstreet provided this Bouncing Castle to Jerry, free of charge. This was also a very generous gesture.

Brian O’Leary gave of his artistic talents free of charge also with face painting for the kids. Thanks to Brian, John and Breeda for their wonderful gestures. Thanks also to all who helped in the background to keep the day running smoothly.

Everybody both young and old enjoyed their afternoon out. A special thanks to everyone who turned out in such great numbers and contributed in such generous fashion. It was one miserable Sunday afternoon weather wise, but the people of Aubane and surrounding areas have provided a ray of hope, for all involved with Down Syndrome Ireland.