Regional Report 985 – 27 Oct 09

by Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 985 from Millstreet on October 27th.’09.

Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wet, windy, but mild calm Tuesday morning.

The Pony Show which is held every year at the Green Glens for charity, was again a great success on Friday Saturday and Sunday last. Entries were away up on former years, and competitions didn’t finish on Sunday night until well after mid-night. Many of the horse-owners expressing their disappointment that there was no Summer Show here this year. But please God we will see a return again in 2010.

Next feature at the Green Glens will be the popular Self Build exhibition which will be on the second weekend of November.

Over ten of our strapping people took part in the Dublin City Marathon over the weekend. Well done to them.

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Family Fun at Dromtarriffe


A most enjoyable Family Fun Day with “Crafts & Creatures” was held at Dromtariffe Centre on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th October 2009.   A host of marvellous activities took place including a wonderful exhibition of Capoeira by Testa and an opportunity to view rare and beautiful animals. The fascinating event was co-ordinated by Marie & Brendan of “The Animal Road Show” & Friends.  Here we share a selection of pictures we took at the end of the excellent event (see below).  Do be on the look out for future such events…..A must-not-miss truly worthwhile occasion!  (Seán Radley for
[read more …] “Family Fun at Dromtarriffe”

From Dublin to Kerry

……..After breakfast we started in a hired motor, the driver of which, we were given in confidence to understand, was an Ulster man who had deserted from the British Army, been discharged from the Republican, and was about to offer his services to the Free State — a mihtary record which inspired us with complete confidence in the resourcefulness of his character. Avoiding the main roads, which for several weeks have been completely blocked, we arrived by a circuitous route over a mountain at Millstreet, where our inquiries for the road to Killarney were met with derisive shrieks.

*If you can lepp and you can swim you may perhaps get there; not otherwise,’ we were told. ‘Every bridge is down and every road is blocked since the fighting on Sunday.*

Conscious of proficiency in both ‘lepping’ and swimming, we pushed undaunted on our way, running almost immediately into a flying column of Free State troops, who stopped us and demanded the driver’s permit. They were covered with mud, weary and war worn, having been fighting for two days. ……

The above is part of an article of of one womans trip from Dublin to Killorglin, that appeared in the “Nation and the Athenoeum” in November 1922 and also in “The Living Age” on Saturday December 16th 1922. The full article is given below:

[read more …] “From Dublin to Kerry”