In an economic downturn it is especially important to promote business, industry and shopping in any town or area. Millstreet Development Group has been established with this in mind. Millstreet has always been a traditional market town offering a wide range of goods and services. This is still very much the case. The Group has been established by a number of businesses from the Millstreet area to promote the town.
With Christmas fast approaching, the group has taken out double page advertising features in local papers to remind people just what the town has to offer. It has also set up a scheme which will allow people to buy gift vouchers at the Credit Union that can then be redeemed in any one of over twenty five shops and businesses. They have organised a number of exciting initiatives for Christmas Week which include Carol Singing, Christmas music and lights, and a Marquee in the Square to sell a range of food and crafts. All this is designed to help keep money in the town.
Once Christmas is out of the way, the group hopes to focus on a number of broader issues affecting the town. A major issue at present is the lack of an industrial zone in the area to allow new light industrial businesses to open or allow existing businesses to expand. Also, the group feels that tourism should be promoted and encouraged. The area is one of outstanding natural beauty with a great facility in The Millstreet Country Park. Any increase in tourism would surely benefit everyone in the town.
Millstreet Development Group has plenty of work to do, but with the enthusiasm and hard work of its members and support from the wider community it should prove to be a big benefit for the town.
Millstreet Development Group meet every Tuesday night in the Wallis Arms at 9pm, and all are welcome to come, listen and contribute. The above message was submitted by the MDG Secretary.
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