Spring Farm Machinery Show

PREPARATIONS are now well under way for the third annual Spring Farm Machinery Show which will take place at the Green Glens Arena in Millstreet on the afternoons and evenings of 12, 13 and 14 of January 2010.

This exciting and innovative event will feature all the leading tractor and machinery dealerships in the area, numerous new exhibitors have booked with many previous companies requesting additional space.

The Spring Farm Machinery Show takes place at a time of year when farmers and contractors are looking forward to the season ahead and are keen to embrace new technology and ideas, our aim is to afford them this opportunity by bringing together a wide variety of exhibitors all in one venue in the comfort of heated indoor halls.

Read the full article on the Corkman Newspaper

More promotional information for the show is shown below:

[read more …] “Spring Farm Machinery Show”

Battling the Freeze

ice storm - NOAAThe Corkman reports this week that lots of houses in Millstreet are without water

…and at least 16 new houses in an estate in Millstreet were also without water.
The Corkman understands that one resident in Millstreet was without water for the past three weeks…

Read the full article on The Corkman website

[read more …] “Battling the Freeze”

Millstreet 2009 – A Year in Review (Jan – Mar)

2009 saw Millstreet maintain a positive image with numerous highlights. In the first of a four-part series, John Tarrant gives an appraisal of January, Febuary, March


A New Year’s Day charity swim at the Boeing aids Millstreet Hospital.

The two day Millstreet Coursing meeting enjoyed favourable weather as a dedicated band return to the Millstreet Town Park.

Altar Girls introduced to serve at masses for the very first time.

Millstreet Mother and Toddler group celebrate 10th birthday.

Cullen and Special Needs Association launch annual Weigh In.

Patrons either side of the county bounds take the trip to the Rathmore Marian Players pantomime “Mother Goose”.

See the full article on the Corkman website

[read more …] “Millstreet 2009 – A Year in Review (Jan – Mar)”

Cork Strategic Retail Study

Cork City Council have published a Strategic Retail study of Cork City and County. There are some interesting references to Millstreet, but what i find interesting is the part of

Millstreet is a smaller town than either Charleville or Mitchelstown, but which nevertheless supports a reasonable amount (4,200m2) of retail floorspace, of which three quarters (3,100m2) is comparison goods and dominated by a single large store retailing predominantly furniture. Millstreet functions as a County Town and has the potential to expand the retail provision by the exploitation of opportunity sites in and around the town centre.

It expects the the population of Millstreet to be 1,270 in 2011 (this surely is the population of the town only) but does not give the expected population in 2020 like it does for other large towns like Mallow / Fermoy / Youghal / Kinsale which expect their population to grow by between two and three times … which seems astonishing in such a short length of time.

However, if you are interested in this kind of thing, it’s worth a read.