Macra Waxing Night

On Saturday 6th February the newly reformed Millstreet Macra club held a Waxing night to raise funds for the club in Corkery’s Bar. In a fundraiser that could  only be devised by the ladies, the lads were forced to endure the pain of waxing … in the full view of everyone

Above are a few photos from the night, though if you become a friend of the Millstreet Macra group on Facebook, there’s nearly 100 photos of the night to see, as well as seeing everything else that’s happening in Macra.

Also, this Friday night (26th Feb) there’s a Macra Meeting in Corkery’s at 9pm. “New Members always welcome :), why not come and see what it is all about!

Breeda Broderick

She was Breda O Connor before becoming Pat Broderick’s wife
In Millstreet she raised her children and lived there for the most of her life
But a heart that was full of kindness sad to say forever still
And she will be missed by many in the Town by Clara Hill,
In Millstreet in Duhallow the changes happening fast
And memories of times gone by are all that seem to last
Yet in memory she has not died as she was she does remain
And in our mental pictures of her she looks well and young again
I last saw Breda Broderick years ago and far away
In the West End of Millstreet Town on a cold November day
A harsh wind blew from Clara Hill quite cold enough to snow
But as ever she was happy she possessed the inner glow
In the minds of those who knew her she’s still living and she hasn’t aged a day
‘Tis only her mortal remains in the Millstreet graveyard lay.

by Francis Duggan

RTE Player goes Worldwide

RTÉ Player International Range of programmes available This article is aimed at those that are out of Ireland (and there are more and more of ye these days) .

RTÉ Player which for the last six months has allowed viewing of TV programs online for three weeks after they have been aired on TV, but which was limited to Ireland, has now gone worldwide. So, if you’re in London, New York, Sydney, Hong Kong or Milan, you will be able to catch up with what is happening back in Ireland.

On in the past it has been frustrating to point to a video on RTE, but those abroad have not been able to see it. Hopefully this now solves most of those problems

Obviously due to copyright issues it will not show foreign produced programmes, but will show most of the home produced programmes.

And, also new is the 24 hour online RTE News and current affairs channel.