A RECOGNITON for total commitment and excellence in community, sport, culture and enhancing the life of others is evident on the selection of the Millstreet People of the Year Awards.
Friday, 12 March, in the Wallis Arms Hotel, will present an opportunity for Millstreet to honour people valued and appreciated not only by their own community but beyond.
The categories and recipients are Hall of Fame, Fr. Paddy O’Byrne; Service to Youth, Youth Club Leaders; Cultural Award James Linehan; Achievement Award, Stephen O’Riordan; Service to the Community, Eily Buckley and Unsung Hero, Moira O’Keeffe from Cullen.
This and more on the horse fair, St Patricks Day Parade, Scór, GAA and much more can be read on this weeks Millstreet Matters on the Corkman newspaper.