Parish Newsletter 1st August 2010

Parish Newsletter – Ballydaly, Cullen, & Millstreet

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 1st August, 2010

Fr. John Fitzgerald P.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile 087-7752948

Email: <email>


MONDAY-TUESDAY-FRIDAY 10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Maria Healy, Curracahill

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter 1st August 2010”

Brendan heading to Afghanistan

LATE LAST year, Ranger Brendan O’Mahony from Millstreet, Co Cork had work as a carpenter on the few building sites still operating in west Cork. Next month, he will be in Nad-e-Ali in Afghanistan facing the Taliban.
Twenty-four-year-old O’Mahony, who signed up last November, is just one of 80-odd men born in the Republic and hundreds more from Northern Ireland who are now serving with the British army’s Royal Irish Regiment.
“The fall of the Celtic Tiger didn’t affect me. I was still working. That wasn’t why I joined. It was something I always wanted to do. My father did 22 years in the Irish Army. I thought the British army would be more of a challenge,” O’Mahony says.
“It’s challenging,” says O’Mahony. “My younger brother is jealous and my sister thinks it’s a bit mental.”

The above is an extract from an article in today’s Irish Times

[read more …] “Brendan heading to Afghanistan”

Drishane Drama Camp

Drishane Drama Camp Concert was held on Friday, 30th July 2010.   For the past two weeks a wonderful combination of international and local young people took part in the splendidly creative project.    The Concert presented a most enjoyable mixture of song, dance and drama.  There will be a full report with lots of pictures in next week’s “Corkman”.   Great credit is due to all who helped to co-ordinate the magnificent presentation.  Here we share the first of a number of images from this uplifting event at Drishane, Milllstreet.  (Seán)

Enjoying refreshments following the superb Drishane Drama Camp Concert on Friday, 30th July