Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1027 from Millstreet.
Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely Tuesday morning with an air of Autumn.
Our first word this morning will have to go to our victorious Cork team on their nail biting win against Dublin on Sunday. They did us proud, well done also to our own Set dancing team on coming second at the All Ireland finals of Fleadh na h-Eireann, which were held in Cavan town at the weekend.
Our Pipe Band was very busy attending key events, The Rose of Tralee parade on Saturday evening and the Michael Collins Memorial service at Beal na Blath on Sunday. and well done to them also.
Notes for Clara News went in at the Weekend and the next copy is due out on Sunday, September 5th.
This is Heritage Week with lots of special events planned to celebrate it. Our lovely Country Park is celebrating the first year of their magnificent water falls, Mont des Arts. With a full program to mark it. Look up their Web Page.