Death Notice: Sr. Brendan Cronin

The death has occurred on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 of Sr. Brendan CRONIN of Scartaglin, Co. Kerry and Drishane, Millstreet. At St Joseph’s Convent, Model Farm Road. Reception prayers this Wednesday evening at 7pm at Church of the Holy Spirit, Dennehy’s Cross. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Thursday, at 11am. Funeral afterwards to Drishane Cemetery, Millstreet.

Sean Radley retires

Yesterday saw the end of an era as Seán Radley officially retired from his teaching position in the Presentation National School. As a teacher he has been renowned for the quality of his work, emphasised by the fact that he was asked to give lectures in universities in Cork and Dublin. Most in Millstreet know Seán through the schools, or through his tremendous work in the community with Millstreet Museum, LTV2, and more recently here on, and his efforts in the community are appreciated by all. We wish him well with this transition, and we are sure that he’ll be as ever-present in the community as before.

Jim Walks the Banks of Blackwater

Jim’s Plan for Walk.
Day 1. Monday 30th Aug: Muinganine to Millstreet.
Day 2 Tues 31st: Millstreet to Mallow.
Day 3. Wed, 1st Sept: Mallow to Fermoy.
Day 4. Thur: Fermoy to Lismore.
Day 5. Fri.: Lismore -Cappoquin – Strancally/Knockanore
Day 6. Sat, Knockanore – Youghal.

Jim O’Malley ends his first day of his River Blackwater Walk from where it rises near Ballydesmond down to Youghal.   Denis Burns from UCC accompanied Jim on Day One.  Brendan Murphy and I recorded the historic event for LTV2. (Seán)