Google Street View of Millstreet

Community School Students on their lunch break outside Centra at the West End wave at the Google Street Car in May 2009

Google have today launched their Street View of Ireland, and Millstreet is included in that. For those that don’t know what Street View is, it places panoramic photos from the street every 10 or so metres on top of Google Maps. Most of the local roads are covered too, even out in the countryside. It is very impressive.

If you haven’t been to Millstreet, or haven’t been there in a while and would like to see how it has changed, then click here to start in the Square.

It appears that the Google Street Car visited Millstreet sometime in May 2009 (the election posters are up around town). Included below are dozens of people caught by the Google cameras in Millstreet (more being added all the time).

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