Undoubtedly, you will recognise the wonderful Concertino who brought such superb colour, joy, humour and happiness to Millstreet during the very memorable European Juggling Convention 2006 (EJC2006) during that Summer of magnificent weather. Now, European television has made a truly excellent half-hour documentary on this most inspiring gentleman whose attitude to life he expressed on the card he is holding in his hand at Green Glens in 2006 – “Follow your heart and live your dreams!” . You can now, for the next 25 days (only), view this most uplifting documentary and hear again that wonderfully happy laugh on http://arenan.yle.fi/video/1417950 – Happy viewing! (Seán)
Day: November 9, 2010
Building Your Own Home?
Are you thinking about building your own home? If so IRD Duhallow is proposing to deliver a training course to prepare, advise and educate first time buyers for the duration of the building of their new home. We will explore the following: Choosing a site in line with the value and sensitivity of your surrounding landscape in Duhallow; Choosing your architect, solicitor and financial institution; Designing your home to suit your needs and lifestyle; planning permission process; Commencement of construction and building process; Interior Decoration of dwelling and Landscaping of site and entrance. To express your interest in partaking in this workshop please contact Mary McHugh on 029 60633
LTV2 Crew Preparing Programme 167