For "Tiger" the cat who has become quite a website celebrity since appearing doing a "snow roll" behind Postman Supreme, John Twomey, we felt you might like an update!
Brendan Murphy recording for LTV2's Christmas Programme. Thanks to Brendan we got to visit Keale Bridge, The Glebe Road, Drishane and the Boeing today. Lots of these scenes will feature on the LTV transmission on Christmas Day. Broadcast begins at 5.00 p.m. with a recording of tonight's Midnight Mass in Millstreet. Over the next few days we shall feature some of the magical images we captured today - truly fascinating scenes. All the Teams associated with our Local Website and with LTV2 Millstreet wish to extend Blessings and Good Wishes to All for a very Happy & Peaceful Christmas and may 2011 will be a very Bright and Joyful Year for Everyone.
What a wonderfully heartwarming meeting between Gearóid Moynihan and Niamh Kavanagh at Green Glens, Millstreet in September 2010! Surely the winning smiles of the year!
Niamh Kavanagh, Eurovision 1993 Winner, visited Millstreet in September 2010 to participate in a major Australian Television Documentary entitled “The Secret History of the Eurovision Song Contest” which is scheduled to be broadcast before Eurovision 2011 which occurs on 15th May (the exact date on which the Millstreet Eurovision took place in 1993). During her brief visit – she stayed at [read more …] “The True Spirit of Christmas as Expressed by Gearóid & Niamh”
Dedicated members of the Altar Society - Sheila, Margaret M. and Margaret T. - prepare the exquisite Altar for Christmas at St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet on 23rd Dec. 2010.
Our “Snow Tour” of Millstreet on this Thursday could, in fact, be called our “Frost Tour” today such was the picturesque effect of the overnight frost on the the trees and bushes. We take you close to the Finnow River on Clara Road and into the busy town. People doing their very best to complete their Christmas shopping in daytime temperatures which did not rise above minus 4 degrees throughout the day. In the Church we note the preparation of [read more …] “Preparing for Christmas on a Frosty Thursday, 23rd Dec. 2010”